
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-08 AT 07:34AM (MST)[p]WHOO HOO!! A&E is bringing back DOG! YEEE HAAAA!! OH and BETH too! This is about one of the best shows around. Nothing like watching a Dee Snyder mullet wearing ex-con-born-again-biker and his bleach blonde hot headed "I like my women just a little on the trashy side" song poster girl wife chase down Hawaiian meth heads with mace! It don't get any better than that!

Here's the story:

Bounty Hunter "Dog" to return to the air
Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:01am EST
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Celebrity bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman is set to return to television after his reality TV show was pulled from the air three months ago in a controversy over his use of a racial slur, cable channel A&E said on Tuesday.

A&E took the popular show, "Dog the Bounty Hunter," off its schedule last November after a private phone call in which Chapman, an ex-con, used an offensive term to describe his son Tucker's black girlfriend hit the Internet.

It transpired that Tucker sold the tape of the conversation to The National Enquirer, for a reported $15,000.

A teary Chapman apologized repeatedly on television and to the African American community after the tape was made public and promised to make amends.

He acknowledged using the epithet "nigger" on a heated call with his son but admitting he was probably interfering in his son's life and he still loved his son.

An A&E spokesman said the network had decided to start production again of "Dog The Bounty Hunter" but no airdate has yet been scheduled.

"Over the last few months, Duane "Dog" Chapman has taken and continues to take the appropriate steps in reaching out to several African American organizations in an effort to make amends for his private comments to his son which were released publicly," said a statement from the network.

"Since the premise of "Dog The Bounty Hunter" is about second chances - we have decided to give him one."

Honolulu-based Chapman, 55, who has 12 children and has been married five times, rose to fame after his 2003 tracking and capture of Max Factor heir and serial rapist Andrew Luster in Mexico.

This led to an offer for a reality TV show which follows Chapman with his trademark scraggly long blond hair and leather wardrobe, his wife Beth, and his "posse" tracking down people who jump bail.

The show is broadcast in more than 10 countries.

(Writing by Belinda Goldsmith, Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)

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Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Now there is a real role model.

I doubt that there is a more worthless program on the air.

This idiot and his retard family are part of the problem in America today.

Who watches this crap?
I'll look for it as I've never seen it.
If its anything like cops, it can't be bad watchin dip$hits get arrested.

Sounds like the Dog's kid should be punched in the face as well.
Idiots chasing idiots..........Got to love american TV

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-08 AT 02:48PM (MST)[p]I do to - it is hilarious sometimes and can be pretty exciting. Dog is a character and so is Beth. It's like watching a train wreck - I just can't stop!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"Since the premise of "Dog The Bounty Hunter" is about second chances - we have decided to give him one."

HAHAHAHA, That is really funny, there doing it to give him a second chance, yea right, they pulled there #1 rated show off the air, and didnt relize the effect it would have on there rateings.

I bet A&E's rateings have plumited, and thats whay they are bringing him back.

Its show biz, its all about the money.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Good thing you guys tell me Roy is smart. I watched half a show one time I swear it has to kill brain cells. The worst thing is kids parents are too stupid to keep them from watching this screwed up pos. chase idiots around/
I think it's a great show. It shows exactly what is going to happen to you if you become a crack head. Eventually it catches up to you.

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