drawing quota


Active Member
when i look at drawing odds for different units they have different quota numbers for random tags than for special draw if i have five preference point and the state reserves a certain amount of tags for the special draw do i also get entered into the random draw if i apply for a unit that has enough tags to actually have a random draw. some units have no random draw because there are not enough tags to start with, is this right or am i misunderstanding something. I'm a little confused as you can tell. do they do the random draw first and then put you in the special draw or vice-versa. or do u only get one chance to draw. thanks preston
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-16 AT 02:32PM (MST)[p]Each unit has a total tag number of tags for NRs. 75% of that total goes to the PP draws and 25% goes to the random draws. There is then another split with 60% of those tags going to the Regular PP Draw and 40% goes to the higher priced Special PP Draw. Everyone is initially in the PP draw for whatever price tag they applied for and then everyone that has not drawn a tag for their first choice goes into the Random Draw where everyone is equal and no PPs are used. However, if you draw your first choice in that final random draw you still lose your PPs and go back to zero for the following year even though you didn't draw the tag in the PP Draw part of the system. You are correct in your comment about some units not having any random tags and it's because of that split and the fact that if the total tag number is very low there will be no random tags available or maybe only one or two.

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