Dove Season

My buddy and I did 52 total on Sun Morning and Evening and Monday morning, we then took the Monday afternoon off because we had the daily limit of Morning doves. Got a few of the Euro so it was really was some good shooting. 1st place we went to was 0 doves the next place had a huge number of them.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
It was on the slow side near Exeter. I still managed to get my limit, but it took longer than usual. Hunted Sunday morning & evening and Monday morning. Numbers were way down from
previous years.
there were birds all over the place,,,,, then that little storm blew through and poof gonzo ,,,,,,,,,,we did just fine but before the rain the other day it looked like it was going to be an outstanding year now just looks sorta normal but that's better than bad :)
I shot over my overflowing horse trough in my pasture like I do once very 5 years of so. Used my male who enjoyed himself. After I was done, I walked to the house, let my female out and started cleaning birds. Next thing I know she had another live dove in her mouth. I re-counted, yep they were all there. Seems she picked up a dinger I didn't even know I hit, WHOOPS.

I'm shooting in oaks/pines with small windows, usually only one shot is all you get. There were a couple I thought I hit but didn't see a reaction.

This evening when I fed the horses I jumped at least 5 out of the trees over the water trough. I walked 100 yards, fed 3 horses and on my way back I jumped 3 right off of the water. This after getting 1" plus of rain yesterday. Thinking about an evening shoot later this week so the female can get some real retrieving in.
Opening morning in the Wasco area 5-hunters 5 limits.Next day went to Clovis and the morning was very slow, but the evening was graeat.
>So, how'd everyone do. It ended
>up being pretty good out
>in Elderwood. pc

2 birds. Just did not see mamy birds arounds this year.

" I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks"
Daniel Boone

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