Dove Hunt Next Wed.

Yes we have been see alot of birds this year. Hope the huge thunderstorms we got tonight didn't make them head to El Centro. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
figured it was gettin' close to the opener...cause they all left here a week ago.....used to love to dove hunt...ain't happening here in Wyoming..
Yes I'll be out there Wed. morning shooting holes in the sky.
The dove opener has always been a favorite of mine and a family tradition, my earliest hunting memories are family dove hunts with my dad, uncles, cousins.


Hey Gator.. I'll be in the El Centro area and if I see some dove that look like they came from your place I'll shoo them back up north to you..
I'll be hunting around work. I'm going after some of those Eurasian Collared doves, they look like B52's compared to the Mourning Dove. I wish the Feds would move the season up one week because some of the mourning doves have left already.
I will probably head out to the eastern plains of co for a couple of days. I love a good dove shoot.

I see those eurasians around town, but can not find em where I can shoot them. Would like to get one someday.

good luck...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-10 AT 05:07PM (MST)[p]There is no place to hunt doves up here in the redwoods, so I'm stuck popping one off now and then off the wife's bird feeder with my BB gun when she's in the shower.

She always asks about all the dove feathers on the ground. I tell her I think they start molting about Sept.1st.

Eel, It's a 20 cal. Sheridon pump pellet gun we use not a bb gun. You know the ethics police will call you on it.
Getting chilly here tonight,after 110 degree days at the start of the week what a change,It this dang wind that will move them out.
Jim send them back up here, I think we could use them.

Paul if you can't hit with that 1100 20ga I might have room in my gun safe. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
You got it Gator.. I'll be there Tuesday afternoon and I'll scare them back up to you.. Can you believe this weird weather?
Hotter than hell one day and now it's very cool and windy..
Gator, thanks for the offer. You'd really sacrifice taking that no good shotgun? lol. Here in the Valley, it went from 111 Wednesday to 76 yesterday!!!..pc
Lots of minature flying livers around here & lots of band tailed pigeons,but I ain't shooting any,you shoot em ya gotta eat em!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I can't hit the dam things! So we go have fun wasting bullets and go home and cook a steak! No worries on taking care of them, cause none die!

Smart justr!
You aim & then move a foot to the right or left right?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Kenny you have to put more lead in the air something is sure to run into it. LOL
Paul those 1100 make good canes, LOL
Jim You can miss afew and send back up here, looklike it going to be windy in the afternoons, better limit out in the AM

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I'm not going this year, at least i don't thing that i will. Last year was set up to be one of the best seasons in a long time. We had nice warm weather right up thru the opener. A bud and myself drove over the the Desert country in the far north Eastern portion of Kali and set-up in what looked to be a can't miss spot. We saw few birds and killed most of those that gave us a chance, killing half a dozen or so in the coarse of most of the day, picking one up here and there...

This year, we have already had some cold mornings and rain the past few days. I love a good Dove hunt-shoot but i'm not going to go just to be going. Not this year anyway.

Good luck to those of you that get out and get into them. Be safe!!!

Just checked the weather for Calexico and looks like it's going to be 107 for the dove opener and moving up to 112 by Friday.. gonna be a warm one. Good luck to all that are going.
We started off this morning at our regular field and it was very slow, we both only shot 1 bird each in 45 minutes. We moved to another spot we sometimes hunt and we were limited out in 15 minutes. lots of birds and it was a 50% bag of whitewings and the rest mourning dove. Saw several Eurasian's but did not shoot any. Going to take some guys out this afternoon that just arrived to the hotel to the place we shot this morning. I think the evening shoot will be even better than the morning hunt and I am certain they will have a hell of a shoot. We will be back at it in the a.m.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-10 AT 07:48PM (MST)[p]spent a few minutes before work and bagged 7 mourning doves and one eurasian. The eurasian sure is plump!
Best opener in 7-8 years had tons of doves everyone limited out, Lots of birds was still coming in as we packed up to leave.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-10 AT 06:31PM (MST)[p]We hunted again this morning and it was a great shoot. we hooked up with a large group staying at our hotel and we took them to a young palm grove we hunted opening morning and they were had quick limits yesterday afternoon.

The same group (13 of us) went out this morning to the same palm grove and it was limits for all and back in town at the hotel by 8:00 a.m. Lot's of white-wings and everyone was able to add a few Eurasians to their bags as well. Great shoot..

Gator, I'm glad all those birds I scared off the other day went back up to your place...
They came back in big groups Jim thanks for pushing them back up. LOL
Paul it was up here next to the Mojave river in Hesperia area.
Last night did some pass shooting (birds headed back up hill to roost) got 8 and missed 25 or so LOL I was in a small place that it was just some of the quick type shooting, I haven't had to do in a long time they was coming in between trees you got one short look and then they was gone out of sight the little 20ga over and under was the ticket for that fast swing. it was a blast will be hoping they stay around for a few more days.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
4 hr south toward the guns firing(Mexico border).

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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