Drones for Scouting


Long Time Member
This seems farfetched to me, but my son-in-law says they have drones (small planes and copters) that are not too expensive and that a camera can be mounted to that have all sorts of uses. He says realtors are using them for aerial marketing photos and video, and they could be used for scouting.

Seems like everything else has gone-high tech so the deer (or whatever critter) have less of a chance. I know BESS will have a major tune up in mind, but has anyone heard about this?

Heck, maybe you could fly one out and fire a gun or missle at the deer, get the GPS corrdinates after it is dead, then go fetch it.

What is the hunting world coming to?
I actually work in the "remote sensing" business, but for forestry, not big game.

First off let me say, I think scouting/hunting with drones should be illegal.

The logistical problem with trying to use them for hunting and scouting is battery life. But this will eventually be overcome.

Drones have a lot of good uses especially in agriculture, but a lot of bad ones like government/big brother and also hunting.
....farm crop advisors are using them now to scout treetop problems in orchards.......they are here to stay. Range is the problem now...but will increase daily just like "memory" did.

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
Will they Endure a 300 Grain Slug from a 375 RUM?

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
We placed language in a bill this year about the use of drones and harassing wildlife in Oregon. Drone use is a growing industry and their use is unlimited. Several private companies have popped up selling drones for all kinds of applications. Think chute plan scouting without the person and a recorded video of the entire trip with GPS readings. This will not be good for wildlife.

"This will not be good for wildlife."

I understand the oposition to drones, and I personaly don't want to use one for hunting, but why would it be bad for wildlife?
I guess it is true Amazing. I hope we do get legislation that makes this illegal. Unless BESS comes up with a drone-seeking missle for about $25, then I hope we have open season on the buggers.
It's all about who gets the biggest buck or bull.There are definitely those who will jump all over this-guaranteed.Just think how famous you could be in the hunting world!!
My buddy here at work is a big rc plane nut. He's been flying FPV (First Person View) for a few years now. I've seen a few video clips of him locating deer and elk and even hovering over them while he stood nearly a mile away at the controls. He's offered quite a few times to do some "scouting" for me. Each time I told him I'd pass. I would rather do it the hard way and end up with nothing if needed...

This drone locating thing can be done and done cheap. I hope they make it illegal as well.


Care to answer the question? Why is it bad for wildlife? If you don't answer I guess that will mean you never had one and just posted for no other reason than trash talk.

Thats all we need is another way to "one up" the wildlife. We have long range bows, muzzy, and rifles that shoot over 1200 yards, scopes that can see the size of the balls of the animal in pursuit. We have trail cameras to take pics 24-7 to show when and where the animal travels. All the technologies in the world for sent cover and noise. Night vision and heat vision glasses. Then this?!?!? So now we sit at the bottom of the canyon and fly the plane?chopper up and over the ridge to see of the animal is there. If not, move on, if so, go after it.

We need to give the animals a chance. There is a time to draw the line. I think that, personally, we have crossed the line. We need to give the animals a chance. WE ARE TAKING AWAY EVERY NATURAL SELF DEFENSE THAT THEY HAVE!!! AND FOR WHAT???? TO SAY I'M BADD A$$, LOOK AT MY ANIMAL THAT DIDNT STAND A CHANCE!! I used my rifle at 1200 yards with my drone plane that spotted him bedded in the shade on the hillside from 2 miles away?

Our wildlife is struggling ever more right now. Why? There are several answers, not just one! But this will not help mature trophy sized wildlife at all. They need to keep some of their senses.
I guess it isn't necessarily "bad for wildlife" any more than a guy with a legitimate hunting tag shooting a deer at night is "bad for wildlife".

The real problem with it is that it is "unsporting". Anybody can see that. Stop being such a contrarion.
Kinda questionable how effective a drone would be. Seems everywhere I hunt during the season the wind is always blowing. Can't imagine someone with a drone would be willing to fly it if the wind was blowing more than 10 mph conditions in the mountains. But hey, if its legal, more power to ya.
Thankyou for answering Robiland. Now why does the government need to decide when a huntable big game animal needs to "stand a chance"?
"The real problem with it is that it is "unsporting". Anybody can see that. Stop being such a contrarion."

This has nothing to do with being a "contrarion". This has everything to do with showing yall one of the greatest mistakes states use in managing your herds that no one is talking about. Now, why is it the governments job to decide what is sporting or not, and why do you worry about what other people do that is unsporting in regards to wildlife?

If not, then we will wipe them off the face of the earth. OUr declining mule deer and other big game animals will disappear at a faster rate.

I know that the government runs the Fish and Game, but the fish and game needs to make it clear that this cant happen. Thats why we dont, or are not supposed to hunt at night. For example, they have set times for waterfowl hunting. If I could hunt another 15-30 minutes after the shooting light ends, I could always fill my limit. Or Same in the morning, nothing better than having birds landing in the decoys before light and looking at the hunting buddies with grins on the face. If they let use shoot birds before and after light, we will decimate the population. SAME goes for the big game and hours and drones and all other rules that they make.

Common sense to me.
"If not, then we will wipe them off the face of the earth."

Why would we whipe them off the face of the earth? Do you not believe that the state wildlife agencies could set a harvest limit and properly enforce and insure issuance of tags and regulation of harvest?

Are you starting to see the problem with how the states are managing your deer? Can you see the largest and most flexible variable in the management model of most big game species has been danced around? Why do you think those rules exist for legal shooting times, and having plugs in shotguns, etc????
"Why do you think those rules exist for legal shooting times, and having plugs in shotguns, etc????"
"Do you not believe that the state wildlife agencies could set a harvest limit and properly enforce and insure issuance of tags and regulation of harvest?"

Exactly! Why should they have to do more. Just set the rule now so that in the future there is not more work than needs to be done.
For example: Harvest quota on drone assisted animals? Why? Thats the dumbest thing ever!!!

They have rules and quotas in place already. But with technology changing every day, they need to "Update" the rules and eliminate foreseeable problems. Hence, the drone assisted killing of animals for the lazy hunters.
I wish I had this for use on the crowded beach during Spring Break back in the day. Locate the hot ones and then head that direction. Add in facial recognition software and could check for background issues such as FaceBook posting and Tweets before decide if is worth the effort. Sell the drone with the i.d. software as a kit. Maybe call it the Big Droner package.
"Exactly! Why should they have to do more. Just set the rule now so that in the future there is not more work than needs to be done."

They are doing more by making more rules. Those rules cost tem money to enforce. Not righting the rule is actually doing less.

"For example: Harvest quota on drone assisted animals? Why? Thats the dumbest thing ever!!!"

I am not pushing for a harvest quota of drone assisted animals. I want a real harvest quota. Not a permit number that bets on percentages of success versus failure. That is gambling with the resource and the states are doing it year after year. It is one of the largest reasons your big game is a crashing.

"They have rules and quotas in place already."

They have rules and very very few quotas. The vast majority of big game permits are sold trying to balance opportunity, harvest, and failure and somehow we think a bunch of government employees psychic abilities to manage our harvest.

" But with technology changing every day, they need to "Update" the rules and eliminate foreseeable problems. Hence, the drone assisted killing of animals for the lazy hunters."

No they need to eliminate rules which will decrease spendign by the state agencies and establish true harvest quotas. Who cares what hunter is lazier than another hunter. The minute the state issues the tag they assume the deer is whacked. Why should the state be regulating competition in harvest when they can't even regulate the harvest?
Personally, I think it is a GREAT idea!
Just like importing wolves into California.

As I see it, it is simply an opportunity to have something else to shoot at, and I am going to begin development of a "drone load" for the various firearms that I use.

Has to be as easy as taking down a honker or a crow at 70 or 80 yards. Unlike birds,.....I doubt they can take much of a hit and remain airborne.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
LAST EDITED ON May-14-13 AT 07:24AM (MST)[p]I have heard one of the top trophy guide services in Utah and Arizona has already gotten ahold of a couple of the early prototypes, anyone else confirm this?
I have also heard the Arizona Game and Fish dept is considering a law that outlaws any sort of harassment or vandalism of webcams, game cameras or spotting drones, I sure hope Utah and the other states get on board soon.
It starts with spotting drones, the next thing you know the government will outlaw rifle scopes and binoculars.
I thought Doyle Moss had already hired all of the drones in the western states. Did I miss something?

I would never use a drone or a guide service to pursue big game. I actually like to hunt and my "trophy" wall proves it. You guys would laugh at my mounts, but each one is special to me because of the associated hunt.

What is the difference between buying a drone for scouting and paying a guide $10,000 to let you pull the trigger on an animal his "drones" found for you? If success rates go up, tag numbers will come down.

You don't have to use a drone if you don't want to or can't afford it. You don't have to use a rifle, you can choose a bow. You don't have to buy a bow, and arrows, you can make your own. You don't have to ride, you can choose to hike, from your house. We all take advantage of technology to some degree.

Telling someone they must forego the use of some new technology because it doesn't conform to your belief system is no different than someone telling you not to hunt because it doesn't fit in with their belief system.

That is about as close as I have come to agreeing with Tristate on anything and it made me throw up a little into my mouth!
LAST EDITED ON May-16-13 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]My post was meant to be sarcastic.
Of course spotting drones should be outlawed, just like poison arrows, spotlighting and 6 gauge shotguns are outlawed, I can't believe anyone would be against every law designed to give wildlife a sporting chance.

Agreeing with Tristate would create more than just a little throw up in my mouth
"My post was meant to be sarcastic.
Of course spotting drones should be outlawed, just like poison arrows, spotlighting and 6 gauge shotguns are outlawed, I can't believe anyone would be against every law designed to give wildlife a sporting chance."

A deer being hunted with a poison arrow has ten times the "sporting chance" of a deer being hunted with a .300 RUM. Those laws have nothing to do with giving animals "sporting chances". They have everything to do with a broken management model for wildlife and your poison arrow law has to do with public safety. Its good wildlife can suffer so you can keep from throwing up a little in your mouth.

You're right that banning drones may not have anything to do with giving the animals a sporting chance. I could very reluctantly give you that point, although I still believe that everything that gives hunters an additional advantage takes the sporting aspect of the hunt away. Whether that be game cameras, drones, long-range rifles, etc. There has to be, and should be a reasonable, responsible, and ethical line that 99.9% of the hunting community can agree to.

But, I also believe that as hunters, we should be assured a quality experience. We're paying ALL the freight for wildlife management, and I dont believe asking for a hunt without some d-bag flying around with his drone every 5 minutes is asking too much.

I have no problem with peoples "rights"...up to the point that their rights start infringing on mine. The last thing any hunter needs to worry about is a drone flying over and jacking up their hunt.

The simple fact that hunters have been imposing laws on themselves since game management started, and that they fund the entire wildlife program, the expectations of a quality experience is not asking much. The investment we've all made in regard to wildlife management and hunting, banning something like drones from ruining a hunting experience, is well worth it.

Wyoming will ban them, no question...and I know that for a fact.
This is the best response I have seen on this thread yet. Everyone else on this thread has been complaining about a basic "fairness" issue that does nothing more than legislate towards a bigger problem. A basic feeding the monster type scenario. However if you and others actually want to be against drones for the simple reason of peace amongst the wild as you pursue your sport, I can see where you are coming from. Basicly the arguement of Tyrone and his ghetto blaster doesn't need to be in my wilderness campsite.

As for whether Wyoming will ban drone use in certian situations I am pretty sure them and almost all states will. Thats what they do. They are not interested in changing the management model of wildlife right now.
It goes beyond Tyrone and his ghetto blaster, there are limits to what advantages sportsmen can use to kill their quarry, and there always have been.
While it may be hard to limit what rifle someone can use, I think a majority of hunters will be for laws that prohibit drones.
Is it just me or is tristate a narcissistic jerk that takes every post he can and try and turn it into how philosophical and noble he is by being the devils advocate? Look guy, stop trying to be like a college professor that tries to make his class "think". Man, every single post I have read from you screams "look at me." Is this what Oprah was talking about, when moms don't hug their kids enough? If so, everyone hug your kids so they don't turn out like him. How do your friends stand you? It must suck being around someone like that. Oh wait let me guess. Everyone looks to you because of your infinite wisdom. What a joke.
"Why do you worry about what other people do that is unsporting in regards to wildlife?" This ranks right up there with "I think I could even be a friend to a murderer" for all time most moronic statements made by Tristate.

"Why do you worry about what other people do that is unsporting in regards to wildlife?" Really? This question didn't look stupid to you when typed out on the screen? Clearly you won't get it and never will.
"It goes beyond Tyrone and his ghetto blaster, there are limits to what advantages sportsmen can use to kill their quarry, and there always have been."

Once again you are totally incorrect. There was a time when your state and federal governments did not care in the least bit the methods people used to kill their quarry.
If you would quit worrying about your feelings and read you would notice I am not playing "devils advocate" at all. First of all I don't see any evil here at all. Second I am trying to let yall see that the management tool of regulating hunt failure isn't a productive management tool at all for wildlife. Everyone on here wants better more cost effective wildlife management to secure their sport for future generations but no one wants to look at it objectively. Its easier to call people names when you don't even know what the names mean.
""Why do you worry about what other people do that is unsporting in regards to wildlife?" Really? This question didn't look stupid to you when typed out on the screen? Clearly you won't get it and never will."

No I "get it". I "got it" when I was twelve. By the grace of God I grew up and realized who "gets it" isn't important anymore. Fighting over control over how someone else kills a deer is no different than you fighting over what size bat a guy can swing in a baseball game you don't even play in. Maybe I believe in little things like liberty and staying out of other people's business than you do. There used to be a time when that was a quality characteristic. Now the only virtues hunters value is crying like titty babies over their welfare tags and whether someone else isn't hunting "fair".
LAST EDITED ON May-18-13 AT 08:17AM (MST)[p]Your right Tristate, I should have said over the last century or so.
The history of game management is an interesting one, from the old market hunting days to modern spotting drones, its always been a challenge.
There is no doubt that modern North American wildlife management model has been a huge success.
"Fighting over control over how someone else kills a deer is no different than you fighting over what size bat a guy can swing in a baseball game you don't even play in."

I "play" in this game and so does everyone on this website...hence we actually give a crap how it's done. With your logic, why aren't you just buying surplus land mines and picking up the deer scraps with a bucket? Heaven forbid "the man" keep you down.

"Maybe I believe in little things like liberty"

So...banning drones in hunting is stepping on your liberty? Man, you've got it rough. The audacity of it all! If they ban drones then the next thing you know they'll come for the women and children! You're like the modern day William Wallace. Keep up the good fight.

Please look up the definition of devils advocate. It is not a term used to describe evil. People here do not always need you to help them think. The only name I called you was a narcissistic jerk. I know what that means and I mean it. You are a narcissistic jerk. Look it up.
I thought it was already illegal to fly in pretty much all western states anyway, some within 48 hours of an open season, some not at all. A drone is still flying, just cuz no one is in it its still flying during a big game hunt is it not???
Why does every post you respond to end up like a new set of tighty whitieys with a skid mark in em? LOL


who farted?
How come every time I start debating with people here they realize they don't have an argument and just resort to talking trash about me? The last five posts people can't even defend themselves.
It's nanny politics and you know it. Taking away so eons liberty to fly a drone and next time you may not have anyone on your side when they tell you that you can't drink coke anymore, or maybe they will tell you you just can't hunt at all anymore.
"Taking away so eons liberty to fly a drone and next time you may not have anyone on your side when they tell you that you can't drink coke anymore, or maybe they will tell you you just can't hunt at all anymore."

So...a new rule on a new technology is going to lead you down the slippery slope of not getting your Big Gulp? haha man you've got your priorities...I'll give you that. First drones then Big Gulps. Thanks for liberating us!
Yes Tristate, 99% on this site are the problem, not you. Man you're something else. I would hope that not too many of your clients do not read this site. I know it would be hard for me to do business with someone who has your thought process.
I do have clients on this site and I think if you knew me in person you would know I speak and live exactly like I do here. If I am speaking to any person about hunting whether in my business or in any social arena all I can do is speak the truth. Some people don't like it but plenty of men still appreciate honesty, even when they disagree with me.
Yeah, a drone launched from a 4-wheeler, feeding video back to a monitor. Maybe even armed, with infrared and rangefinding capability. Ability to take critters at 1000 yds plus of course. mtmuley
Thanks for finding that. It was awesome. The drone technology available to public is even better than I imagined. I'd like to see some drone footage of some monster muleys for sure.

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