Draw results getting closer and I have a dilemma


Active Member
It's not a bad dilemma but still presents a problem.

My wife and I were recently surprised with the pregnancy of our second child. It was a surprise as we were not trying or planning for it. The baby is due mid November. My wife had 2 pp going into this years Utah draw, which makes me think she will probably get a tag. We were both looking forward to this being her first deer hunt, but it's going to have to wait as the two dates are too close together.

I guess my question is, should I wait to see if she actually draws before turning the tag back in or should I try to withdraw her name now?
Don't the cart before the horse. Wait until she draws.


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I guess it has something to do with how the pregnancy is going for her. My wife had a great deer hunt and she delivered a healthy baby boy on Nov 14, 1977. (maybe that's why he's a marathon pacer runner)

But hey, maybe your wife isn't quite like mine or times have changed. That's a decision that only you and your wife can make and I'll keep my nose out of your business.

Now to answer your question. If you've both have made the decision to cancel the deer hunt, I'd withdraw the application and save the money. You might not get your money back if the tag is turned back after the drawing.

Just 2 cents for free,
With the draws all changed up this year ,who knows if she will draw even with 2 points ? I would way my options and see what you both get after may 31st then decide. Even if she is the only one to draw . You can still hunt together at 8 months along. Unless she has a tough time in her last months ?
Thanks for the input so far. We were both excited to have her possibly hunt for her first mule deer. I told her she should suck it up, but she rebuttled with what the Dr.'s orders were with the first pregnancy (not venture too far from home during the last month). She didn't have any problems her first pregnancy. Worked full time as a CNA right up until the end and was even a full time student on top of that the first half. I think she could do it and I think she'd really like to, but in the end her babies mean the world to her.

Guess I'll wait and see what happens. I just hope she doesn't draw the late LE elk tag. With only 2 pts that would be hard to turn in.
My wife went hunting while pregnant. It will be close, but if she feels up to it, go for it!
Anytime you have a pregnancy resulting from "relations" between to "intact" partners it really shouldn't be a "suprise".....LOL
SoleSearcher: You have a point there. But still we just had our first last August (which took a lot of "trying"), certainly didn't think we'd be having another so soon not trying. I mean, I was just poking fun, didn't know I would be taken seriously lol.
Just another opinion, but turn back the tag and get your money.
A healthy baby and happy wife are worth a lot more than one deer hunt, especially in Utah.
My wife hunted with me while she was pregnant with Taylee...however she was sick alot and didnt enjoy it that much haha. Just wait and see what happens...the decision might be made for you if she doesnt draw a tag. If she does draw the tag and you decide to turn it back in make sure to turn it in before a month before the season starting date so you get your money back. If you wait longer than that you forfeit the money. Plus if you turn you tag back you still get a point for that year. You apply for Fish Lake?
LAST EDITED ON May-02-12 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]>Just another opinion, but turn back
>the tag and get your
>A healthy baby and happy wife
>are worth a lot more
>than one deer hunt, especially
>in Utah.

Wow LBH, When did you become so PC? LMAO


PS: I don't think you need to go through the drawing process to get another point for her. Can't you amend the application to points only? (keep your money and get a point and keep your wife happier. win win win)
Gled, I can relate to what you're feeling. I put my wife in for the draws and found out she's due the third week of October. It's her third pregnancy but last time we had triplets. She also was a CNA up until late in the last pregnancy. I don't think she'll be hunting this year.
Pregnant women cry too much with way to many hormones. If my wife killed her first deer while pregnant, it would ruin hunting for the rest of her life. Withdraw and save the money and hope for better luck in 18 years when your kids have moved out!
John, I think I'll wait. I'd hate to not get to live through the suspense of whether or not my CC gets hit!

If she draws then we'll have a discussion about it. I'm going to leave the decision to her. She's due Nov. 13th, looks like the season starts Oct. 20th. If she was due Dec. 13th I don't think it would be as big of a deal for her. I don't mind taking things a little easy if she decides she wants to do it. I'm sure we could find a buck road hunting. Mostly just want to be in the outdoors and hopefully get to see her excited taking her first buck.

As far as being hormonal/sick. I/we have lucked out I suppose. As neither has been an issue at this point in either pregnancy.

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