Doyle muzzy hunt

I got a pic last week of a big one ,I will give it a bit to see if someone else post it because I got it second hand , but they didn't say not to pass it around.
Same here, I have 5 pictures on my cell of some unbelievable bucks taken, but I got them from friends of friends and would not post them unless asked to do so.

20 tags and I have pics of 5 bucks at, or over 28", .....two of which are well beyond 30".

"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-12 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]I got a picture from a buddy who drew one of the tags. He shot a real nice buck, so I'll see if he is OK with me posting it up here. From the iPhone picture, it is a 4x5 with big front forks and nice eyeguards, good mass and my buddy just confirmed 28 1/2" wide and scoring in high 170s. It's a nice buck for California. He sent me the photo on November 20th, right after he shot it.

He's pretty lucky, as he also drew a Ft. Hunter Liggett tule elk tag for late December, but he just told me that the new base commander is not going to allow hunting in all designated areas, so he doesn't know what's gonna happen on that hunt.
The pic i have is of a big clean 4x4 with nice eye gaurds and hes got a bit of velvet shreds on the top of one tine,i was told it was 29 inch.
The golden state tag holder killed a nice buck in that unit 27" 4 point. Since nobody is posting pictures guess I won't either.
I got a REALLY cool picture on my cell phone from CAelknuts awhile back. He asked me to not share it, so I can't.:)


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