Down falls to hunting!



There is one thing that everyone hates about hunting, fishing, In general. The thing I hate is cuttin meat. Im taking a break right now from choppin up a lead cow and calf. I have the cows hind quarters left and am not lookin forward to them. I love hunting, dont even mind packing an elk out ten miles on my back, but absolutely hate cutting meat. I guess I shouldnt be so cheap and let the pros handle it.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-11 AT 06:17PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-11 AT 06:17?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-11 AT 06:15?PM (MST)

It's not a lot of fun, but there sure is satisfaction knowing its done the way I want it. I have learned some short cuts that help. When I'm cutting the meat off the bone I try to take it off one muscle at a time. I lay them out on the table, and then trim off "all" the slime, sheath, tendon, so the is nothing left but red meat. Then I leave the meat in large pieces, like large roasts. I don't cut them into steaks or anything. Wrap them in that new seal and wrap stuff, put them in a freezer baggie, push the air out and seal it. I make piles according to what I think I might do with it and when I'm done I label them with a permanent marker. When you get one out of the freezer, let it partially thaw if you want to make steaks or jerky, its very easy to slice as thin as you want when its still partly frozen. This method saves a lot of cut up time and helps prevent freezer burn. Go to the "after the kill" site and get the recipe for bottling. If you've never tried it, it is absolutely simple and way good. Bottling takes care of all the little pieces and I like it way better that grinding. Hope this helps.
+1 on the bottling. My cousin bottled his near 200" buck;) and the meat was so tender and full of flavor. He bottled it with peppers and garlic. Thats what I am going to do with my deer meat from now on.
Taking a dump when it's really cold out and having to squat too long. It just kills my legs as I have gotten older.
When your three miles from camp and you forgot toilet instead of using your 50 dollar kings camo shirt sleeves, you use your socks instead. its hard to walk when your Whole foot is a blister. Thats a downfall to hunting
The bottlinn sounds good. Im verry picky about my steaks I like them about 3/4 to 1 inch thick thats why i dont take it to the prossesor. The tp thing is a bummer!(LOL i crack myself up) I often cut my socks up as well.
i love butchering animals. my father and i have darn near a butcher shop wife , father and i have our " positions " if you will and turn on some some tunes i will turn on some brews and it's all good.. for me i hate setting up and taking down camp. the guys i go with are perfectionists
Crawling out of my nice warm sleeping bag when it's freezing cold out. Once I'm dressed and the coffee's on I'm good.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

I hate trying to fall asleep the night before opening day. It always seems to take a while to get all of the anticipation of the next morning out of my system.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
I have a Large Double Cabinet that has all my totes, knife Kits, grinder, tenderizer, vacumn get the drift. I make a lot of sausage and we also try to make alot of ground meat for Chilli and once a year I make a Huge pile of Burritos that I vacum seal 3 to a pack. The Burritos are a huge hit with my 20 year old son and his friends. I try and make it a family affair as just sitting there by yourself isn't too much fun! John
cutting meat also....gotta get pysched up anymore to do it...but when its all done, nice to have a freezer full for the following year..
Agree with taking a dump when it's super cold. Only thing worse than that is when gravity pulls your knife or flashlight off your belt while doing that!
I hate the 3-4 day "puddin bum" that you get after seeing nothing but a pine bow and the sleeve off your favorite hunting shirt.

It's always an adventure!!!
Getting up way early, so you can beat the crowd, just to find out the guy that's going with you's house is still dark when you go to pick him up.

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