Dogs for hunting bears........


Founder Since 1999
I got an email the other day about some issues going on in Nevada concerning bear hunting with dogs. What do you guys think about hunting bears with dogs?

I personally think I'd rather not hunt a bear using hounds. It could be fun to go tree one, and then walk away, but I don't think I'd have any interest in shooting one from the tree.
But I also have to say, I know very little about bear hunting. Have never even hunted them.


Brian Latturner
In alot of areas unless you could use bait it would be dang near impossible to kill a bear without dogs. None of the bears we chased this year on my hunt would even tree. I killed mine on the ground ahead of the dogs.
Hunting bears with hounds is no slam dunk. It is a challenge. It is very fun watching the dogs work, finding tracks, dumping in fresh dogs, cutting the bear and dogs off, etc. It is much more fun than I ever knew. My bear hunts were among the most challenging and physically demanding hunts I have ever been on. Shooting the bear out of the tree was very rewarding for me, but also the dogs too!!! The dog experience is so much fun watching them rig, line out on a track, watching them cold trail, watching them fight a bear on the ground, and watching them barking tree. Dont ever knock it until you have tried it.
>In alot of areas unless you
>could use bait it would
>be dang near impossible to
>kill a bear without dogs.
> None of the bears
>we chased this year on
>my hunt would even tree.
>I killed mine on the
>ground ahead of the dogs.

Do all you can to keep it. Once it is gone you will not get it back. Look at Colorado for example. We have no bait, we have no dogs and typically the DOW kills more problem bears a year than all hunting methods combined. There are several advantages to hunting with digs. No accidental kills, you can select exactly what you want, the animals are still afraid of people.

By far an large the primary contributor to out bear problems is directly related with not being able to hunt with dogs. When I was a kid, we had exactly 1 bear get into our cabin in 8 years that we owned it. That bear was ran with dogs, treed, let down, ran again etc. In the next 8 years after the 1996 ban they killed 9 "problem"/3rd strike bears at our cabin. Nothing changed except that we could no longer use dogs to create a fear of humans.

It used to be a bear would run in the other direction at the sound of a dog, instead now it figures a dog = dog food and garbage, etc.

Also I believe that unlike the majority of hunting we do, the thrill of hunting over dogs is very little about the kill. Instead the true pleasure is watching the dogs work as a team, the pursuit capture etc. Much like bird dog hunting. Most serious bird hunters are not so much set on the pheasant, but more about the pride, time effort of taking a pup from playing with wings to holding point, flushing on command and retrieving. For me this is why we need to keep this hunting form alive. It is a form of hunting that has been with man through out time and should continue to be part of hunting. Ban hunting with dogs and you will see a huge increase in problem bears.
What I think is:

If you'd seen what I've seen in my day huntin Bears & Lions you wouldn't have a problem with it!

'The Poor Bear'!

'The Poor Lion'!

What you Boys Best think about is the Anti's will step in & try & take Bear/Lion Huntin first cuzz they know it's the easiest Target!

It'd be kinda like sayin:

Not sure I agree with Huntin Pheasants with Dogs!

You take a Trophy Bear in TARDville without Bait & without Dogs you acomplished something more difficult than taking a 40" Buck in Colorado!

Most people ain't got a Clue!

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
Do all you can to keep hunting with dogs. A well trained dog is something to watch, also similar to dogs hunting birds, way cool.

I feel the easiest way to hunt bears is to call them in, just get in some dark spruce timber and squeal on a call a couple times, and look downwind and sooner rather than later a bear will show up. Well this is what has worked for me and is my preferred method of taking a bear.

I have to say from personal experience. Don't knock it til you try it. Just cause your shot is at the bear/lion in the tree does not mean its a cheesy easy type hunt. It can be a challenge from hell trust me. Just like any deer or elk hunt some are harder than others, once the dogs take the scent you might be in for a several dayer or a 5 minute chase most times you don't know. I can't wait to get another chance even to pursue with hounds. Its hard to describe the excitment those dogs bring. Hounds are freekin awesome
I'm not a dog guy. Mainly bad experience with animals related to irresponsible owners. I would jump at an opportunity to hunt bears or lions with dogs though and hounds men tend to take care of their animals. To each their own. We need to stand up for each other regardless of our personal preferences for how we hunt.
You are either for hunting or against hunting. PERIOD

There is no compromise with the people who are trying to take hunting away from us. They showed this in the May NV Commission meeting where the commission voted to exclude the Tahoe Basin from bear hunting in (what I believe) was an attempt to appease the anti hunters to keep them off our backs. That was victory for them, and it will not stop there. Regardless of how the commission votes this weekend, the anti hunters will be in the NV Legislature this spring trying to take more. Hunting with hounds, bear hunting, lion hunting, and trapping are at the top of their list. They will keep going, and they will not stop until all hunting is gone.

There is a line in the sand. What side are you on?

I am the secretary for the Nevada Houndsmen Association. My information is on our website if you want to contact me and talk about this more. Or email me through this website.

BTW - hunting with hounds is not as easy at it seems to most people on the outside.

Have a good one.

I'm not sure I'd want to shoot a cat out of the tree either. Maybe with my bow.

I can definitely understand the excitement of watching the dogs work, the chase, etc. I'd like to go on a chase.

Brian Latturner
Hunting with hounds is awesome! An experience I'll never forget! I wish I could go more/again!

Have an uncle that runs dogs on cats and bears....I drew a tag for a cougar when I was 19. I can honestly say it was the most physically challenging hunt I have ever been on....I had wrestled (those of you who are wrestlers know how physically demanding this sport is) since I was 4 years old and considered myself to be VERY physically fit. Trying to keep up with the dogs and getting to where the cat was treed in three feet of snow was quite the chore.....We let the dogs loose early in the morning and didnt get back home until well after dark....needless to say my leggs were cramping up and I could not even walk after I got home. Gave me a whole new respect for houndsman and what they go through to tree those animals. I am 100% for it and would do it again in a heart beat!
As most of you know, on Jan.1 2013 dogs have been banned from hunting bears in CA. Seems like the anti hunting groups that got that passed here have now focused on Nev. You can bet they will try to get the votes in Law Vegas and Reno to join them in banning the use of dogs.

Even with the use of dogs, bears have been a problem here for years and now it will get worse. Of course CA. banned using baits for bears years ago. Due to that, their numbers will explode until the three "S" rule is applied to stop their destruction to property.

Hunting ,Trapping, of any kind needs to be protected. Give them an inch and they'll end up with it all. In fact just even saying your against one form of hunting or trapping on a public forum is not wise at all. Anyone that thinks hunting with hounds is not fair needs to go on a few hunts. I doubt many would enjoy it because of the pure physical strain it can be sometimes, but those of us who have done it and like it, know that it is and always should be protected. Yes I own hounds and may sound biased, but I believe we need to protect every thing we have
I know a couple a guy that runs dogs for Mountain Lions and he does a great job.
I see no problem with it even though I would not be interested in hunting bears that way.
As said before. Hunting is hunting. If you can't use dogs to control predators we are screwed. With poison being banned, it will be the last nail in our coffins. No sense in transplanting sheep, do deer projects, etc. in areas if they are lunch for a growing predator population that you can't control with hounds and trapping. Look at CA sheep and deer populations. Look at deer populations across the west. This shouldn't even be a question amoung hunters IMO.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-12 AT 02:47PM (MST)[p]This is a tough one for me.

I probably should be for dog use out of principle, but I will most likely not buy any more bear tags because quotas get met so fast by the guys with dogs, so that by the time I find a bear the season is closed.

Essentially, by dog use being legal, I will never kill a bear unless I pay thousands of dollars for some guy with dogs to run it down for me.

If dog use was illegal I would have killed a big beautiful dark chocolate bear last year...I had a tag, but quotas were met. It would be really nice if I could buy a bear tag every year and take one as incidental game on the rare occasion that I see one while deer or elk hunting. Dogs makes that an improbable situation. I keep buying the cougar tag though!, cause that quota doesn't get met quickly and stays open well past deer and elk season.
Regardless if you have any desire to hunt bears with hounds or not, I think it would be in every hunters best interest to fight this ban. If they succeed in banning the use of dogs for bear hunting then you can bet your A$$ they will be trying to ban hounds on lions next. What do you think will happen to your deer heards if that happens?

Just something to think about.
The same ban just happened in CA. Sucks, all sportsmen should fight hard. Hunting with hounds is an incredible experience. Anyone who thinks it is not fair, obviously hasn't done it. It's a blast! Just recently shot this one to end the era. I really feel bad for al the hounds and houndsmen out there.


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