Donald Malloy, Most Important Man for the Future of Western Hunting


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-10 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]A federal judge in Montana appointed by Bill Clinton named Donald Molloy is making some of the most important wildlife management decisions of our time. This judge, that doesn't have a background in wildlife management, biology, or science will rule on whether Idaho and Montana can continue with their wolf hunts. Personally, I am so disappointed with how wolf management has been handled and how the endangered species act has once again (remember the spotted owl) been used to accomplish an agenda. I shake in my boots when I think about what may happen if/when the Greater Sage Grouse receives full protection under the Endangered Species Act. We live in scary times, make sure to take lots of pictures and write in your journal about your hunts. Those hunting memories may be all we have someday. I am not as confident as I once was that there will still be opportunity for my children and grandchildren to enjoy the outdoors as I have.

wilderness designations have already seen to that daxter........

All of us need to take a hard line on who we vote for President on down to the local level. If they wobble on items that are important to you, do not vote for them, even if you have to cross party lines to get a better candidate.

Why local level? just check the background on every member of congress and President. 99% started on the local level and progressed from there.

This guy is the bane of hunters and outdoorsmen. He bases his decisions on popular opinion, not fact. He is one evil sob.

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