Doggie joke


Long Time Member
A woman notices her dog constantly scratching one of his ears. After a few days of continual scratching she takes him to a vet. He looks inside the ear and sees a couple long hairs which he proceeds to cut and charges her $100. A few weeks later the dog is scratching his ear again. She takes him to the vet, he cuts the hairs again and charges her $100. A few weeks go by and the dog is scratching his ear again! She's not about to pay another $100 so she decides to try a feminine hair removal product. She is concerned it might harm the dog so she goes to the local pharmacy first. She asks the man behind the counter if it would be safe to use on her shnauzer. He says it probably would be OK but she should stay off her bicycle for a few days.
That doggies got some style! She was probably trying to get the hair off between her #####-su and schnauzer?
If it was a Southern pharmacist he probably would have said "That cream taint good for them dogs!!

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