Drawing the Tag is the easy part......



I may live to regret this but here goes....

Why is it people loose their minds when they draw a Mt. Emily, Walla Walla, or Wenaha tag???? I have watched it year in and out on the internet and personally w/friends. People seem to have this unrealistic expectation of not only success but of some monster 350 inch or better bull riding home in the back of their truck. For those that apply to these units and draw be realistic. 370-380 bulls don't grow on trees and are even harder to hunt-I truly don't think I have personally seen a bull bigger then 350-360 in all my time in there and believe me after seeing most of the 240-280 six points everywhere else in Oregon a true 350 bull looks like a complete monster up close or through binocs. Be realistic in your ability to hunt-stamina, physical conditioning and mental toughness (being tired and frustrated are the name of the game). Also be realistic in the size of bull you are willing to take whether it is the first full framed 6point bull of any size or a 300 inch or better bull-its hard for me to understand someone who has never shot a 6point bull of any size holding out for a 350 or better bull. Unless you are truly someone who can go home and be happy about the experience of just hunting. But don't think that by drawing the tag you are guaranteed success or even an opportunity at a 350 or better bull they just simply aren't easy nor are there a pile of them waiting behind every tree. Take a look at any of the record books there are few bulls in Oregon above the 360 mark with either rifle or bow.

Drawing the tag really is the easy part if waiting years and years can be called easy-then comes the hard part actually hunting. Every year there are posts about how bad these three units are when someone goes home empty-handed or even when they kill a bull (about how it didn't live up to their expectation). Let me tell you the truth-most people whom hunt these units whether its archery or rifle eat their tag! Hence my tagsouper name-I ate my archery Walla Walla tag in 2002. Some eat their tag from lack of preparation whether preseason scouting, conditioning, the intimidation of the country, lack of mental toughness or simply because it's called hunting not shooting and things happen that affect success. I hate hearing the excuses about spike hunters, berry pickers, and other people recreating in the units out of someone?s frustration. Believe me there are lots of things that one can point to their success or failure but rarely is it one event-unless it is me blowing a cow call at the wrong time for a buddy and blowing an opportunity at less then 50 yards which truly did happen in 2008. But it was also not his only opportunity at a bull in the 15 days we hunted.

I have been lucky enough in the last 7 years to spend time hunting in Mt. Emily and Walla Walla well over 30 plus days total three different times (I only had 1 tag in that time) all during archery season. Plus spent sometime calling in bulls for my 6 and 7 year old daughters in the Wenaha (amazingly it was completely vacant of hunters and didn't screw anybody up! There was only 1 camp within 10 miles of us). A 300 inch bull at 6 yards is amazingly fun-to watch the kids shake so bad I had to laugh. Not 1 time in those 30 plus days have we had someone else blow an opportunity for shot nor did we even bump into a spike hunter during those hunts. Maybe a testament to where we were hunting or just plain lucky-doubt it. ATV?s in the Walla Walla are truly a pain in the ass during the weekends running the bottoms of the North and South Fork from Harris Park to the top sucks and tends to shut the elk up pretty good. But the Walla Walla itself is a pain in the ass as it is small area, steep-deep, brushy and the best places to hunt it have no public access.

All of these units are far better then any general unit I have ever hunted-if people want to continue to downgrade them great! It will only help me and my buddies out-don't apply if you don't know what you are ready for. I for one would love to have the tag more then 2 times the rest of my life. And if you've read this far down this is not a shot at DogSalmon or Blue Mt or anyone else it is simply?.THE TRUTH?.of public land hunting not Primos truth and $15grand ranches.
"Plus spent sometime calling in bulls for my 6 and 7 year old daughters in the Wenaha (amazingly it was completely vacant of hunters and didn't screw anybody up! There was only 1 camp within 10 miles of us)"

I did the same for my 2 daughters. Called 4, 6x6's in one morning. Each to less than 30 yards and was back at the camper for breakfast by 8. They loved it.

I hunted WW archery last year. Steep, deep, and too small.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-09 AT 00:22AM (MST)[p]i spent 11 days last year in weneha with my brother that had the brach tag. we were told by a guy that used to live in elgin that any thing under a 380 bull was a waste of that tag. our hopes were high,
we were not as prepaired as we thought we were not as in good of shape as we thought. if i remember right we saw 30 plus bulls over half 6 pts most of them out of shooting range only 4 or 5 would go over the 300 mark. one really really big bull that was on the sled springs side of the river. we saw bulls every day, we were with in range of bulls every day. we loved the hunt but thought it was over rated for the amount of points it takes. we tried a new spot on the last afternoon of the last day. and thats when it happened we found the monster we came for. a big 6x7 incredible main beams huge fourths and a 7 inch point coming off his right g5. its really a long story from this point. we didnt go home with that bull, or any other but there is not a day that goes by where we dont think about that elk or the hunt. i have 8 points and that is where i will be going some time with in the next 8 years.
The units are not managed for trophy hunting, it is because of low calf recruitment. That is why there are so few tags...period.
> The units are not managed
>for trophy hunting, it is
>because of low calf recruitment.
>That is why there are
>so few tags...period.

Not trying to be an @ss but.
I am tired of hearing this. I don't care how the bulls grow big. As long as there big. And if the calf recruitment is so low why do they give out so many spike tags. And kill last years calves? And don't they give out some cow tags in there to. Can't remember for sure about the cows.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-09 AT 01:56PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-09 AT 01:51 PM (MST)

Sorry to say but you aren't going there in 8 years if you only have 8 points now.

Soup, it's called "hunting opportunity".
>AT 00:22?AM (MST)

> i
>have 8 points and that
>is where i will be
>going some time with in
>the next 8 years.

You better have a lucky rabbit's foot...or 20 if you figure on drawing it anytime soon. Good luck with that!

In the last 5 years I've had a tag and bowhunted the Walla Walla, and helped friends in the Walla Walla and Wenaha. For some reason we've never bumped in to another hunter in the woods, and have seen some awesome bulls.

The Walla Walla is a very tough hunt, if yew know what I mean. Numerous times we had bulls at spitting distance and couldn't even see them.

I think there's some guys/gals that draw the Walla Walla tag and figure the country is just like the rest of the Blue Mtns with open Pine timber. Then when they realize the biggest bulls call those tag alder and yew thickets home, they tuck tail and head for home.

Wish yew wood have gotten up there sooner Wapitibob, don't yew? ;)
Yep. I just got there too late.
I would hunt 2nd and 3rd weeks, reserving the 4th. I would take a Honda 90 down and camp down in the btm, which is what I had planned originally.
I had Mt Emily archery tag this year. Was I disappointed at first when the hunt was over I think I even posted on here about it. Was I successful yes with what I wanted to kill a 6x6 sure I would of liked to have a 300+ bull and I should have I had 3 opps at the same bull twice 20 yards or less 1 time at 40 after a tree ate one of my earlier arrows and then again 2 weeks later my arrow fell victim to another tree. I gues you could say I had 4 opps at this bull because later the evening after the 3rd shot I got back into him got around in front of him he came out into an openning following a cow I did not have a call in my mouth to stop him I thought my buddy did behind me he went through the first openning when the cow got to the second I drew when I could see the bull I told my buddy now but nothing happened except the bull kept walking. I stayed put and a 1/2 hour later the other bull that was bugling came to me at 15 yards and the rest is history. he is what I wanted a 6x6 not much for score but a respectable 6x6 (250ish). I have not posted any pictures for one the file is to big and 2 I dont really care to hear people say you waited 9 years and that is all the bigger the bull you got. The fact of the matter is I waited 9 years to fullfill a goal a 6x6 because I could not get it done previously close a 5x6 and that to was a goal bull I wanted a bull with 6 pts on at least 1 side for my 6th bull. anyways back to the piont The only thing I guess I am disappointed in now is I was hoping to call down into a draw and have 5+ bull respond and that did not happen (guess I didn't find the right spot) 3 was the most. I saw alot of elk while scouting but did not see alot while hunting (10 days total) but did see elk every day sometimes they were at the limits of my binos but I did see them. Would I go back Yes I think I could hunt it better but I dont think I will wait 9+ years again. If everybody keeps bashing it maybe I'll go back next year who knows. Oh yes the bull that excaped me 310-320 with a cheater on the right side and I was also within 60 yards of another about the same size with no shot. I did run into people but none of them had a negative impact on the hunt I actually used another hunter to help kill my bull not by cutting him off or anything I simply sat on the ridge to listen to what happens and the bulls walked in front of me. Now 2 months later I have no regrets or real major disappointments. If people set goals to their abilities they would not be disappointed. Start small and work up not many people kill a 350 bull DIY their first try.
Great post tagsouper. I am a fellow tagsoup eater up in Washington. I had a wenaha tag this year and after multiple opportunities that I passed up on bulls I headed for home with my tag unnotched. I had this same tag in 07 and killed a 380 bull and so I went into this hunt with a goal of 350 plus and passed a 6x7 that was 340ish on day 2. I probably should have shot at that bull but stuck to my goals knowing I might regret it later which I do somewhat but that is bowhunting. While these Blues units are great elk hunts ,at least in Washington, it is still hunting and weather, hunting pressure or numerous other things can have a negative effect on your hunt. Every year people go home without killing a bull in all of these units and people are so suprised or think they must not have hunted hard or been in shape but it is still hunting and so many things can go wrong! On my hunt in 07 everything went right we called in lots of big bulls and I killed mine on day 4. This year I hunted the exact same spots for 9 days and saw, heard and called in far fewer bulls but I think it had a lot to do with the warmer weather this fall. Sure I was dissapointed, who wouldn't be, but it was still a great hunt with lots of memories. The muzzleload tag holder ate his tag as did the rifle rut tagholder in the wenaha this year! One thing I have learned after the last three years in the Blues is that no matter how great a hunt is bragged up to be none of them are a slam dunk! Be prepared as much as you can and know you will have to work very hard to get a good bull and it will take a lot of luck to get a great bull! I think this applies to all hunts. I am building points for Mt Emily and have watched these posts with interest wondering if I should just wait until things change. I have 9 points this year and figure I am a few years away and hope when I draw maybe I can get a few pointers from you guys who know the unit well. Oregon defenitely give out way more tags. Washington gave out 4 bow tags in the wenaha this year(our side is way bigger in acreage however)1 muzzie, and 7 rifle tags compared to double digit tags in Oregon. We are spike only too in our Blues units but they are defenitely managed for trophy bulls and our dept is doing a pretty good job in these units.And yes I know I was extremely lucky to draw 2 tags in three years. nwhunter
I agree with your assessments of quality hunts, especially with primitive gear.

I had a NV muzzy elk tag this year. Saw 100s of elk, 100+ bulls, took the 6th biggest on the 11th day. NO REGRETS!!! Only made a stalk on 2 of the 5 bigger ones. One a toad and I started that stalk @ 2:20 AM just to get close and got turned around in the dark. 2nd biggest was an unexplainable miss offhand at about 100 yards??????? That was on day 10.

The bull I took on day 11, I spotted bedded on day 7. 1000 yards, favorable wind and cover. After 15 minutes through the spotter I elected to pass. Early in the hunt my partner was talking me outta bulls. By the end he was wondering if I'd ever even make a move on one. I was having so much fun I didn't want it to end. If I would have wrote a script for my hunt it would have been just like it occurred.

I envy some of the huge bulls I see on here but also realize that the first time in a unit, no matter how prepared, you aren't guarenteed anything. And the problem with these type of units is you only get 1 or 2 chances at them in your life.

To close and end my rambling I agree that these type hunts are what you make them. I don't have a 350 bull at the taxidermist but when I get mine back, it'll be a reminder of a fantastic hunt and quality time with friends.
>I agree with your assessments of
>quality hunts, especially with primitive
>I had a NV muzzy elk
>tag this year. Saw
>100s of elk, 100+ bulls,
>took the 6th biggest on
>the 11th day. NO
>REGRETS!!! Only made a
>stalk on 2 of the
>5 bigger ones. One
>a toad and I started
>that stalk @ 2:20 AM
>just to get close and
>got turned around in the
>dark. 2nd biggest was
>an unexplainable miss offhand at
>about 100 yards??????? That
>was on day 10.
>The bull I took on day
>11, I spotted bedded on
>day 7. 1000 yards,
>favorable wind and cover.
>After 15 minutes through the
>spotter I elected to pass.
>Early in the hunt my
>partner was talking me outta
>bulls. By the end
>he was wondering if I'd
>ever even make a move
>on one. I was
>having so much fun I
>didn't want it to end.
> If I would have
>wrote a script for my
>hunt it would have been
>just like it occurred.
>I envy some of the huge
>bulls I see on here
>but also realize that the
>first time in a unit,
>no matter how prepared, you
>aren't guarenteed anything. And
>the problem with these type
>of units is you only
>get 1 or 2 chances
>at them in your life.
>To close and end my rambling
> I agree that these
>type hunts are what you
>make them. I don't
>have a 350 bull at
>the taxidermist but when I
>get mine back, it'll be
>a reminder of a fantastic
>hunt and quality time with

how long it take to draw that tag?...
this is how WW looks when you're about 1/3 of the way down.

>this is how WW looks when
>you're about 1/3 of the
>way down.

I recognize that "sweet spot" down in the shadows near that little ridge! That photo was taken not too far from the plane crash wasn't it Bob, or maybe one ridge downstream?
Are 350"-375" Bulls available in NE; YES, but not many. So with all the variables, the odds of getting within shooting range & then making it happen are very low! If you are not a hunter that is willing to treat it like a Sheep hunt & get off the roads/trails for days at a time; you WILL NOT kill a good Bull. Are the spike hunters a problem; YES, but if you understand Elk behavior (especially older Bulls) you can work around them with little troubles. The question is; wait 15 years to have 1 draw tag & likely end up with a 300" Bull, or draw 4-5 tags while learning a lesser unit & likely kill a couple Bulls of that caliber & have a ball doing it??
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