Don Peay shortens 2010 general deer hunting season




SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Deer hunters in Utah will have less time to fill their tag next year.

The Utah Wildlife Board on Thursday reduced the 2010 general deer season from nine days to five, except for hunters 17 or younger.

The board acted on a proposal by the group Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife.

Five-day seasons have been used in southern Utah in recent years to help herds increase their numbers. State wildlife biologists, though, say there's no indication that shortening the season will reduce the number of animals taken in the hunt.

Board members say they'll revisit the shortened general deer season before the 2011 hunt.

About 70,000 people participate in the general deer season each October.


Information from: The Salt Lake Tribune

(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
easy there trigger. i think your givin this peay guy way to much credit. he's just a mouthpeice for a group. the season got shortened by every member of s.f.w. without their numbers and money this guy is a nobody. if you're a member and financing his orginaztion than you might as well be the one making the decisions. if you agree with him keep donating, if ya don't than don't. simple as that.
Just a mouthpiece? Good to know he is just a PR guy. Who is the real leadership at SFW then that hired Peay? Assumed he was the founder and leader for life rather than serving at the pleasure of others that could easily fire him on a whim. Don't follow SFW or Utah much other than at one time was trying to find the odds for the Expo's 200 hunts. Maybe Peay's manager can give him the odds printout and tell Peay to announce to the world.
Good thing the idea of shortening the season statewide was discussed at the RAC meetings so the DWR could share their data showing a shortened season doesn't reduce harvest, and so the public could have input and the RAC's could discuss it and make an informed recommendation to the wildlife board. Also, it is good that the RAC's and public all had a chance to discuss the closing of City Creek and Emmigration Canyon areas to rifle hunting. Since those were pretty much the biggest, most significant changes made by the board it is great the the RAC process and corresponding public input was part of the decision....Oh wait, none of that stuff was ever discussed at the RAC meetings. As a sportsman in Utah I am extremely disappointed with the board and how they handled these issues.

This is bullschit!!! He should be hung by his nuts! And what the hell is with giving the youth all the good schit? pisses me off. this state is going to hell. oh wait its already there.
Just kkidding, its about time they did something for the deer herds in this state. I still dont agree with the youth gettin more time.
You soothsayers maybe a loud minority, but I really think if there was a vote of all deer hunters in Utah the five day would mirror SFW's recommendation.

A big thanks to SFW.
>You soothsayers maybe a loud minority,
>but I really think if
>there was a vote of
>all deer hunters in Utah
>the five day would mirror
>SFW's recommendation.
>A big thanks to SFW.

Would a similar vote on the 200 Expo tags show a loud minority is against the 200 tags? Or would it show a majority?

What about the auction tags now in the 100s? Just a loud minority out there?

Good to know. Of course, when votes are not taken and issues not discussed at the PAC thingys...then I guess we will never really know now will we?

Good thing we can trust the SFW to do everything correct for the majority of hunters. And we have the SFW's PR guy to inform the hunters.
The amount of Exp tags SFW is ridiculous, but you really can't attribute the five day to them, the hunters want something done with the deer herd and they want it done now. My answer to this is to hire seniors for the DWR Biologist, rather than a non-game person who does care for hunters anyway. They're the only people in Utah that can remember what a deer herd should look like.
If the ultimate goal is increasing deer numbers and improving quality then a shorter season is NOT the answer. If state biologists are right, and I believe they are, that "there's no indication that shortening the season will reduce the number of animals taken in the hunt;" Then what's the point? In my opinion it will merely increase the number of hunters on average over those five days.

At what point will we actually start to seriously consider ANTLER RESTRICTIONS? In my opinion, that is the real answer. I am so tired of seeing so many dink bucks taken by hunters in their 20's, 30's, 40's, etc. I know, "a trophy is in the eye of the beholder," "some of us don't care about antler size," "some of us hunt solely for the meat," etc. We hear this over and over again. But think about it, those of you out there that argue against imposing antler restrictions, the opportunity to kill a buck every year (for meat, etc.) would still be there; only that those who choose to harvest a deer without discretion would then be taking 2 1/2 year old bucks instead of 1 1/2 year old bucks.

Just imagine what the numbers would begin to look like in only a couple of years if all of those "stupid" 1 1/2 year old bucks that were shot this fall while standing on the side of the road were able to get through that first season.

If it were up to me, I'd impose a statewide 3 point minimum with an exception for those hunters under 18. I think it is important that those in their first years of hunting have the opportunity to shoot any buck in order to gain an appreciation and interest in the sport. I just don't understand why so many out there that have hunted for years are content to let the air out of the first little buck they see every year.

It's not my intent to hijack this thread with an "antler restriction" argument, it just bothers me that the State would make this kind of change, without looking at the real problem, and without listening to their own biologists.
Maybe you are right that the hunters may agree to a 5 day season.
So let the hunters decide. Show us some data. Not just southern Utah stats. Where is the recommendation of the majority of hunters in this article. The people who pay for and fund the majority of the conservation. The FNG knew this was coming down the pipe line. Thats why they decided to not have DH hunters show up as a requirement. Way too many people out there with a voice and all we were doing by showing up to those meetings was making them longer. You all saw how tired, borde and sleepy they were up on that stage.
Keep on sniveling guys , sfw is the only reason we have any deer in this state . keep up the good work sfw chapters all across the state !!!!
I know this has been said before. But I think the 5 day hunt helped the southern region. The dnr sais it didn't. Then they instituted 5 day hunts in other areas to help deer numbers. So I'm confused. Anyway I am glad to see them at least putting some thought into the deer herd in utah. Hope it helps.
They are going to bring back the deer committee for what it is worth. It is all political and we know it, at least the SFW is doing something.

We can argue over 5 day 3 day or 9 day seasons. We can suggest antler restriction, micro units or better quality. None of these will happen until the DWR and WB decide to do whatever it takes to increase the overall deer numbers in the state! Currently they do not care, at all. They are a business and dollars right now is all that drives them. Their boilogists are told what to report and nothing they say can be trusted! Money makes the world go round!

They use the sportsmen against each other to prove that we are not united in one cause. We fight and argue on forums like this and at the RAC meetings. The bowhunters hate the rifle hunters the rifle hunters hate the muzzy hunters and we are all unwilling to unite to increase the herds for fear of losing a few days in the field or god forbid set out a season or two. We are selfish and so are they and we now get to see results of our poor deer herd. The SFW trys to do anything and they get spit on by some! Who else is doing anything, please somebody answer that question and don't tell the MDF because I never see them pushing for change. Sad deal here in Utah, what a great resource to waste!

Sorry for the rant but I love deer and enjoy hunting them on occasion and I see that fading away in Utah.
Hey Dax, FYI, all of the things you mentioned were discussed in the central region rac. And the Southern, and the South Eastern and the Northern. Not sure about the North Eastern.
They never discussed any proposal to shorten the rifle hunt statewide to 5 days in the Northeastern RAC. I guess I went to the wrong meeting if they discussed that at all the other RAC meetings?

The shortened season wasn't on any RAC agenda, so its hard to justify that it was a fair opportunity for the public to comment. I reviewed the meeting minuted from the Central Region as posted on DWR's web site and found that it was discussed and a motion was made, but was unanimously voted against. Not sure what happened in the other regions. Wether it was a good decision or bad decision, I think any rational person would agree that it was a under-handed move and was not fair to the public. There needs to be a check and balance to the Wildlife Board. I have little confidence in the public process at this point.

Since SFW are the ONLY people that care about deer in Utah and want to do something, then why don't they lobby to cut tag numbers. That's the only fix to the problem. Until the all knowing SFW accomplishes that, they haven't done crap for deer hunt management.

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