


Just wondering who donates to what organizations? Red Cross, Salvation Army, any local ones? I am asking this because I had a co-worker freak out on me because I didn't donate to Red Cross or the Salvation Army for the disaster in Haiti. I donate to local ones like the local food drive for the local food bank and less fortunete, the giving tree, toys for tots and other local organizations that I know will go where it needs to go.
We usually only donate to local families that we find through the local church. That way we know that 100% of it is going directly to those who need it and nothing is skimmed off the top and it is not going to someone who is going to blow it on drugs, smokes or booze.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

My wife works at the hospital and I am the Fire Commisioner. We ONLY do the local stuff and Toys for Tots. We know where the money goes that way.

I don't give anything that will support some strong arm general and his army in some foriegn sandbox.
Things I can donate.
I have a neighbors dog that barks alot I would like to donate for food for those in need.
My girl friends car that is always parked in front of my house.
Some ice fish that don't bite. But you have to catch them.

But other then that I donate to IRS , Salvation Army, Girl/Boy Scouts/ Primary Childerns Hospital / Fire fighters / Schools / Church/ to mention a few. State Line Casino!

They better hurry up and get those donations down there.....they are starting to loot and raise hell.
I didn't see that in the flooding of the midwest states a few years ago.
I donate to the Salvation Army and my kids.
well jodog,
you may not of seen it,
but it damn sure happened,
i seen footage of locals stealin tv's & stuff,just never could figure out where they were gonna go with a hot tv when the power was out,bunch of thievin thugs & yes it did happen right here in america.........

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

manny16.0, we had a 6.5 earthquake here in Kali. last Saturday. Our town lost power for about 8 hours. The looters were out. One local bicycle shop had their big front window broke out. The scum got away with several bicycles. Coyotes are always on the look out. ALWAYS! KEEP YOUR GUNS HANDY at all times.

We give to the local rescue mission.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I knew they looted,robbed,raped and murdered in New Orleans. Im talking about the floods in Iowa. If they were looting,robbing,raping and killing I missed it, I saw were they were helping each other.
jodog's right. None of that shiite happened in cedar rapids. The entire state of Iowa could be with out power for a month and the biggest problems would be warm beer and some meat spoiled.

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