Draw results search question


Very Active Member
So both my son and I have confirmed we drew Antelope 93-1.

We have a 3rd person in our party, but he can't even find himself in the systems. I must have input something wrong in either his name, zip, etc.

I have the sportsmen's and party ID, does anyone know how to check with that info instead of the Name, Zip, and DOB? This kid is feeling nervous and I want to confirm it for him.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-13 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]First thing, if you haven't done it already, is to go into his account and see if you can spot any information that isn't correct. That should give you an idea of what you're facing. If you can't get into his account with the proper information to bring it up, then you can figure that the G&F will need to be contacted and they will have to do more of an in depth search with information you can give them. Cross your fingers, but if he's in on your party application he is good to go even if his name is Sue in the system, LOL! You'll just have to figure out what happened and the G&F may have to do a search that you can't do on your own to get it straightened out. Good luck and I hope it works itself out quickly!
transposed one number in zip. Being a novice I didn't know how to get into the "account", but finally did and made the change.

So how bad of an idea would it be to head closer to the country east and maybe south of Miller Mountain so we can mix a lope hunt in with scouting for future deer/elk hunting?

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