Dolphin eating our fish! (video)



LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-08 AT 09:24PM (MST)[p]I know this is a hunting forum, but thought some of you may like this. I was going through some old videos and came across one of our trip to Florida in 2007. We were on the gulf side outside of Sarasota just doing some lazy fishing when some dolphins came by to pay us a visit. Well, I ended up catching a Ladyfish and suddenly one of the dolphins darts towards where my line was, and than the fish was gone! Well we kept fishing and I caught another and same thing, but this time it was closer to the boat. The dolphin following it all the way in, kind of beckoning his head waiting for my approval. I kept the fish on the line to get the camera and the following took place. Sorry for the 2 spots where there is no footage. I gave the camera to my Stepdad and he is a bit illiterate when it comes to them....
cool video, nothing like getting wasted and fishing or was that camera man not drunk?

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