Drew New Mexico Antelope



Looks like I drew Ant. unit 13. I have been assigned to the Harriet ranch. Looks to be south of Datil. My hunt dates are Oct. 7 & 8 Anyone have any info on what I might expect?

Thanks, DS
Well, I don't know. Whats it like on the ranch? Are there lots of antelope on the ranch, or is it more of a trophy opp?

13 has a decent herd but not as many as the SE or the NE. There are some whoppers in 13. I would be holding out for daddy.
How far south of Datil? A friend and I had tags in that area two years ago. He hunted a little place right at Gutierrezville and killed a buck that was 16" and scored a hair under 82. There was a buck on the place to the east that looked to be 83" or 84", maybe better, stayed right on the fence of the ranch my friend was hunting and the guys that were hunting the ranch he was on never came up in that area and he was alive and well when we left. I hunted on south on a place at Horse Peak, this ranch has sold so I do not know what the new name is for it. Never saw one big enough on the place I was on, but saw a giant (85+) on the place to the north, I believe it was the Coker Ranch. Not alot of antelope, but beautiful contry with elk scattered through it and a chance for a monster pronghorn. One of the very best places in the world to shoot a world class antelope. How big is the place you are hunting? Go early and scout or hire help if the place is big, I have been told that the antelope are in good shape despite the dry spring. I will be in unit 13 that weekend as well. Good Luck.
I drew a 13 archery antelope this year, does anyone know of a rancher that would allow me to hunt for a trepass fee? I already have permission to hunt a 50,000 acre ranch with 80'+ bucks but would like to look at all options.

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