Drawing Procedures?


How does your state draw for big game permits or tags? Do you like the way it works? Do you have to buy a hunting license and put up tag money when or before you can apply? How do you accrue bonus or preference points? How do your bonus or preference points increase your chance to draw a permit or tag? Do you have to sit out and not hunt for years at a time or can you draw a permit on a "second choice" and still retain your points? How are non-residents treated? I talk to people all across the country and some are happy while others are not. I have reviewed many different draw systems and found good and bad points in all. If we all put our heads together, maybe we can come up with a system that will be fair, economical and please most folks. How about some comments and or suggestions?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-11 AT 03:08PM (MST)[p]Nationwide lottery for every tag on public land, Price them up to the point you get the most apps for every permit and max out dollars for wildlife, no res/nonres distinction on public land. Private land gets landowner tags based on the properties carrying capacity and the tag is only good for that property. These are open market transferrable, drawn tags are not.

You could also say on federal lands there is no res/non res distinction, treat those as one pool, state lands can either go resident only or no distinction. Private is private, they are allowed the number of tags their land supports and they can use them or sell them.

Keep the money in habitat and hunting opportunity, increase the amount of animals to hunt, increase the amount of tags, more opportunity for everyone, best thing for the resource!

And no one would like it or vote for it, but it would be the best for the animals and provide the most opportunity.
Good thought, doenob, yet impossible to implement.

The best system is where I draw every tag for which I make application! Ya Hoo!

I am in NV.

We have a bonus point system. Have to have a hunting license before you can apply for game tags. Turkey, Deer, Elk, Sheep, Antelope and Goat. You can just buy a bonus point, or apply, and if not drawn, you are given a point.

Your bonus points are squared. Then you are given that many numbers, plus you current year. The lowest number is then taken for each person, and they are all put in numerical order. The computer goes down the line, and starts allocating tags where there is a tag left in the quota until all tags are filled, or it runs out of applicants.

I like this system here, particularly for sheep, goats, and elk, because we have so many applicants, and so few tags, that a true preference point system would completely elliminate people from EVER having a CHANCE at drawing.

With our current system, a person with 0 points can draw a tag.

To me its more like getting a whole bunch of raffle tickets, and there is always that person that only buys one and gets the best prize.



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