draw lenth



I am buying a bow with a 29" draw length that im getting a REALY good deal on from a friend. The charts Ive found recomend a 27" draw length with my 69" wingspan. I plan on shooting with a release. Will this bow work for me even if the draw length is 2" too long?
You should find out if it can be adjusted down in draw length. Most bows are capable of having different draw lengths. 2" plus a release would be getting way to long.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-04 AT 08:11PM (MST)[p]The bow is a pearson diamondback. Does anybody know if the draw length is adjustable on this bow?

I'm not sure if the draw length is adjustable. But I do know you should use a bow that fits you. You will run into problems with the longer draw, mostly form problems. Look up the website for your bow and see if they do have modules to shorten the draw.


All the advice already given is right on. Too long of a draw will produce some major scars on your bow arm and produce many bad shooting habits. I'll add one additional problem with what you've described. Most archers that have a set draw length, say 27", that choose to shoot a release will generally need to have an even SHORTER draw, as most release aides will take up some of your overall draw length. So in theory, IF your draw length is 27", based on wingspan charts alone, and you shoot a release, you may need your bow set up with a draw length about 26 1/2". Best bet is to take your bow to a pro-shop and have them set it (if they can) to you. It may save you some headaches. Good luck and have fun.

BOHNTR )))---------->
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-04 AT 09:48PM (MST)[p]Without looking at your modules, I can't tell you what slot it's in and if it will adjust to a shorter draw. Generally, a bow already set-up at 29" adjusts to say 31", making it as short as possible. However, it could be the opposite as well. Again, take it to a pro-shop and have them help you out.

Here's a link to a Pearson Diamondback to help you out.

BOHNTR )))---------->
thanks I took it to a shop and got it all figured out. just need to replace a part
Good deal chevy4x4......and welcome to MonsterMuleys archery section.

BOHNTR )))---------->

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