Driving through...around...SLC


Long Time Member
I hate taking the freeways in my truck, makes me feel a bit pinned in.

This summer I'm gonna take a bike trip from Reno to Grand Junction. Is there a way to drive around SLC as opposed to driving through it? 215 is just as bad as 15.

Mebbe get one of you guys to clear the way.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I don't know the road #'s but if you are coming in from I-80 you can go through Tooele and Lehi into Utah county. You can then take a road around the west side of Utah lake and out payson to spanish fork and get on Highway 6 on out to I-70. Probably would be much more enjoyable than the free ways.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-11 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]reno to grand junction by way of salt lake city. 12 hours 16 minutes 767 miles.

reno to grand junction by way of US-50 E (Ely, Nv, Delta, Ut, Salina Ut) then I-70 E to grand junction. same time at: 12 hours 16 minutes 716 miles (save 51 miles) No city freeways. Much nice drive across Nevada because Highway 50 has not salt flats and is green and grassy for the next 2 months.

google maps will give you the US 50 route as second choice because they assume you'd rather stay on the freeway all the way.


PS: Call me when you get to Salina and I'll buy you lunch at Mom's Cafe. (World Famous but I'm not sure why! :)
Motor Bike???


Pedal Bike?

If you're on a Pedal bike just remember one thing!

Parleys ain't bad once you reach the top!:D

If you're on a Motor Bike quit being a Pussie & join the Mormon 500!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Krud! Doc, if Reno to Grand Junction is your idea of a vacation you should seek a good doctor or perhaps a divorce lawyer.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
2lumpy. I was in Salina today & nobody offered to buy me lunch at moms. Sniff!!!


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
From Reno, go to the Canadian border or to the Mexican border if you have to. DO NOT drive the Mormon 500!

I will on the mormon 500 on tueday about mid day Got to make a trip back home.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-11 AT 10:46PM (MST)[p]PS: Call me when you get to Salina and I'll buy you lunch at Mom's Cafe. (World Famous but I'm not sure why!

Gee, where were you back in 2000 when we stayed there in that town for a week??? But if you make it to MOM's for breakfast, lunch or dinner by all means get their special deep fried dough w/ honey butter...can't think of the name right now. It's famous because it was in an old National Geographic Magazine in the 1950s. The food is OK now by todays standards but nothing to rave about or so we thought in 2000.

Was there back in 2007 for lunch only and just a plain jane lunch I thought.

P.S. Hey Hickory Dickory DOC....take the HWY 50 through NV less traffic and maybe NVB will buy you lunch at his hidden Restaurant in Fallon. Then stop in Eureka, NV and eat at the OWL Cafe. Then in Ely on your way east is a GREAT MEXICAN restaurant on the leftside of street all painted up in white color...good food.

The mormon 500 is a blast. Just add 15-20 mph to any speed limit and wait til the last second to signal when changing lanes. Its easy. Just dont forget to glare at anyone going the speed limit. Also if traffic is comming to an abrupt hault its always fun to cut infront of semi trailers.
the term in utah it's: "scone" or in monument valley it's "navajo fry bread" or at christensen's house it's a "flapjack".

my phone wasn't ringing in 2000 either, I was waiting, you never cal either. must be something I never said, or not.

truth is: 16 miles over to richfield's "steve's steakhouse" is a tich better for real food, AWHOLELOT, can explain.

Hey WHOLELOT, I still got a ribeye with your name on it over there but it's starting to get a little extra tender waiting on you!

>The mormon 500 is a blast.
>Just add 15-20 mph to
>any speed limit and wait
>til the last second to
>signal when changing lanes. Its
>easy. Just dont forget to
>glare at anyone going the
>speed limit. Also if traffic
>is comming to an abrupt
>hault its always fun to
>cut infront of semi trailers.

I love the Mormon 500,best thing about going to Utah.
Did it in a camper a month ago, we sure learn't them Utards a lesson or two.:D
I'm a native and I only drive that piece of shizz if I have to. If you like your vehicle you don't drive it on I-15 from Payson north to Ogden. I bet half the dirt roads in the state are smoother than I-15 right now.

It's always an adventure!!!

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