Draft CWD Proposals...


Long Time Member
Look like they posted the final draft proposals on the website. WY appears to be jumping in with the Colorado Idea. They are specifically looking at Targeting and killing older mature males. This is all based on one study from 2000 that found the highest infection rates among the oldest males (duh, the longer any animals lives the more likely it will pick up a disease).

Having watched what Colorado has been doing its herds everyone in WY should be really concerned. I am very much against this management strategy and believe that they are experimenting all the time with no good answer. They celebrate and pat themselves on the back for lower infection rates, but they ignore the idea that the herds are crushed and there not hardly any deer left at all.

On this we agree...
So far every other state is trying the same thing. Maybe WY should try something different and see. We will have lots of data from NW Colorado on how this works. Colorado is going to kill every last mature buck in the NW in the next 5 years. So it will tell us how well it works.

I think we should take a different approach.
Also on the Feed grounds in Jackson let’s try some next level stuff... For example the idea that Humic acid can kill prions. Maybe we should try a system of feeding where feed locations are rotated all every year in a 5 year pattern, then in the 4 years an area is not fed we treat of naturally create humid acid to decrease the prion.

either way there is no point in hunting mule deer if there are no deer worth hunting. I would rather kill 5 mature bucks with CWD then kill 1 3 year old buck.
Their plan is absolutley ridiculous. They want to "experiment" with decimating the herd?! Great idea! That should work out well. Its already proven that the prions can live in the soil for years killing all the deer and trying to let them build back up is an absolutely brain dead idea
Bottom line is they havent done near enough studies and they do not have justifiable facts to wipe out entire populations just to " see if it works"

That is the problem. They have all formed a bandwagon and jumped on. The disheartening part is when you talk with the researchers and they can not even explain their own data. I could go into great detail about the Colorado Data being used to drive the Colorado issue. The problem is they could not explain how a unit like Unit 11 had such high infection rates compared to unit 22. Unit 22 traditionally has a higher buck to does ratio and a significantly higher age class. The deer winter in greater concentrations in greater numbers. Yet one unit showed up at 11% with a very limited sample data and the other units with a much larger data sample showed less than 2%.

When asked to explain the infection rates and the fact that there are fewer deer and those deer are significantly less concentrated in the unit that should have lower rates they had no good answers.

Then when you mention things like Humic Acid being known to kill the prion and the lead researcher for the state had not even heard about that, it really makes you wonder.

I would love to find out if it has nothing to do with the deer at all but an environmental factor that we might control? Is it possible that in one unit a certain water source is the cause of infection of is there a particular drainage where the deer have high infection rates? I have seen some data location and geological structures appear to have a correlation, but what does that structure actually do?

There is just so much unknown that a plan to kill off certain deer at a really high rate seems premature, recklessness and short sighted...

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