DreaminBig's Dirty Devil Ram



Here are the photos of Dreaminbig's DD Ram. WOW
A real HOG, way to go.


Very nice ram and congratulations on your success!! Looks like you are way happy with that big smile on your face as well you should be. Congrats.
I think I have a couple photos of that ram from my daughter's hunt last year. Damn good ram!

Last year, I went down during the season without her (work kept her in town) and I think I spotted this ram (maybe). We never could locate the ram when she was there to shoot him!

It's a great ram and congrats to the hunter for harvesting such a beauty. I love the DD.

I'm going down this coming weekend with a cousin and would like to hear what DreaminBig would share about their sightings. Please! [email protected]

Here's a few photos Tony sent me. They will just be a bit bigger than the ones posted above and hopefully will show a bit better what a great ram he took.




Congrats Tony you did a great job. Bill
Congratulations again Tony,
I was able to actually hold this heavy ram in my hands and I can tell you he is about as good a ram as you will find in the Utah Desert.
Great job for a bunch of Big Sky Country boys!
Now that we let you hunt a desert in Utah, how about you guys letting me hunt a Rocky in Montana? LOL
Thanks for sharing and good job with blowing up the pics billy!
Thanks guys. Typical sheep story. Hiked are A$$E$ off. Glassed til our eyes hurt and had headaches. Dodged lightning and hail storms by hiding in caves. Put the camp back together twice after the winds tore it apart. Saw 12 ewes and exactly one one RAM in 8 days. It was one of the hardest most enjoyable hunts I have been on.

Rick I have been trying to get you some pics, but the email I have you is not working???

You could email pics to me and I'll pass them along to Rick.
My daughter and I hunted the unit last year (along with friends, Rick & Spencer) and I posted Jessica's pics and the story on this site last year.

My email address it in the thread above if you are inclined to do so.

I would love to hear from you about your hunt since we are going down this weekend with a cousin who has a tag.

Congratulations again, Zeke
I sent you a PM with my address.
If you send the pics to Zeke, it might be a month before I see them because somehow, he would make me pay for them. JK

You have to admit though, that was the best $5 you ever spent!
And it also shows how tough a hunt that is for you to only see one ram in 8 days.
Anyway, great job.

That Desert Sheep hunting is TOUGH, one Ram in 8 days is a killer. It will be interesting to see how the DD pans out this year.

I am glad that is the Ram you saw, he is a shooter anywhere in Utah for sure. Way to go. You should be very proud of that animal.
Sounds like you worked hard for it.

Beautiful Ram! The hard work definitely paid off in your case.
HAHAHA I was just looking at the pictures and started to laugh. What do you guys think of that hat. I wasn't thinking when I grabbed it before the hunt. I bought that hat in Kodiak Alaska at the Kodiak Brewing company ( also bought a beer while there of course). Wore it on the sitka blacktail hunt. Then it traveled to Africa for a plains game hunt. It went goat hunting last year out of Cooke City Montana. And I've been wearing it guiding for elk this archery season in MT. Now I have pictures of it with my sheep. It is in rough shape but we've traveled a lot of miles together!!! Some times the strangest things amuse me.
It looks like a comfortable ole huntin' hat to me! I have a couple of favorites too. That hat will be known as your lucky hat now. It worked for you on the DD.


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