
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-01-14 AT 05:58AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-01-14 AT 05:42?AM (MST)

Watching the local news and they said moose, sheep, mnt goat, bison will be out today. they said 10 am. posted on website to

hope I draw and not you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just kidding good luck fellow hunters

Pretty much the story of my life...
Good luck to the rest of you.
Drew a DIY sheep tag. Looking forward to this summer and fall.

Interesting to see the bull bison draw odds were 3% for residents and non residents. Apparently the higher up front fee's didn't scare away as many people as hoped...
Congrats on the sheep tag BBB.

I struck out, thought I had a good strategy for sheep this year, but a few people had a better one, and they also had one more point than I did. Always one year or point behind the game. If they reduce the quotas next year I'm screwed, too old for the game.
>Drew a DIY sheep tag.
>Looking forward to this summer
>and fall.
>Interesting to see the bull bison
>draw odds were 3% for
>residents and non residents.
>Apparently the higher up front
>fee's didn't scare away as
>many people as hoped...

***Congrats on your sheep tag and I hope you find and get a Booner! I just got off the website with the information for my buddy in Sherdian and he drew a resident bull bison tag for 002-1 and struck out on the other three. I know he'll want me to go on that hunt, but I doubt that as late as those bison hunts are that I'll be able to do it.
Well done BBB!
That's one of those "dream" tags but it was not in the cards for me this year. I hope you have a ball and take a fine trophy too.

I got a different "dream" tag.

MOOSE for me this year. A BIG thanks to my MM friend, BV!

Let the fun begin (actually, let it continue).
0/4 loser on the interesting hunts.

I at least will get to hunt WYO for the first time this year, with a 124 cow and 21 cow tag. I need to start training for hunting in hurricane force winds starting now.
Nothing for the wife and I. Congrats to you guys that drew! Had a good friend draw Moose area 23 though! Hope to make it on that hunt and help out!
>Drew a DIY sheep tag.
>Looking forward to this summer
>and fall.
>Interesting to see the bull bison
>draw odds were 3% for
>residents and non residents.
>Apparently the higher up front
>fee's didn't scare away as
>many people as hoped...

I think the odds actually got worse for bison with the up front fee!

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
I am finally at a PP level where I have some statistical chance of drawing in the PP pool for a couple of units. The unit I put in for only had one tag and it was drawn by someone with the same PP's as me. That sucks worse than not even being in the running.

It's probably for the best anyway as the Wyo sheep tag would have just interfered with the CO sheep tag I am sure I will draw.

I am seeing a Super raffle ticket in my future.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-14 AT 06:44PM (MST)[p]Way to go T-B!!!

Zeke if it is 'that' unit----anything I can do to help ya out----no problem-O

Finally, Unit 5 Moose! Wife asked when I was going and told her around September 20 and be back the end of October, maybe sooner? She reminded me that 10/1 was our 20th year of marriage and she wanted to do something special? Think back 19 year's to the first anniversity, what did we do I asked her? We both went to the airport together, she went to Vegas and a nice hotel/casino. I wound up in a spike camp in northern BC! Both of us had a great time!

Congrats to those who've drawn! Who knows, maybe the $30 donation I gave will bring a trifecta around...
Congratulations to those of you that drew. Wish you luck in your hunts. I got the all familiar unsuccessful for sheep and moose. Now I am the proud owner of 15 NR sheep points. Makes me wish I would of scraped up the extra cash to apply for Mtn. Goat also.


That is going to 'Firm Up' our hunting acct$ refunded!! haha


PS--Toss in Colo refund$ coming about the same timeframe----
>Drew a DIY sheep tag.
>Looking forward to this summer
>and fall.
>Interesting to see the bull bison
>draw odds were 3% for
>residents and non residents.
>Apparently the higher up front
>fee's didn't scare away as
>many people as hoped...

Seminoe Mtns should be a fun and easy hunt, congrats.
Way to go ce61!!!
26 is a great unit with lots of moose. Been there a few times and always found some bulls. My brother shot a fine bull with his bow but it's been a number of years ago now. Still seems like yesterday!
Lots of guys who have recent intel will be great help to you.
My cousin's son-in-law drew the tag too. Should be a great hunt.
Good luck!
Ha ha, We have had a run of pretty good luck the last 35 years. It all started with a desert sheep tag for my wife in 1980.

Your turn is next.
I have high-hopes for you drawing moose next year. The upper points guys are drawing out of the game and opening it up to guys in your points pool. It won't be too long for you now!

Good luck!
Got the tag in the mail today zeek. Now it's real! I haven't been this excited for a hunt in a while. The wife has a moose tag as well. It's going to be a busy fall. With a very full freezer( or two) at the end of it.
I'll bet not too many husband and wife teams draw moose tags in the same year!!! ....in different units! Lol.

It couldn't happen to nicer people (and relatives of mine).

You guys will be busy and I can't be much help since I'll have my hands full.

Congratulations to you both,
Yes, unit 2.

I have no idea how you would know that, Mr jm77!???

My unit of choice was 24 for years (I actually drew a tag there in 1976) then I switched to 26 for a number of applications with no luck.

Mr 30Hart went to unit 2 last year and did very well and he and I have become good friends so it made sense to follow his lead and jump to that unit. He's been open and helpful, done research and his knowledge is evident (so if I don't find a good bull it's all his fault. LOL). I also love the idea of seeing and learning new country even though moose densities are not as good in that unit as others. I just picked up my first custom printed map of the unit yesterday!

It will be a new adventure.

Well done dwalton!

That makes 2 guys I know who drew random moose tags.

26 is a great unit with good moose numbers. Given enough time, you'll do well.

I'm sure there are a few guys here on MM who will have recent intel on the unit for you.

Thanks, Zeke.

Live locally in the unit. Will be able to spend a maximum amount of time hunting both archery and rifle. With my work schedule I have 28 days off, more when I take some vacation hours.

I've helped quite a few MM people get their bulls over the years. I'd like to think my tag was a bit of good karma.

Hope your bull is as good as 30Hart's!
Yours is a case where good people should enjoy good karma! Congrats again!

Maybe some of your helpees will become helpers on your hunt. I've helped my brother and son on their moose hunts so they'll be there for me. 30Hart says it has just extended his moose hunting experience for another year because I drew the tag. I'm happy he feels that way.

Given the fact that you have time and lots of previous experience in the unit, I'm sure we'll be seeing a fine moose report by November, at the latest.

In the end I hope to know a few things about my unit as well. Up to this point I've only driven by on the highway and gathered information from 30Hart!

Now we need just a little more luck....
LAST EDITED ON May-09-14 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]It's exciting to hear about draw success, especially when it's friends enjoying long anticipated results. Congrats to you all.

I had my turn with a fine Bullwinkle in 26 many years ago. I imagine dwalton's intel is much more recent than mine.
I'd be first in line to help Mr. Zeke explore that new unit, if I wasn't anticipating striking a golden ticket of my own in warmer climes. At any rate good luck to all!
I have to admit my intel was in thinking Zeke would be in 26 moose but dwalton drew it! and Zeke is off to unit 2----

Anything I can do for ya dwalton---no problem at all.....

My thinking on moose and sheep areas is what's the problem with being helpful to someone else?

I could write a flippin book about moose area 38 after spending 15 days in archery season and 10 days in rifle to get my bull last year. That's not counting the summer scouting.

Got some good info from a lot of people, including BuzzH!

Zeke, let's just say I made a good guess!!!
With all these moose tags I can't wait to see the pics and hear the stories. Big bulls for everyone!

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