Don't ya just hate it...


Long Time Member
It's Christmas time with me looking at a road trip to visit family and a special friend. Next year we'll again try our luck in the Wyoming draw for a LE mulie hunt, i'll be playing catch-up. Whenever i do get to visit though, you just can not help but to continually look and stare at all the fantastic heads on the walls.

Though he has never had a deer or elk scored, he must has 25 P&Y Blacktail, some of those making B&C or very close. Then there are the 3 huge mulies over 30" and a couple that made the taxidermy trail cause of mass, heigth, or both. He has killed a 4 point or better bull in Co. 12 years in a row with his bow, couple of them are dandies. He drew a Tule elk tag in Cach Creek a dozen or so years ago, chose to bowhunt, ended up getting a nice 6x6 after staying on his trail for 3 days. Then there's the boars, goats and the turkey's. The guy can flat hunt.

And what really ticks me off the most? We went to high school together, met on the varsity baseball team, and at the time, he didn't know a bow from a browtine. My star pupil, my hunting buddy, my friend. Don't ya just hate it?
i can relate to your friend here. i was always interested in hunting, but my friend got me into bow hunting when i was 15 and taught me everything i know. he would let me tag along to his favorite hunting spots and we'd shoot some decent bucks. but now i've surpassed him. and he knows it. but i owe it all to him. he knows it and i can bet your budy does too.

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-07 AT 11:15AM (MST)[p]DE500, Exactly, Chances are good that you may have become a good hunter anyway but it certainly helps when someone is willing to help get you along a bit.

I got an idea how it was going to go when during the first weekend of our local season, it was family only, and after i couldn't find the bruiser that i had scouted out before the season, I gave my buddy a try at him. On the way in i layed out where and how i'd seen the buck, dropped him off and went to another area for my own hunt. When i went back and pick him up after dark, he had that big old buck sittin there by the side of the road, with him saying to me something like, "you aint gonna like this." Sure enough, 2 years in a row, in his first years of hunting, he killed the biggest or close to the biggest bucks off our ranch, something i had already long felt was my job.

He just had a knack for it right off and still to this day. We kid each other and i might a made a big deal about not ever taking him hunting again but actually, i was alway elated with his success's. You know how it is, i had been blessed with great places to hunt, had got my share and some pretty decent bucks to boot. Once i started taking him though, his bucks seem to alway be some bigger.

Hey, seems like i had a right to gripe, with a smile on my face, when i see him in a few days, after 35 years of hunting together, i'm gonna make sure he knows that someday, this $hit is gonna stop.
I have a friend like that. We went to high school together. He was a very hard core hunter, and got me started. After high school, he joined the Marines. He stayed in the Marines for 27 years. Now he is retired. He travels all over the world hunting. He sends me photos all the time of his successful hunts.

I'm still working, so I hate him!:)

Eel, Kinda special huh? For both sides, well, it all works out.

I and probably about a zillion others am pulling out of the driveway in about 2 min. I'm heading below, gonna be working at Mom's Place for a couple a weeks on the "dear son please do list," so i'll be giving you guy's a break. But!, i'll be back.

Merry Christmas guys and gals. Thanks for the laughs and all the great hunting talk!

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