
You decide for Yourself!

Who's going to this Auction?

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Pretty sad to see that many illegaly taken animals.

Kind of a bad date and time to bring people in I think. Saying the money from the auction is used to directly help battle poaching, they could probably bring more in if this was an evening event etc.

I think it would be interesting to go and see everything, probably would just get frustrated to the reason why they are there though.
What is even more Frustrating is this is only a Fraction you're seeing of the Problem!

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It's been a long hard ride
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That we all call home
Based on the amount of items they have to auction, I'm guessing they don't do this every year? I'm curious as to why they do this during the middle of the week. Seems like on a weekend they could draw more people thus more $$$$$$. Do items generally get auctioned for premium price, or pretty good discount?
I watched the same thing on TV last night. Pisses me off to see that this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is poached every year.

I am sure this is from the past few years. BUT WOW!!!

Make poaching a felony, it might slow down just a bit. Make it a more serious offense, stiffer consequences. Lot of $$ right there in expo tags, LOL.
cantkillathing ,

Yes, unfortunately they can and have. The last auction DWR had was about 4 years ago. There was a 400 inch bull siezed and the poacher was there to buy it. It was pretty sad to watch him bid on this bull. Doyle Moss kept bidding against the guy and made him pay an outragous price for it. To bad, but yes, that is exactly what is happening.

It defeats the purpose of the auction when poachers can make bids and profit from their crimes. Very sad.

Also, The last time DWR had this auction, they took so much grief from sportmen about that poacher buying back his animal they said they were done with auctions... guess not. I think this is ridiculas and hope there is someone there to make these poachers pay an outragous price for these animals.

Agreed that the poachers should not be allowed to purchase anything from the auction. Plus how about having the convicted poachers volunteer their time to the auction as part of their sentencing? Make it mandatory...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
I'm gonna buy some so I can have pictures of myself taken posing with them so I can post them on MM and you guys can all guess the scores.

I'll make up stories to go with them and maybe photoshop some Mossback guys in there too.

I dont matter anyway right, bucks and bulls dont dictate the herd size, we can spare a few, that is sarcasm if some of you cant catch that.
Kind of looks like you all have 2 seasons the day season and the night season. 4/10 of a mile.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
they dont, get over it ,and why would moss be at that auction? most of the people buying the big stuff, use it to b;s' people....why are you thier,,,,
Are you kidding me? 1/2 mile?

Now I know why everybody drives so fast in Utard. They're driving the get away car!

Who from Utard DOESN'T poach?

Can someone explain to me why anyone would buy horns they didn't kill or even pick up the sheds? Isn't the DWR in a round about way helping set market prices for horns? I don't understand any of it. Can't help but wonder what we would do without this constant need to kill the biggest and highest score, regardless of seasons.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
Maybe some guys just like the feel of hunting by moonlight? Wonder how many out of the mess of tards were/are mm'ers? Would be interesting to know who's had their hand in the cookie jar.
Well 1911!

You know the MM Angels have never broken a Law/Rule of any kind!

It's kinda like me when it comes to Speedin,You know I've never done that!:D

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It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
Never ever said it was just a Utah problem!

You know what happens when TARDS go to Colorado to hunt,Right?

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If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
A Thread a few months ago asked of the causes of a declining deer herd. Lots of replies covered the usual causes and i didn't care to be redundant so i fingered poaching as a cause! Several members went out of their way to disagree with me as if it's not that big a problem.

Believe what you want. These racks, trophies, are the exception and what i believe to be a very small example of what truly gets killed every year by not only trophy poachers but self serving, do what i want, when i want, guys out there feeding their family, somebody else's family, the family pets, or even selling the meat for beer money, whatever...

I believe Poaching to be a major problem, especially with our deer herds and no way this is a Utah thing, it's everywhere!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hell, I figured SFW would have 'generously' allocated the funding required to employ an 'expert' task force to actively combat this direct threat to their, eh, 'capital' a LONG time ago...

Nah? Well, it prolly ain't that important anyhow eh?

Regardless, bad deal all around...but Tardville is as Tardville does, Mama always said :)
makes me sick! wow! really gets ya wondering how many poachings go unaccounted for! i cant believe the guts some people have! wish they would ban convicted poachers of possessing any antlers, let alone buy them back!
I can't believe they allow the poachers to go and buy this stuff back! It's a joke! I know for a fact it happened today. Everyone knew it, and yet the poachers could care less. Prety ballsy if you ask me....
That must include road kills and miscellaneous mortality pick ups, right? Saw moose sheds, are they illegal to pick up?
Lots of sheds in there, but way too many full sets!

Big problem accross the west!

I would be okay with them buying back the antlers if there were some big money guys there to boost em up to ridiculous prices. Kinda like adding to the fines. But if they are able to buy them too cheaply then that sucks.

Like said above this is a VERY small portion of what is actually poached, probably a small percentage of what was actually siezed let alone those not caught! Big eye opener!,


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've
stood up for something, sometime in your life.

- Winston Churchill
Joey is exactly right.I once had a game warden tell me that they figured there were actually MORE trophy animals poached than there were legally killed.Think about that one for a minute!Until the penalties are increased to the point of making the time not worth the crime,poaching will continue.Make it a felony.Include vehicle and weapon confiscation,and start throwing these d-bags in jail for a few months or years.Roadkill and poaching are the two biggest enemies of mule deer,and probably take as many animals(if not more)than legal hunting.Chew on that one for a minute or two!
I have no problem with DWR conducting this auction. Most states do the same, and so does USFWS.

While I would rather not have a poacher buy back his ill gotten gains, by the time antlers get to this auction, the offender has been convicted, paid his fine, etc. If the poacher then spends more money than anyone else (auction) for the antlers, the state has maximized the return on the illegal activity. Seems to be a win-win.
Of course we would be better off without poaching, etc., but that is just wishful thinking. Realize that some of these antlers were confiscated for less serious violations, but violations none the less. If the proceeds go back into funding the DWR and helping with further anti-poaching efforts, etc., then I see nothing to dislike.
One more thought...

If they weren't acutioned, what should the state do with them?
Store them forever at some high cost? Destroy them? Neither serves a purpose or returns revenue to the state. Most of these antlers are purchased by craft people who will use them in knife handles, chandeliers, etc. It is rare that a poacher buys back his antlers, but it does happen.
If a Cat eats ONE deer a week that is 52 a year, times how many cats do we have? Then we have the dogs. How can you say poaching is even in the top 3 of our deer problem? It's easy for the DWR to blame poachers for a lack of deer so it will get everyone one thier side. I would say a large number of the full racks that sold were animals that were wounded and not found til later, then turned into the DWR. Poaching is a problem, but lets get realistic here.
Ottercreek, Believe it or not, Very few real hunters and outdoor enthusiasts want to see lions, bears, yotes and such, go without eating. There is such a thing as natural depredation and what we as game managers strive for is a balanced predator prey ratio. Don't kill all or even most of the predators, just don't let their numbers grow so high as to be a danger to the herds existence.

People who Poach, on the other hand, are not figured into the management plans and at best case, they should be eliminated.

I find it hard to understand how some can defend poachers in these days or dismiss the practice as not that big a deal!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey, I am definatly not defending poaching. I think it is a real problem out there. I just don't think we should lay all the blame on the antler sale yesterday on poaching. Maybe they could put a colored ribbon on the antlers they actually know were poached, and watch who buys them. I'm just not one who thinks the DWR's schit doesn't stink.
I'm still looking for desert sheep cape if anyone ever comes across one for sale...
>where do these sheep live? and
>how much you paying.just jokeing.

He Ain't Jokin at all!:D

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If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
>sttm. that wasnt nice.


You ain't sleepin well since they came by for Patches?:D

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If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
So, which wolves are we most worried about?

This is just ridiculous. The sheer amount is pretty mind boggling.

You know, if we took care of the poaching problems then we would have more resources and personell to worry about other problems, like predators.

I am a little ashamed of the human race right now.


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no..sttm not sleeping well- from last heart attack. stoped in and looked at yur pet cougars at fort myton. looks like they winterd good...
Maybe the sheds were confiscated from someone who didn't take the test, therefore were illegally picked up? I know I reported a six-point bull dead and they didn't give me the deadhead but I didn't care about a little 6-point to fight them for it. If people report bulls and bucks and it is a trophy, they have a tendency to keep them. Maybe they gain money this way instead of giving the head back to the guy that found it. There can be many reasons why the antlers are there including road kills. Legally, the state owns any bone found connected to a skull plate so if they can sell them and make some money, then good for them. I do know and understand the many pieces in the auction that were poaching kills and that makes me sick but who can honestly say how every single one of those animals died......
>no..sttm not sleeping well- from last
>heart attack. stoped in and
>looked at yur pet cougars
>at fort myton. looks like
>they winterd good...

Damn Straight they Wintered Well!

After picking up & Cooking that many RoadKills they've even got me looking like I Wintered Well!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
>A Thread a few months ago
>asked of the causes of
>a declining deer herd. Lots
>of replies covered the usual
>causes and i didn't care
>to be redundant so i
>fingered poaching as a cause!
>Several members went out of
>their way to disagree with
>me as if it's not
>that big a problem.
>Believe what you want. These racks,
>trophies, are the exception and
>what i believe to be
>a very small example of
>what truly gets killed every
>year by not only trophy
>poachers but self serving, do
>what i want, when i
>want, guys out there feeding
>their family, somebody else's family,
>the family pets, or even
>selling the meat for beer
>money, whatever...
>I believe Poaching to be a
>major problem, especially with our
>deer herds and no way
>this is a Utah thing,
>it's everywhere!
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

I would have less of a problem with poaching if it was being done by guys who were feeding their families. But anyone doing that wouldn't be killing old mature bucks and bulls, they would be killing younger animals, better meat.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
Not all states auction them off.Wyoming destroys them.After all,they were illegal kills.Contraband is often destroyed by law enforcement.I hate it when the poacher wins.If he gets back his illegally taken animal,isn't that a win for him?What does a 400" bull go for nowdays?Remember the Vernon poaching ring?How many animals were poached that were confiscated?How many others that weren't?Compare that to how many trophies were legally taken there.If you don't think poachers take a large amount of trophies(percentage-wise)from the herd,well,you just have your head in the sand.
>ok, lets hear the wasatchwacker story??

Wasatchwacker illegally took an elk and then posted pictures on here and when called out about it dared people to prove it. And from the e-mails I have received from him some one took that challenge and did just that.

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