Down under has it in focus



LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-09 AT 07:53PM (MST)[p]T. B. Bechtel, a City Councillor from Newcastle , Australia , was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists.

His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.


'If hooking up one towelhead terrorist prisoner's testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camelshagger will save just one Australian life, then I have only three things to say:

"Red is positive, Black is negative, and Make sure his nuts are wet".

I haven't verified this story, nor even that he is a city council member. If anyone can shed more light on the validity of this, let us know. If it is true, how long until we see the T. B. Bechtel for PM bumper stickers?
how does this affect the aussies???

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Technical difficulties

corrected now

don't know if it's true and didn't bother to snopes it..

makes way too much sense to me.
I agree, the only part that is missing is make darn sure the people doing it can keep their mouths shut.

I didn't give one crap about what was done at Abu Ghraib. I did wonder where in the heck the officers were though, only the EM got in trouble.

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