Dog's vs Wolf


Very Active Member
I wonder what would happen in the Anti's world if we tried passing a bill to hunt deer in the western states with dogs.

Could they argue with that? would it not be as natural as wolves?

I read an anti hunter's comment today about a hunt that involved dogs in South Carolina killing a deer (which there its legal). Isn't that what they want?

This really is the proof in the pudding... it really shows that it has nothing to do with the animals but everything with them pushing and forcing us to eat their political agenda.

Any thoughts?

It was a big bodied 2 point.
I'd hope if someone in this state tried to pass a law allowing deer to be hunted with dogs get's the Lee Harvey Oswald treatment. Just my 2 cents...
Wow this is a really dumb post. Which begs the question . . .

Who is dumber the guy who posts a dumb post, or the guy (me) who takes the time to post this reply to such a dumb post?

Any thoughts?
Or could it be the guy slinging around insults for no reason? you gotta be atleast 5 ft tall to post poopie bar. :)

It was a big bodied 2 point.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-11 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]Lighten up. A joke is just that....a joke. Maybe a Redneck joke, but still a joke.

My apology if it was deemed offensive.

Before you die.....Take time to live
I don't think it's a dumb post at all... Questioning the Anti's true agenda with some "out of the box" thinking sounds just fine to me...

Travis has a point- if we legalized hunting with dogs (no weapons involved) and just let the dogs run down, and slowly kill the animal, would the Antis say it was un-natural and try to get it banned..??

You bet they would.

For them, it's not about saving animals- it's about taking away hunting at all, and then taking away guns (because if you can't hunt- what's the point of having guns?) It's a question of the Anti-hunters agenda... It's not stupid...

Thanks Travis

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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