Draw Odds

I think it was Dirty Devil with zero points. That's happened a couple times in that unit. Last time the hunter blanked!
Wow. I was not even close to drawing elk or mountain goats. Maybe in another 13 years I will draw one of them.

Sorry marley!
A non-resident did draw the Zion with ZERO points. I was only looking at the resident side. My bad.

I guess there's always a chance regardless of the points.

Boy those are some dismal odds for non-res elk. A lot of the better hunts don't even have two tags available. So the top point holders aren't even ticking down. I can only hope there are a lot of really old guys that will eventually drop out. I say "really" old guys because I am an old guy just hoping to outlast them.
WOW, what a racket Utah is running.

Been applying and buying license / bonus points for 13 straight years. MANY people have been doing for much longer and EVERY ONE of the non-res Mnt goat tags were drawn by people with 5 points or less.

So not only no tag but not a single hunter was taken out of the max point pool.

This is made possible because they take non-res tags out of the general draw and put them in the ****ing convention tag drawing. Where more people who have not invested a dime other than the price of admission to the convention can get a tag.

ok, Im done whining now. Until next year.
Heffe sorry bout your bad luck. That's how the draws go. There is only one tag on most units for nr so no bonus tags. I do have to agree with you on the conservation tag grabs screwing you nr's out of tags.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-14 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-14 AT 09:56?AM (MST)

This year was the first year in a long time that there has only been one NR tag each unit.

What is really frustrating is that we have no idea how many tags will be issued in each unit until AFTER the draw app deadline. That makes about as much sense as teats on a rooster.
Wow those are some reall bummer deals but on the bright side utah is such a bargain to apply for it's hard to gripe too much

Idaho cost you almost 200 just to apply for deer and you don't get squat if you don't draw except hey come buy a general tag
agreed on the cost of Utah. I just dont understand why every other state can tell the hunters how many tags are available before closing the deadline to apply but UT cannot.
Tough odds. I'm in such a state of no-man's land with 17 elk points next year. Lots of decisions to be made...
Heffe, Nevada and Colorado are similar to Utah. They don't release actual tag numbers until after the deadline to apply. Utah is a little differant because you are usually talking 1-2 tags for NR on most hunts. 1 or 2 tags can make a big differance if you are a max point holder..
I know a few locals will howl at what I have to say but I think we (Utah) should give a minimum of a regular AND a bonus tag for everything for which a non-resident can draw.
It would be easy to do even if an area cannot support that many tags every year. They could issue 2 tags this year and none the next. That way the same # of tags are issued but the top points guys would have some incenting.
The fact is, I wish we would issue 20% of the tags to NR guys. It would dramatically increase a NR's chance to draw and only impact the residents a fraction.
Hey, we're all in this together!
Oh, and it should be criminal for anyone to draw a sheep tag with zero points! LOL
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