Dolphin Pics



"Only Two Things are Infinite" -
The universe and human stupidity and I'm not so certain about the universe.
Opppsss.. The same photo came up each time.

They should have been:



and finally the deer photo:


You can see how computer savy I am...

Jim- I'm all for looking at pics of dolphins as they are my 12 year olds favorite animal. do they tie in with the pics of the bucks? Nice ones by the way...

I just added the pics of the bucks as an after thought. The pics of the bucks were still on my camera when I downloaded the dolphin pics so I thought I would include them.
AWESOME PICS! Those are some great bucks as well, thanks for sharing em...NM
Hey Jim
thanks for the I know what I missed the day they grounded me to my cabin on the cruise!!!
That is the only day so far that anyone seen dolphins and whales... Now I know what to look for...
nice pics. I'll have to show em to the wife, thats her favorite animal. She got to swim with them once and i didnt stop hearing about it for a month. Maybe i won't show them to her :)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-09 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]My daughter got to swim with dolphins at the Discovery Cove in Orlando on her Make A Wish trip last year. That was her wish. She was absolutely stoked! Where did your wife swim with them Feleno?


your daughter looks like she really enjoyed herself. my wife was at the very same place. been there a few times but only swam with them once. glad your daughter got to experience that.
Jim, thanks for the photos. Those are very good bucks. I thought there would be snow in there. I thought it was snowing when you were there. Obviously not.

The weather up here has been great too. Shirt sleeve conditions. Also lawn mowing conditions.:(

>Jim, thanks for the photos. Those
>are very good bucks. I
>thought there would be snow
>in there. I thought it
>was snowing when you were
>there. Obviously not.
>The weather up here has been
>great too. Shirt sleeve conditions.
>Also lawn mowing conditions.:(

Actually Steve it rained on and off he first two days and started to snow on day three. It goes without saying it was rediculous cold and windy but that's South Dakota. I have other photos on my big camera that I still have not downloaded and I got some really good pics of a VERY nice buck chasing a doe. He walked within 30 yards of me and let me take about 30 pictures of him and I got a real good one of him mid air jumping a fence following that doe. I will download them soon and share them with you. Weather here has been in the mid 80's and the ocean has been so completely flat I can run my boat wide open and the ride is smooth as glass,there is not so much as a ripple which is strange for the ocean but the fishing sucks.. There aint no salmon down here..


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