

Spike (Guest)

Does anyone really know how the draw works? I was talking to a game officer and he said that your second choise is really only to make you feel good about your chances, that the only way one would get there second choise is if the unit is under scribed. He also said that as far as those with Max points that those points are only good for your first choise then you are put back in the draw like everyone else with points. I have heard so many differnt takes on this my head is rolling around. Does anyone know for sure, or is everything just a blurr to you to.
depends on what state you're talking about. each is a little different.
For Utah the only way you can draw your 2nd choice is if the unit is undersubscribed. All units in Utah's LTD Bucks&Bulls draw have been gone by the first choices. Yes, there is the tiny possibility that an obscure CWMU or archery unit my go unnoticed one year, but it is highly unlikely. I get a kick out of some of my friends that put in for Pahvant elk 1st, Monroe 2nd, SW Desert 3rd, Wasatch 4th, etc... What a waste of ink.
the purpose of them is to put in for the special unit you want as first choice, then something that is a likely draw for the second. at least in wyoming. say a non res put in for region g deer. draw odds aren't great. they could put in for region J
, which is usually undersubscribed, as a second, and still get to come to wyoming to hunt.


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