Dog chasing elk gets shot

I don't know who the author of that piece is, but wouldn't it be nice if someone with that much straightforward common sense and willingness to express himself would be elected president, governor, senator or.....ANYTHING.

Great response!!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Everything he said was good old common sense and the aplication of the law in that state. But it was to no avail. Those ex-city slickers have about as much common sense as a mushroom in the forest. Hopefully they find the dog owner and give him a fine and that will help get the word out real quick.

That is absolutely amazing. These are the liberal aholes we are up against. What if the elk were chased on to a freeway, a frozen lake, off a cliff, down a huge river etc..? Personal responsibility eludes liberals. It is always someone elses fault. Pretty simple..if your dog is harrassing gets a bullet. If it was my dog I would understand completely. It's the law.

welcome to the liberal mental disease.

Reality is not part of their thought process.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
I had a lab shorthair cross I was trying to get to hunt for me. She took off after a herd of deer and she didn't make it... She defined the phrase worthless dog.

Have a friend with cows. His neighbors daughter and husband were visiting and he went to go check his cows (calving season) and their gsd was chasing his cows around and killed 2 calves. He tried to chase the dog off, tried to call them and ended up shooting the dog. It was apparently a very expensive stud and they tried to take him to court over it. He won in court and they had to pay restitution for the calves and still to this day will not talk to him. People need to control their animals or suffer the consequences plain and simple!


I got a buddy that had two dogs that he saw go after and bite his horse. he got the dogs under control, dug a hole with his backhoe, shot both dogs and buried em right there. I'd of done the same.

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