Don't trust tire shops!



This topic is no joke or laughing matter, today my wife and I are lucky to be alive and I'm being 100% sincere...I'm just posting this as a heads-up & reminder to everyone out there who has to purchase tires for the vehicles, which is EVERYBODY!

Yesterday evening while on my way home from a family reunion on the Manti-LaSal range, only a mere 6 days after I had just spent $1,000 on new tires for my truck at "Grako's American Car Care Center" in Price, Utah...without warning the left rear wheel F****** FALLS OFF, apparently they either don't own or believe in using a torque wrench!!! Had this happened anywhere else other than that lonley strecth of mounatin dirt road, I can't say for certain what would've happened or where I'd be? As soon as we finally came to a stop after skidding and dragging my rear brake drum in the road, my wife and I got out of the truck to take a look at the damage for ourselves...what I found made so mad I couldn't see straight. My truck was now a tri-pod in the middle of the narrow mountain road, blocking 4th of July camping traffic on both sides of me...who were left with no choice other than to wait on me, or drag their campers off the road through the rocks & sagebrush. Upon further inspection of my wheel, which finally came to a halt about 100 yards down the road past my truck...I found the wheel studs bent, center-cap shattered, chunks & gouges of aluminum missing from the rim, gashes in the sidewall and all the lugs were MIA.

After taking a handful of photos to document what just went down, I immidiately grabbed my phone and called the tire shop who had installed the tires just 6 days prior to this, naturally you can only assume that I wasn't too happy & polite over the phone, there were probably a few expletives spoken as well...I can only hope you would be just as angry and feel the same way. I informed them of what had happened and that as soon as I get back on the road again, they better be there at the shop waiting for me with an explanation and an open bay. Not 5 minutes after that my long time friend Wade, just happened to be driving past on his way to cut some fire wood with his children...Wade stopped and made sure my 7 month pregnant wife and I were okay, I didn't have any of the neccessary tools to take care of the studs and get the truck in the I let him know that my dad/service mechanic was on the way and to go on ahead. THANKS FOR THE HELP WADE!!!

Once my dad & father-in-law had arrived, we started working on the truck...and put the wheel back on with some lugs that thankfully my dad just happened to have. Once all four tires were back on the ground we went over the other 15 lugs on the remaining 3 tires, to our complete shock and utter disbelief...every single lug nut was also loose and on the verge of coming off as well!!! This sent me into a frenzy and I was now absolutely livid beyond comprehension, I was now residing in a dimension of pissed-off that I've never been in before in my entire life...and I kept telling myself that this might be the day I finally kick somebody's ass and end up going to jail! How is it that just 6 days after my tires were installed, with less than 100 miles driven on them...that one of the wheels falls completely off the hub and the other 3 are probably within just a few miles of doing the very same thing??? How ignorant, irresponsible, oblivious and STUPID does someone have to be to allow this to happen...and just how many other tire shops across the state and country do you think have let things like this "slip by" before? All I can say about the aftermath of this massive fubar is...if I don't recieve a new wheel, tire, drum & studs I will be in a major's convienent that my wife is a paralegal for a local attorney and my mother an assistant to a local judge!

Thankfully, my wife and I are okay and have calmed down just a little bit...yet we're both still very shaken & paranoid right now. Because aside from how upset I am about the fact that my truck was completely neglected and poper procedure not followed, I'm even more terrified at the though of what could've happened...and just how bad it could've been. Just one day prior to this on Thursday, my wife and I had one of our many baby-doctor appointments at the hospital in Provo where we're delivering in August. Had we decided to drive my truck to the doctors rather than taking our car...this awful scenario could've & would've taken place either on SR-6 or I-15, driving in traffic at 65 mph or even faster as apposed to the 35 mph on a mountain road. The thought of losing a wheel at that speed surrounded by traffic, possibly rolling and causing serious injury or death to ourselves and somebody else...sends shivers down my back, and to add on top of that the possibility of losing my unborn baby girl sends me over the edge! As much as I've tried not to dwell on the "what if's" the past 14 hours or so, I can't help know that something so life altering as that was on the horizon is mind numbing, thank God that we were being watched over. I just want to end this by pleading with everybody that whenever you get new tires, replace brakes, rotate tires, PLEASE check & double-check your lug nuts for yourself because I've learned the hard way that the tire shops don't care about your safety and that of your family...only the dollars you're willing to pay them.

Wow! Glad that everybody is ok. It's scary how a simple mistake can pose such a risk. I'd be expressing a little extra gratitude in my nightly prayers for a while. Hopefully they (the tire shop) makes this right.
Did you play:You picked a nice time to leave me loose wheel?

nice post/thanks for sharring
WOW! All I can say is that you are more of a man than me. I damn sure would be in jail for kicking the canine feces out of those lazy tire jockies.[/img][/url]
Long time ago had the same thing happen, shop rotated the tires and a couple of days later i started to feel a vibration. Got out to look around and noticed the holes in the wheel where the lugs go thru were all wallowed out, 3 lug nuts off and 2 more ready to fly at any time. Seems i used to have alot of trouble with Les Schwab, they haven't been too bad the last few years it seems.
Now i try...i say try because i dont always do it...but i try and check them after i drive for a little while 50-75 miles. Alot of shops get away with it because they tell you to recheck them after 50 miles, but it happens way too often. Checking them is something everyone should get in the habit of doing...i bet the guys that work at tire shops do.
Another thing to watch for is if you have the wheels that have the cover that goes on over your lug nuts and centers, not the caps but covers that look like they are part of the wheel, they are held on by a bolt that screws to the wheel....make sure to check that they got those bolts actually into the hole in the wheel...more than once i have had those come off and never find them time i picked up my truck, drove home (probably 10 blocks) and 2 had come off to never be found again...just so happens that style of wheel had been discontinued..that shop was minutes away from buying me a brand new set of 4 wheels when they happened to find someone who still had some covers...check your ****.
Glad to see that you and family are ok.

It would be interesting to see what the shop does to make it right. Keep us posted.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I hope you have a good out come. I always check the other guys work because no-one cares for you and your family like you do.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I am sure sorry to hear you had this problem and glad you and your family are OK.

Those tire monkeys are almost all entry level employees.........I always go home and torque my own stuff. But I am old and cynical, I hardly trust anybody!
I have always been anal about lugs and new rims/tires.

I lost a tire on a trlr 5-6 years ago and was told to always tighten the lugs after the first 50 miles...

I still do that today--even after a simple tire rotation.

Sure glad everyone is safe after this event!

RE: Looks like they missed lug nut day

Seems like tire shops are batting 1000 lately. There have been a lot of bad reviews myself included. Glad everything turned out ok keep us posted on what they do.

After managing 2 shops in st george and asst manager in roosevelt I will say that most tire techs are very very entry level. I had a few guys come in looking for a job that had 0 experience with cars.

RE: Looks like they missed lug nut day

First, glad that everyone is OK. Second, I have had this happen to me before, not even 5 miles from the shop, which was a dealership where my wife happened to be working at the time. That was the good thing. She was actually driving it and because it happened so soon, they took care of everything. Since then, every time before my vehicles leave the tire shop I request that the technician re-check the lugs with a star wrench or tire iron. If they use the airgun it is just too easy to not thread them on completely. Then, within 10 miles I always re-check on my own.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Glad you guy's are alright.
I'm not saying this is what happened to you, but several years ago we purchased a used 4x4 and it didn't matter how tight we got the lug nuts they would not stay tight.
My wife and a friend of ours were coming back to Cali. from Washington and going up the Siskiyou's out of Ashland on I-5 and one of the wheels came loose and almost fell off before she luckily got stoped.
If you just purchased new wheel's you might want to keep a close eye on them for awhile.
oh man! I cant believe the nerve u have posting this! didnt you even look at the picture you posted? the eveidence of what happened is in plain sight and I'm sorry to say is 100 percent your fault!..... did anyone else see the fault or am i the only one????
ok fine i will spell it out for you guys. if u will look at the picture close enough you will notice one minor but commonly overlooked feature on the truck that always results in crap like this. look really close and you will see the words "DODGE" written on the truck! buy a ford! problem solved..... rofl! haha gotcha dude! seriously though, glade everyone was safe.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
You ever see the comedy scene on the blue collar tour about this? Pretty funny. The last shop I went to had another employee Recheck the nuts after the first guy did it. Good procedure if you ask me.

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