Done Lurking!



Been hanging around for quite a while now and thought it was time join in. I found this site while googling turtle hunting (kidding) and visit when I need a good laugh or some info on the happenings in the hunting world.
My name is Kevin and I live in Harrisville Utah. I am 28 years old and been hunting for 5 years. Spent most of my teen years blowing the duck call but hooked up with a really great woman whos father introduced me to hunting and I have been hooked since. I have not harvested an animal yet; had a few opportunities but held out for the "next" one and came up short. I really enjoy hunting and look forward to hiking my butt off each year and spending time with my family and friends in the hills. Not to mention all of the interesting stuff that you see when hiking alone in the middle of nowhere; no confirmed sasquatch sighting yet but did come upon a big bear ass once.
So far my favorite area to hunt and scout elk is in the Central Mountains Manti unit above Scofield. I am so unlucky I have not even drawn a darn cow tag yet. Put in for unit 530 around Hoop Lake this year so we'll see what happens.
I have hunted deer up on Mt McKinnon with the rest of the state but have seen some really nice deer packed out of that canyon. Have also hunted the North Eastern unit near clay basin.
I drew a region K tag in wyoming this year and am really excited to go see what I can find.
As you can tell I am no accomplished hunter but really enjoy it!

Talk to Ya'll later.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-08 AT 10:40PM (MST)[p]Welcome Kevin!!

dryboot, you already hitting on the new guy, CHEATER!! Lol

Sorry Kevin, don't be's a running joke that got started on the elk forum a while back.
If you have been "lurking", i'm sure you know what i'm talking about.

Welcome to the MM forums FINALLY!!! :)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-08 AT 11:22PM (MST)[p]

Slam, im sick and tired of you telling everyone its all a joke. but then behind closed doors you tell me you love me??? Im getting mixed signals here, I have Feelings too! :)
Looks like you got the most important thing figured out...your Father In Law!!...your wife can never complain about you spending time with her Dad!!

Hey Nuts! (good name, btw! Can't wait to see what nick name Bobcat gives you.) Welcome to MM. My dad and I introduced my husband to hunting as well. Good luck this year!

Squirrel nuts, is this you? Man, you have a pair, don't you? :)


Welcome aboard the fun train. If you've been lurking then you know everyone is fair game here.
You guys gotta quit postin these kinda pics they just leave me jealous and wonderin why i got the really short end of the stick lol

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
LMFAO! Damn paparazzi... That was me after my wife had the baby; I was out looking for some releif and next thing you know I'm all over the world wide web!

Don't sweat the petty things. Pet the sweaty things!!


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