Drew Wyoming moose unit 35


Long Time Member
Well today turned out to be a good one. When I got home tonight I not only had a moose tag in the pile of mail, but my refund check form the sheep and goat draw. Now I can pay some bills.

LAST EDITED ON May-08-07 AT 09:53PM (MST)[p]Congrats to you Bill, hope that you get a big Bull.
Can I tell your Father-in-law tomorrow night at Eagles Dinner he will be eating Moose for Thanksgiven. LOL

Hi Brian, I hope to be eating moose for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I have not told him yet so you can if you see him. Stop by some time if you are in the neighborhood.

Will stop by and if you are not doing anything this Sat. will be in the parade and car show at Windsor Green this Sat.

Your father-in-law didn't make it tonight to the dinner, had some spot removed from his nose and has it bandaged up and didn't feel like going.


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