Don't let this be the fate of 640 million acres


Active Member
As an American we all own 640 million acres of public land. In such an amazing country with such a luxurious benefit to the public, it's time to fight like hell to ensure states don't get a hold of them and have this be their fate:

Here's the fate of our public lands. They will go on the auction block. Do at least one thing this week to stop this certain future they face if we allow them to go this way. Contact your representatives, support a group against them, post on social media, put a sticker on your vehicle, educate a friend and ask them to do the same. Those 640 million acres are worth a moment of all our time.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-16 AT 09:48AM (MST)[p]Do you have a point? Because I don't see one in your post. The fact States sale off their land is a fact. Your link will happen no matter who manages the land.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-16 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]Ox, in that link you posted they are leasing mineral rights, not selling it. You can still hunt, camp, hike, graze, etc those lands (maybe not the 2 acre pad). Big difference between selling and leasing a mineral right. I know you have expressed the desire to see the State gain title to the Federal Public Lands, but you discount the fact the State will sell a large portion of those lands-- making them Private Lands.
Your link has nothing to do with selling the land. I support mineral development done right on public lands. You aren't even in the same ballpark between our two links. Utah I selling the land to forever lose it. The BLM is selling mineral development rights which I can support when they are done in the most habitat and wildlife friendly way possible. If it was the state leasing those mineral rights they'd want triple the wells the BLM will approve.
The reason the cost to fight fires is so high is because the forest service has mismanaged it the last 70yrs. Not taken sides just sayin.
Oh man how I wish we had a sportsman group in this state. who received millions of dollars from something like a hunt expo. That would fight stuff like this off for average sportsman. But no we have a money hungry hunting is a rich mans sport group like $FW CONTROLLING the state.

I'm not going to disagree with you. I hear that all the time and don't know if it's true. However, we are where we are. Should we just let it burn for the next 70 years under different management while we wait for it to fix itself?

But tell me, if that's why we have such bad fires these days then why did we have the "Big Blowup" fire of 1910 that burned 3 million acres in Washington, Idaho and Montana. The fledgling US Forest service wasn't even established until 1905. That was a time of rape and pillage the land scape. No thoughts of conserving the forests the way we do now. How was that possible when nature was still taking its course without the tree huggers mismanaging everything?

Not takin sides, just sayin
If you think the feds are better off with control of the land, you might wanna visit with the folks in San Juan county. Utah is about to lose 1.9 million acres of hunting ground. Yet we have huge tracts of land that are state owned that have been set aside for sportsmen, such as the Book Cliffs Roadless area. I understand not wanting to see land lost for whatever reasons. But I'd feel far better about state control over federal. Southeastern Utah already has huge amounts of land lost to the fed's closures, and they keep taking, one monument or park at a time.
>this article shows two things:
>1. Utah couldn't begin to afford
>to even fight the fires
>on the public land they
>want, let alone manage it
>without selling it off.
>2. Ken Ivory is selling snake
>oil. Those figures he throws
>around are fabricated.
>$58 million

Why the hell would u want to stop the fires from burning!?!? Most of these fires do more good than harm and they let them burn because they know it helps.
You do realize the blm sells the land to
Be mined and used for
Minerals and they don't always let you still go on the land.
>If you think the feds are
>better off with control of
>the land, you might wanna
>visit with the folks in
>San Juan county. Utah is
>about to lose 1.9 million
>acres of hunting ground. Yet
>we have huge tracts of
>land that are state owned
>that have been set aside
>for sportsmen, such as the
>Book Cliffs Roadless area. I
>understand not wanting to see
>land lost for whatever reasons.
>But I'd feel far better
>about state control over federal.
>Southeastern Utah already has huge
>amounts of land lost to
>the fed's closures, and they
>keep taking, one monument or
>park at a time.

The state can take care of the land because the only they the Feds spend money on is fighting fires that are completely unnecessary! They don't manage the land! Show
Me what they do that state fdoesnt. Because I can tell u right now the blm refuses to allow ranchers to improve habitat yet the state will. The blm has turned into a preservationist agency. They are supposed to conservationists.
They allow horses to ravage the ever living hell out of Nevada sw Utah etc!
My article was not for a lease it said 45000 acres up for sale! You guys gotta lay off the kool aid
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-16 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]^^^Wow four of the dumbest post I think I've ever read on MM back to back to back to back.

Hey ox you still blaming all the elk kill offs on wild horses and not your cattle ranching buddies?
You boys do realize that even if the State owns it the Feds control the mustangs? So the State will own it and then they will sell it. They already have that plan in place on how they WILL SELL IT. ( lines 469-491)

Now they might not sell all of it, but a lot of it will be sold. And it won't be sold to the locals. It will be sold to investment funds, large corporations, etc. Then you won't have to worry about mustangs or monuments or going for a hike on it because you won't be able to access private property.

1.9 million acres protected for generations, with restrictions (hunting may or may not be one) OR 1.9 million acres sold to private interests with complete restrictions.
Whiskey, in the monument proposal hunting access will not be harmed at all and recreational access will remain the same. The 1.9 million acres is not designated and all that has gone on is fear mongering by politicians. Hunting will not necessarily be excluded because it s a monument. You are spewing lies and false statements.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-16 AT 09:22PM (MST)[p]And at such time as a monument is created get involved in the management plan and make sure hunting is allowed. There is hunting on plenty of other monuments.
>I'm not going to disagree with
>you. I hear that all
>the time and don't know
>if it's true. However, we
>are where we are. Should
>we just let it burn
>for the next 70 years
>under different management while we
>wait for it to fix
>But tell me, if that's why
>we have such bad fires
>these days then why did
>we have the "Big Blowup"
>fire of 1910 that burned
>3 million acres in Washington,
>Idaho and Montana. The fledgling
>US Forest service wasn't even
>established until 1905. That was
>a time of rape and
>pillage the land scape. No
>thoughts of conserving the forests
>the way we do now.
>How was that possible when
>nature was still taking its
>course without the tree huggers
>mismanaging everything?
>Not takin sides, just sayin

Logging was in its infancy in 1910. Course neither of us were there but I'd believe 70% or better was still virgin forest with a healthy fuel load and draught conditions, a perfect storm so to speak. We have the ability to lessen the likelihood of another perfect storm (although it's too late for colorado, it's comin!) if we'd just manage our renewable resource. The problem is we've put aside sound forest management and allowed the public to decide how our wildlife and forests should be managed. Instead of the biologists and foresters with the knowledge to install good management practices we let people with barely the ability to run their own lives make these decisions. There are people in the forest service who know what is needed. The problem is they're handcuffed to policies contrived from the Federal bureaucracy. Colorados problem was our forest was all generally the same age class due to lack of logging and fire suppression the past 70yrs. Then the beetle came along and just so happened to thrive on that age class of tree. Had we had a forest of varying age classes our situation would be no where near as dire as it is now. The mature stands would have been impacted and the younger stands would not have. Leaving us with a forest 20yrs or more ahead of where it is now. You made a comment about getting involved in the monument designation process to ensure hunting would be allowed on the monument. I agree. Why can't we get involved in the land transfer and assure there's a provisions that never allows the states to sell those transfered lands and forever allows us to recreate on it as we do today? I know you guys continue to bring up the "state trust lands" as an indicator of what will happen. Truth is that's what those lands were intended for. The money from the sale of those lands was and is to be kept in a trust to fund public education. The states followed the guidelines set forth way back when. Why can't we just get involved and set the guidelines in the event of a transfer?
Don't fool yourself. If you can't see that the groups pushing for the monument are the same groups pushing to eliminate hunting then you are naive to what's really going on. I'm aware that nothing is passed yet, and that there will have to be a management plan passed if it does become a monument. But I also have arches and canyonlands in my back yard and I know where those started as well. They convinced the locals that hunting, grazing and access wouldn't be restricted. Look at them now.
DW, Im not arguing here. I admit Im not that well versed in forestry. But I do know that by 1910 there was hardly a tree left standing in Nevada. They were cut off for timbers in the mines, charcoal for furnaces and to power the mills. I realize there never were as many trees in Nevada but what was here was cut down.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-16 AT 10:50PM (MST)[p]Yep and 20 years after the GSENM was created hunting and access are still the same. I don't care about conspiracy or being scared because of politicians BSing me. I care about reality, and the reality is Bears Ears has just as good of chance of having great access and hunting access as it does not having it. To say otherwise is just fear mongering at this point and clinging to your favorite politicians feeding the fire with their fear mongering BS. Maybe if the state would stop trying to steal public land a monument wouldn't be needed for future certainty and BLM managment would be fine. Sorry, I sure as hell don't trust Rob Bishop, Mike Lee, or Jason Chaffetz to properly care for the lands, all I've got to do is look at their history.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-16 AT 05:14AM (MST)[p]NVB

Well then dammit when are we gettin pics and the story on that ram? Or at least a link to the article? I've been lookin and can't find it!:D
If you would have listened years ago and quit devaluing your wildlife resources for your own greed you wouldn't be so scared now that evil rich politicians are going to cut you out of the pie.

I told you guys this years ago and instead of listen you just called names. Enjoy your future. You earned it.
>If you would have listened years
>ago and quit devaluing your
>wildlife resources for your own
>greed you wouldn't be so
>scared now that evil rich
>politicians are going to cut
>you out of the pie.
>I told you guys this years
>ago and instead of listen
>you just called names.
>Enjoy your future. You
>earned it.

You have been here for just over 1 year TRI!!! And no, this isnt Texas. Stay home.
I don't know where you got that number at but you are way off. Keep being belligerent. That's what got you here in the first place. Hate the messenger and ignore the message.


I am a wildlife prophet sent here to tell you the truth AND NOW IT IS HAPPENING. Denial..... it ain't just a river in Egypt.
>You have been here for just
>over 1 year TRI!!!
>And no, this isnt Texas.
> Stay home.

I have to agree with City Boy on this one. City Boy's been making an a$$ of himself on here for at least 2 years now.
We already knew the facts long before you showed up spewing your nonsense.

The facts are Texas sucks and having to beg and pay your Massa for permission sucks even more.
The facts are your wildlife has been devalued so badly that rich powerful interests don't give a flying flip whether you or your kids ever hunt again. Why would people who deal in Billions of dollars care whether tens of millions of dollars go this way or that. Feds, state, private, it doesn't matter at this point. You are a beggar hoping the Superstars will throw you crumbs. The feds can screw you. The state can screw you. AND YOU CAN'T GIVE THEM ONE LOGICAL REASON NOT TO.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-16 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]pufftuffly, since you're relatively new here (50 posts) I'll share something with you.

Most of us quit responding to that guy years ago. In fact, there's only a few guys that still take his bait. Just skip his posts and move on. I promise you'll enjoy MM more.

Have a good one. Hope to see you sticking around here for a while.


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