Don Peay's A Wolfman!


Long Time Member
I guess I'm more than a little tired of the Don Peay meat grinder this week cause brymoore's constant garbage finally provoked me, not that other haven't but I have to be up for these rants before I can get motivated enough to put down the cool aid jug.

brymoore wants us to believe that SCI is who we should be supporting because Don Peay the Wolfman, is running a marketing scheme again. Is this the 8th or 10th one?

Figured I'd share my questions to brymoore on a new post. Point being, I never really wrote it for him anyway. Just wanted the readers of the forum to get a different perspective.


Well brymoore, pass that cool aide it over, I'll take another chug.

I like SCI too, been a member myself.

I took you at your word and spent the last two hours searching the internet for SCI's efforts regarding wolves. I'm not the best at internet research but I gave it a good try.

Came up with a reference to a donation SCI made to a group in Minnesota, couldn't find any details, more of a passing comment. Did find a $25,000 dollar donation to a Minnesota organization but there was no detail as to what it was to be used for. Those two could be related , no way to know so far as I could tell.

Did find a news release or three that referred to SCI supporting a Montana group wanting Montana, Idaho and Wyoming to support their groups recommendation on what to do about wolves. The article only mention SCI along with other supporters, such as the following:

"Leaders of the hunting groups said they understood their members are upset a lawsuit, which Clark?s group took part in and won, put the federal government back in charge of wolves this year. Presidents of the Boone and Crockett Club, the Mule Deer Foundation, the Pope and Young Club, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Safari Club International and Safari Club International Foundation, Wild Sheep Foundation and the Wildlife Management Institute signed off on the editorial."

So then I studied the SCI financials and couldn't find a single reference to funds spent on fighting for or against wolves. Fact is, reviewing SCI financials revealed a lot of interesting recipients but not a single mention of wolves. I would highly recommend everyone review where and how SCI spend their money. I got no quarrel with what they are doing but can't see a lot going into the wolf fight.

Help me out here bry, where is there a record of SCI's effort?

So if SCI is in fact doing so much to get the wolves in the Rocky Mts under control, as you claim, where would I go to find what it is they are doing, specifically that is?

Maybe it's your turn for a little transparency, show us where SCI "is leading the legal fight" against wolves. I'm just guessing but I'll bet there are many groups thought out the country who believe THEY are the "real" ones leading the legal fight against wolves.

I can tell you this FOR A FACT, U.S. Senator Orin Hatch, U.S. Congressman Jim Matheson, U.S. Senator Elect Mike Lee support Don Peay and his wolf fight effort, they respect him, they claim he has a great deal of influence in Washington D.C. where the wolf fight is going to be won or lost. These guy's are all telling sportsmen to support Don Peay's wolf war chest.

You actually believe these guys are risking their reputations and political careers on a Don Peay marketing scheme?

You think these big time political operators, from the most powerful country the world has ever known, are going to take a full evening out of the last two weeks of their campaigns to come to some guy's house on a back road in Utah to tell us how much good Don is doing in the fight for wolf management? And half or more of the people in the audience are from outside of Utah.

You think a Don Peay marketing scheme can get two of the most power men in Washington, DC, from opposite sides of the aisle, to show up in a room together, to tell a bunch of people who can't cast a vote for them, how great Don Peay is?

You think brilliant business minded people that make a living sorting the real from the bullshit everyday of their lives fly into Utah for a two hour meeting with a guy running a marketing scheme cloaked as a fight against wolves?

How is it that you are so much wiser, so much more perceptive, so much more knowledgeable, and are so much more in touch with the political and judicial system than all of these "cool aide drinkers"?

There's no logic in that my friend. What ever you're drinking ain't cool aide, whatever it is, it's effecting your reasoning ability, when it comes to the wolf issue.

You can say what you will about Don, I'll take his word over folks who post here behind a mask, because they can.

To those interested in saving our big game, give this a try, send some money to SCI and all the rest, they are doing good things for our wildlife, but for hells-sake, login into: and join Don's effort too and donate what you can toward this cause, because losing this fight has life changing consequences.

I'll be watching for your evidence brymoore.

I'm not aware of another organization who is more committed to the wolf thing than Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife. (They got a $1 million dollar grant from Barnes Bullets to finance a tricked out attorney for goodness sakes.)

Its a stupid $25 dollar donation to join? What's the big deal? Go online, click on the link and you can join or make a donation faster than you can apply for a LE tag.
I got a better idea! Everybody take that $25 buck's go get a box of bullet's tell the old lady your going to hunt rabbits for the weekend. Then go shoot every fu@#Ing wolf you can find! It will help the cause alot more look how much money the other states have spent and look where the wolf's are "dumb asses" there still on the list breeding,spreading,&killing are animals that we are still paying the wildlife officials to manage. Just like the guy from ID said UT you are done for and AZ lets hope they are smart enuf to start shooting them now befor they are in your back yard! i will listen to the average joe that is dealing with this problem in his hunting ground it will be to late when for UT befor the problem is solved go get a box of bullets please!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-10 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]2lumpy,

Thank you for your post, I don't understand the hatred for Don by others on here and get frustated that everyone can't see we need to all fight the wolves instead of eachother.

I am a member of SFW, BGF, RMEF, Mule Deer, and SCI and appreciate what all groups are doing in this fight against wolves. However having said that I am convinced that nobody is investing more personal time into this fight than Don Peay and Ryan Benson with Big Game Forever.

We can agree to disagree on alot of issues but we need to take a stand against wolves. If somebody has a personal feeling against Don then don't support him but lets not try to destroy what he's doing. Can anybody honestly say he is not fighting to keep the wolves out. Let's all pick our battles, fight to end the wolve invasion and quite fighting eachother.
DC - are we going to run responses on two threads?

Have your tried the same search with BGF or SFW? How much did they spend on wolves? Where are their financials to review?

SFW has never been open with their financials and it appears BGF is following suit. We get a lot of stories of these great meetings with photo ops.

SCI is a named litigant in a wolf lawsuit. You can look at their financials. The specific spending on wolves is not broken out specifically on their audited financials. The funds are held within the $6.7 millions dollars they spent on conservation and government affairs in 2009.

I have an email into them for how much they have spent on the wolf issue. I'll let you know if they respond.
2lumpy, you couldn't find anywhere, where it said what those guys in Minnesota spent that $25,000 on? Boy doesn't that sound ironically familiar. Now you know how we feel.
Don Peay will release detailed, audited financials for SFW just as soon as Obama releases the original, long form birth certificate. Will be done jointly at a photo op, btw.
Truth is I haven't the fainted idea how you feel or what you believe or why you believe it. You are a mystery to me and how you come to your conclusions boggles my mind.

Here is what I said:

"I like SCI too, been a member myself."

Then I said:

"So then I studied the SCI financials and couldn't find a single reference to funds spent on fighting for or against wolves. Fact is, reviewing SCI financials revealed a lot of interesting recipients but not a single mention of wolves. I would highly recommend everyone review where and how SCI spend their money."

And then I wanted you to know that I was okay with SCI, even though I couldn't find any thing on this long engagement byrmoore claims they've had leading the legal battle over wolves, so I said:

"I got no quarrel with what they (SCI) are doing but can't see a lot (in their financials) going into the wolf fight."

What I was attempting to communicate was this: Even though I can't find anything in SCI's financial reports that would support their wolf fight expenditures, I still like what the organization does. That's what I was trying to convey I when said, "I got no quarrel with what they (SCI) are doing".

Then to reiterate that point I said it again, in a little different way, so you could understand:

"send some money to SCI and all the rest, they are doing good things for our wildlife"

The entire point if the comment was this:

SCI is doing a lot for wildlife, for hunting, and helping with the fight against wolves, yet there is very little if any financial evidence on-line that shows that they are spending a dime on wolves. There are volumes of information on the web sites I listed that shows they spend millions of dollars but hardly a thing on the specifics that go to wildlife let along the wolf fight. YET brymoose AND I BOTH BELIEVE SCI DOES A LOT OF ON-THE-GROUND PROJECTS. THEREFORE, just because I can't see where Don and SFW's dollars go is not a valid excuse to get on here every other day and discredit everything he is doing.

brymoose and others like yourself get on here and make statements as if they are fact and spew garbage about Don and his efforts. I asked brymoore to show me where he was getting his information that SCI was the "leader" in the wolf fight and asking for evidence that. He said:

"No one heard anything about wolves from you until you started BGF about a year ago. This is just your latest marketing scheme."

I knew brymoose was spewing garbage again because I've been exchanging letters, e-mails and attending meeting where Don has been in participating, fighting against wolves, back nearly ten years.

To get on this forum and make these kinds of accusation just because you dislike Don or the positions he has taken or the methods he's used to support hunting and wildlife is not right and after reading the bullshit night have night I get a little tired of it and I get motivated to at least let the folks reading these forums, who's support we need to win this war, know that the need for funds is not a "marketing scheme" for Don Peay.

So, today brymoose claims he's sent: "an email into them (SCI) for how much they have spent on the wolf issue." And he said: "I'll let you know if they respond."

Here's my question, to brymoore. If he knows so much more about SCI and SFW, how come he has to send them an e-mail today, requesting information. brymoore's the one that made the claim. If he really knew he wouldn't be asking for data from SCI after he the made remake.

Here's what I think, brymoose don't know dip, he has some reason that I can't understand for bad mouthing Don Peay and ANYTHiNG AND EVERYTHING that he or his organization does. I think, he has no conscience about what he accuses Don of doing or not doing. He really doesn't care if there is truth in it or not as long as he can turn others against him.

There are a lot of hunters who have said they have had their difference with Don over the years, including me, but there are times when we must set those difference aside and work together as a hunting community. Some of us get it, apparently there are some of us that don't.

So, let me restate my answer to what I believe is your rhetorical question: I have no idea how you feel or why you feel the way you do. But, like I said to brymoore, I'm not posting this for you or him.

Once again folks, please help out where you can. Join Sportsmen we need your help winning this wolf mess. Someone once said: "United we stand.........." you all know the rest of the quote. True today as it always has been.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-10 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]Outdoors, you've out done yourself, it's been nearly 90 days!

Those association claims are fun aren't they? So unique and shed light on such a ripeness in your cognitive maturity.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-10 AT 09:14PM (MST)[p]Here are a few bits of information regarding the Wolfman's current efforts, he said:

And then challenge every other leading sportsmen group to get their TWO US SENATORS ? Hatch and Lee, and their entire bipartisan congress on board with S. 3913 and HR 6028.

Not only did we get our guys on board in Utah, we did get AZ, WY, and ID, plus a bunch of folks from the Midwest.

(Utah's influence, united and committed.)

And regarding Don's use of wolf funds:

Here is the photo with the meeting about Sept. 15, private meeting for 30 minutes.

Ted Lyon a Texas Trial attorney, Leader Reid, don Peay, Clint Bentley, former Nevada Wildlife Commissioner ? just came of open heart surgery, I paid $2,700 for his first class ticket to DC on last minute, and Miles Morretti, MDF

After this meeting, everyone went home, I spent 7 days in DC, the last place I want to be. Everyone else had ?other things to do?. I gave up my elk hunt.

In second meeting with Reid, Tester, Baucus, Hatch, Crapo, Enzi, Barrasso, Risch, and having Kyle and McCains chiefs of staff on the phone, ONE SPORTSMEN in the room. Don Peay.

(It's going to take everybody working together. If these political opponents can set their mistrust and their far greater differences aside and work together on winning this war over wolves why in the world can't we sportsmen. Come on people, think about what is going on here.)

Pay enough money and you too can have your picture taken with a politician. Pictures with politicians mean nothing.

Organization one (SCI) has been around over 30 years and spent over $278 million on hunter and wildlife conservation. They are a named litigant in the wolf lawsuits. They provide audited financial statements of their activities.

Organization two (BGF) has been in existence since 2010. They overall effort towards the wolf battle has been photo ops with politicians. They provide, well, they don't provide financial statements but ask for money at every chance. They side-step the financial issue and attack anyone who suggests things may not be proper.

Which one is actually in the wolf fight and which one is on a marketing campaign?

Sip, sip your cool-aid Lumpy.
Pssst. Hey, you want to see some audited financials? How about a Rolex watch cheap? Pay me now and I will be back with them in, er, a few, you know, soon. Very difficult to find a CPA in Utah and all. Kool-aid, anyone? I have plenty. video in here. This is double top secret stuff. Want to see my Congressional decoder ring?
I would dare say that SCI is in support of all groups joining the fight against wolves. I believe that is what 2lumpy is saying, we should all fight for one cause . However some would rather bash fellow sportsmen and patterners in the fight than create unity. I don't always agree it Don or SFW, but I'll tell you this I never like a rat that works against the cause. If SCI is about getting their own credit, over fighting in unity with other groups then I would have to say no thanks. I know they work with others but if they are in favor of blocking even one group trying to fight this issue then shame on them. My guess they would not be real happy with their membership giving this impression. So I say NO MOORE RATS!!! Let's work together!!!!

There are not enough deer in Utah...FOR REAL.
There seem to be a lot of people on here that just can't get past the fact that Don is working his ass off for the good of his fellow sportsmen. Here are several things that I know to be true:

1) Don doesn't need to be involved in the fight against wolves for his own financial gain.
2) Don gives up hunting time to fight for our cause. How many of you naysayers are willing to give up an elk hunt. Do you really think this fight is just about photo ops. I know that Don would much rather be kneeling behind a deer or elk with his son then taking pictures with politicians in DC.
3) Don is about making sure that our hunting heritage will be able to be passed down to the next generation.
4) Don has provided the opportunity for more people to hunt then you will ever know. He doesn't spend much time posting pictures of himself with trophies. While I'm sure he does get his chance to hunt from time to time, he spends more time helping friends, family, military veterans and total strangers achieve their hunting dreams then pursuing his own.
5) The BGF web site is asking you first and foremost to sign the petition to delist wolves. It then asks for donations to help the cause starting at as little as $10.00. Politics are not cheap. How much money do you think our opponents are spending lobbying against us. Do you think their members are crying and whining because they don't know where every dollar is spent. Do you know how much your wife spent on her last haircut. Maybe you should audit her check book.
6) When we win this fight, Don Peay, Ryan Benson and BGW will be one of the main reasons for our victory.

I for one will support SFW, BGF and their partners in this fight. If we don't win our only chance to hunt might end up being behind high fences. Or we could just go spend an afternoon at the Zoo in the fall listening to the elk bugle.
Strait from the "Defenders of Wildlife" website are the remarks against what we are trying to acomplish. They also state that within the last 72hours their members have sent over 55,000 letters to congressmen and senators noting strong opposition to the house and senate bills that are proposed, while we sit and argue about Don Peay and his efforts in driving those bills forward. Have sportsman sent 55,000 letters to thier congressman or senators? This isn't something we can wait to be decided in the courts, the wolves have already been delisted and relisted how many times? Lets put a nail in the coffin for good and pass legislation. Their propoganda is real and backed with millions of dollars in both arena's...political and judicial.

Take A Stand Against Anti-Wolf Proposals in Congress

Members of Congress like Texas?s Chet Edwards and Montana?s Denny Rehberg have introduced legislation aimed at limiting federal efforts to ensure a healthy future for wolves.

These lawmakers are threatening not only the viability of wolves in the Northern Rockies, but the very foundation of the Endangered Species Act.

Sign our petition now and let Congress know that science, not politics should guide management of America?s wolves?.
What else has PAY DAY done for us? Well, lets see.

1-showed us the tag numbers/odds at the expo. NOT
2-taken over 200 tags a year from us and sold them for lots of money.
3-sold lots of tags and did not show exactly where the money has gone.

I think we should take those tags. I will do it if they will let me and find the place to do it. We should sell those tags and auction those tags and give the money back directly to the dwr to hire more officers to patrol and do habitat projects. If not, I want those tags back in the draw to better my chances by .002 percent. Anything is better than nothing.

We could even take the money and start trapping/killing every cyote and cougar in the state!
The clown alert is ringing again. What in the hell does the expo have to do with the wolf issue? Robi what are you doing to protect our wildlife from wolves? You all sound like bitter ex girl friends.

There are not enough deer in Utah...FOR REAL.

Here we go again. Back to the ?Don?s taking our tags away? excuse for not stepping up to the plate to help protect our wildlife. Go to the ?Defenders of Wildlife? web site and look at their financials. Sure they list them online. 10% goes to fundraising, 90% goes to fighting their cause. While we have a bunch of whiners here on this forum complaining, they are spending over $30,000,000 dollars a year to keep you and I from hunting. Take a look at the benefits that they offer their employees. I'm sure all the celebrity donors to their cause don't ask to see where every dime is spent. It's not realistic.

I have no problem putting my $5.00 down to try and win one of the 200 tags at the expo. My odds are the same as everyone else that puts in and that's all I need to know.

This thread is about wolves and the need to stand up together to fight organizations such as ?Defenders of Wildlife?. Name one individual that has done more to stand up for this cause then Don Peay. We need to stand together and win this battle or you are going to be kissing a lot more then 200 tags goodbye. When is the last time you saw a candidate running for office win on ?zero? dollars and no supporters. Like Tworay said, Defenders of Wildlife has had over 55,000 people sign their petition against delisting wolves in the last 72 hours. We are up against a giant and it's going to take a cooperative effort to take them down; money, time and people like Don Peay with the know how and ability to get the job done.
I want you dumbass to know something. I have been a member of sfw for about 8 years until last year. I have done several service projects to help with habitat and wildlife. I am only stating how I feel about Don Peay Day. I know and can read its about woves. Did you not see that someoen posted WHAT HAS DON FOR US? So I simply stated what he hasnt done. Is that so wrong? You are the guys that sound like you are the ones with the bad ex girlfriends. Infact, get out of bed with Don and see reallity!

I DONT diagree that he does alot and that he is doing alot. BUT when he promises at a meeting what they are going to do, I would take their word for it and expect that to happen. IT HAS NOT! I understand that he is working hard for ALL OF US. But, he just needs to follow through on all of his promises that he makes!

The one thing that every one of us can do is to kill every wolf we see in the wild and turn our heads and walk away. Play the dont as dont tell game.
I am sorry for your loss. To move on after an eight year relationship must be tough. I understand your current bitterness. I have not actually got in bed with the SFW yet, we are just taking it kind of me old fashion.

There are not enough deer in Utah...FOR REAL.
Lets stay focused on the issue: the future of big game hunting in the west. if we win in the next few months, big game hunting survives in the west. If PETA and Destroyers of wildlife win, elk, moose, sheep and deer herds are reduced 80 plus percent, hunting is over. done.

With the New Congress, HR 6028 will be the legislation in teh HOuse, and S. 3919 will be the Senate effort.

BAsed on teh meetings and photos on this post, i have had meetings with Senate Leader Reid and Orrin Hatch, Enzi, Crapo, Rich, Barrosso, Kyle and McCain.

The key challange will be to get the bill passed in teh senate. we are working and meetings with other Dem. Senators.

It will be hunters V anti hunters.

All sportsmen on deck, Big game Forever is leading the train, SCI, RMEF, MDF, CSF, and other groups are on board helping.

lets focus and win.

Every sportsmen needs to be on board.
People! I just did a search of the two Bills Don is refering to. This is exactly what WE need! Both Bills are the same so I only copied one. Read it please!

"Jul 30, 2010 - Introduced in House. This is the original text of the bill as it was written by its sponsor and submitted to the House for consideration. This is the latest version of the bill currently available on GovTrack.

HR 6028 IH


2d Session

H. R. 6028

To amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to prohibit treatment of the Gray Wolf as an endangered species or threatened species.


July 30, 2010

Mr. EDWARDS of Texas introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources


To amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to prohibit treatment of the Gray Wolf as an endangered species or threatened species.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


Section 4(a) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1533(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

?(4) The Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) shall not be treated as an endangered species or threatened species for purposes of this Act.?.


I didn't think it was possible, but somehow Don got it done! Thank you sir, and my apology for doubting you! And thanks to Senator Hatch and Rep. Edwards for their understanding and courage for sponsering these Bills.

I don't know what the odds of these bills being passed are, but they address the very root of the wolf problem.

Please put our differences aside and support this effort to the max!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-10 AT 11:07AM (MST)[p]Thanks Eel

Ryan Benson - avid hunter - BS degree in Political Science, Law Degree from Harvard - gave up a HUGE amount of money to come and work for Big Game Forever - to help get this legislation drafted, work to build grass roots accross America, and get this job done

BGF has hired some of the BEST lobbyists in DC.

There has been well over $1 MILLION in funds already spent to get to this poinnt, as EEL points out, we have teh silver bullet made, now we just have to hit the target.

With the election results from last week - Where the House went Republican and we already had 20 Democrat Co-sponsors in teh house lined up, means it will pass the house, easily, in spite of the anti hunters spending $3-$5 Million to stop it.

Defenders of Wildlfie spent $450,000 to get a pro wolf democratic congressman re-elected in New Mexico, he lost to a pro sportsmen, pro rancher REpublican. Not by chance, but by hard work

Democrat Congressman Matheson - UTAH THE MOST REPUBLICAN state won. he campaigned, favoring wolf managment and is a CO sponsor with Chet Edwards.

Translation to other poltiicians, support sportsmen and ranchers, you win. Get in bed with anti-hunters, you loose. IN the end, that is what matters most to politicians, if i vote for this does it net cost me votes or get me votes. Sportsmen, how bad do we want to save our heritage, get on board, get on teh same team and kill the enemy in the political fight of our generation ?

WE have lots of data, information taht proves we can finish the job. We are not going to put our plan, our strategy on the internet for the enemy to see.

Fellow sportsmen, we have a plan to win, we are 75% of teh way down the track. Frankly, a handful of us got it to this point.

If now, the entire hunting community gets behind this effort accross teh country - we can win for EVERY STATE, not just the west but the midwest and the rest of the sates not destroyed by wolves yet - Nevada, AZ, NM, CO, Utah, ND< SD, etc.

so, if you want to help us win, get all your friends to go to sign up, get emails, make a donation.

It is really key we get the sportsmen from other parts of the ocuntry - PA, WI, MN, MO, ND, SD, MI, etc on board. MOney helps us hire people than can go and do that.
Don, or anyone. I'd like to know the source for the statistic that are quoted on the biggameforever website. I have no problem quoting stats in arguments but not unless I know their background. I tried emailing the [email protected] address but it gets automatically kicked back. And that's from 3 different email accounts.

So, where can I find the source for those statistics?
Anyone, I'd like the resource for the statistics listed on biggameforever. (ie, Big Game Population Statistics)

I have no problem using stats in discussions with others, but not if I can't point someone to where they came from (ie State DWR, etc). I've tried the info email address on the website but it keeps coming back undeliverable. Is there anothe email address for this organization?

I've searched some of the States' sites and can't find much. Any ideas?
>AT 11:07?AM (MST)

>\>Fellow sportsmen, we have a plan
>to win, we are 75%
>of teh way down the
>track. Frankly, a handful of
>us got it to this

Kind of scary that just "a handful" can wield this much power, don't ya think?

Of course it would never be abused...........
DkPeay said "frankly a handful of us got it to this point"
Exactly why I don't support him personally. I do support SFW and with comments like that from him it makes me laugh knowing how much $ I've put into SFW.
The data on the BGF is comign from the Fish and Game Agencies in various states.

13 Midwest fish and game agencies voted and unanimously support delisting wolves and giving each state the right to manage wolves.

Two western state fish and game directors contacted us in the last week and they are getting the same vote from all the western states game and fish agencies.

In a recent public meeting, a Montana fish and game employee risked his job, and because he has seen the complete devestation of herds in his stewardship and can do nothing about it because of the ESA law, he said, "i personally support HR 6028"

Now, let me clarify the a handful of us statement. There are more than 10 Million big game hunters in NOrth America.

Less than 10% of those hunters are invovled in any way.

Of the sportsmen who are involved in those groups - only a handful - RMEF and SFW - are the only ones invovled in any meaningful way to get this legislation passed.

So 10% of 10% is only 1%, and thanks to the financial support of those people - the one percent, Four sportsmen, Don Peay, Ryan Benson, David Allen and Ted Lyon, have actually been talking with Senators and Congresman about this issue. I am appreciative Miles Morretti of the MDF came back to a meeting in DC as well.

It would be nice if more sportsmen had brains, as mentioned on this post. 55,000 defenders of wildlfie members sent in emails opposing wolf delisting. compared to ten million big game hunters, a relative handful has signed on with the Big Game Forever effort and a relative handful are in the fight.

If sportsmen want to win this issue, we need 100,000 or so of the 10 Million big game hunters to join in.

100% of Big Game Forever money goes into the wolf effort.

RAMMU, thanks for your support of SFW, it is support from good hearted sportsmen that allows me to go and work for all of you. SFW is a small group, but it has got a lot done on this issue - so says Senator Hatch the Sponsor of the bill in teh Senate and Congressman Matheson the Co-sponsor in the House.

so, once again, SFW, a relative handful of sportsmen in America have got a lot done. it would be really nice if just 10% of the ten million big game hunters in the US would get on board and beat the anti hunters at an issue that is destroying our hunting heritage.

Is there any way a sportsman could fight the wolves without joining BGF. As your post said RMEF is fighting. If a person joins and financially supports RMEF are they also fighting to wolves?

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