Dog pics?


Long Time Member
the kind of dog a person owns often says a lot about them. here's our dog 'Yeti', a great pyrenese. Lets see yours

I'm still persuading my fiancee to let me have a dog; but here are my parent's pups.

Petey - English Setter and Misty - Weim




"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Weimies are very cool. next door neighbors have the biggest, stoutest female weim I've ever seen. probably close to 85-90 pounds.

I'll see if I can find more pics of the "handler" :)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]Feleno, Are you being serious or is this post gonna take a strange turn.

Well heres mine anyway.

He makes a great Coyote decoy.

I think his name tells more about me than which bred he is. The Dog is named CHEVY !
since when have you ever known any of my posts not to be serious? :)
Nice shepard, very cool dogs.

For BG
Nice Handler Feleno :)

The only dog we have is one of those "Biscuit the Dog" things we got for my girls at Christmas!

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes
Here is Lexi on slow day quail hunting.


That's more of a "Hey I'm a badger but I really like ponies and rainbows too" smile. - mtnmayhem

Here's my dog Bodie. He's the second Viszla I've owned. He's going on 14 now. This pic was taken about 2 years ago. I thought I was losing him last year. He got really skinny and wouldn't eat anything. I finally got him to start eating the deer burger and rice I was making him. He's doing fine now except for the big cyst he's got on his weiner now. Took him to the vet and he said that it's not biggie and to let it run it's course.

Feleno- Nice #####!!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 10:27AM (MST)[p]Jeez Feleno, I don't know what to say. I will get myself in trouble here and I really like you as a friend, but...

Dayem! Very nice.

As I always say, "Trust me with your money, trust me with your life, but whatever you do, don't trust me with your wife."

Edit: I am looking for those few extra pounds you were complaining about a while back. Don't see them so far.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 11:16?AM (MST)


This is my dog Copper, Half Brittany half Choclate lab.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 12:21PM (MST)[p]Well done Feleno, well done my friend. Now if we could just get a picture of Mrs. Feleno and Mrs. StinkyStomper o man, would this site blow up.

That Weim of my parents is sure a pretty pup; but dang was she hard to train. They adopted her from a friend when she was 15 months, and 2 years later, she startin to get the hang of things.

Wiszard, how you like the Viszla? My buddy has one, and it's a great dog. Do any birdin' with him? Is/was he too energetic for family life?

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Hey BG- My Viszla is great at almost 14 and was even better around 3 or 4. Yes, lots of energy but are great family dogs. My parents had one for 13 years and this is my second. I will get a third and probably a 4th and a 5th throughout my lifetime.

Bodie was never properly trained to hunt birds. It is in there blood and I did take him out once or twice for pheasants and chuckars. He'd point temporarily but would then flush and chase the bird. I am not a bird hunter in the least so that is not why I got him. My Dads Viszla was a very good dog with not a lot of training. We would take him out and use him and he'd do just fine. I know there stock is going up cuz everyone I talk to has been paying at least $850 for 'em papered. I guess for a 13-15 year investment that's pretty cheap.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]jeezus!!!!

see what happens when you feed em after midnight....

looks like bessy's old avatar.
You've probably already seen Spark before.

Right after being attacked by a coyote in our backyard, a close call


A little revenge, Spark likes to get bites in on the dying quivers.

He likes elk

Running Grey's and Desolation canyon

My Favorite: Spark the rodent destroyer

Good lookin' dog BeanMan. Those little buggers are growing on me.

Thanks for the info Wiszard. I'll keep it in mind in a couple months when I start looking.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
This last weekend BeanWife and road our Mountain Bikes on the Grand Mesa. Spark met his first didn't go well. I had to tackle him to keep him from going in for bite attempt number three. I rolled him up in my rain jacket and sit on him to contain him while AJay used her mini leatherman tool with pliers to pull over 60 quills. Stupid dog! I don't think he learned his lesson because after it was done I had to walk him away on a leash because he wanted to go back and kick some asse.

Here is a few pics of my handler and our dogs Jack and Hank. Jack is the wifes #####-zu and Hank is a Australian Shepherd. They are a little over year old. THe wifes pic is her first big game animal. We went for a drive one evening to look at the cattle and I saw this nice buck for her to wack. She said she was not gong to shoot my metal butt-plated 30-06 anymore:) I figure I will surprise her with a nice new gun this fall. Just what she wants


LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 02:49?PM (MST)

Here is my pup Zoey that I "HAD."


It's a long story, but the short of it is divorce made me make a decision to sell her. She's with a good hunting family that has lots of land and a pond, probably a better life than I could of provided. But it chaps my hide. I had her retrieving like a champ, shed hunting with me, and at only 5 months she was super well behaved for those energetic labs.

**I'm at work and I can't resize the good pics of her right, I'll fix it when I get home**

For the love of the game
>is a Australian Shepherd. They
>are a little over year

Hank reminds me of my Aussie a female named Sydney.. I put her down last year and have been pretty bummed ever since. She was almost 16 and a real sweetheart. First dog I ever had that was like a shadow to me. No matter where I went she was always a few feet away watching me. She was a real buddy and I sure do miss her... It's so damn hard givin' them up but I know we will get another one or two.. My wife misses her as much as I do.
We are pretty lucky to have Hank and Jack, they are pretty darn good dogs. They both come to work with us and then go play in the backyard at my Father in laws from about noon to 5. Then it is out to check the cattle go hunt or scout. I have not worked him on cattle yet because after a year they have built a lot of confidence and are easier to train. A yearling or rank cow could ruin a dog starting them to young. He is a hunting SOB though. Loves to go and is not afraid of guns. He stands on my toolbox when we get to the ranch and watches my gun barrel and then out in the field and back. It cracks me up. Jack picks on Hank all day long relentlessly and Hank just takes it. Funny to watch! We dont plan on kids for a few more years so we have these two nuts to spoil. I waited on Hank from the breeder for about 7 months, Jack was an accident. The wife decided she wanted one, so she got him!
Very nice pictures and stories fellas, thanks for posting em up.

BFE... i like em on the small size, really.
I love ALL those dogs and would have one of every breed if SOMEBODY would let me. Shoot i would even settle for one dog! all though according to some, i already have one...if SS counts.

on a side note, feleno, IF that is your wife (and not your daughter) she is VERY pretty, and doesnt look like shes got 1 extra pound.. Even if she does, shes still DANG prettier than any of the trash i have ever seen you (or nvbighorny) post. AND, if she is 5lbs heavy then im a freakin COW er atleast every bit as "heavy"!!!!! Just my opinion.... [font size="22"]


This is Rica, a GWP, on a coues whitetail hunt. Think she found more mearns quail than I did deer.
(Sorry, no beautiful handler is training her)


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