Does your Wife annoy you ?



Today is my Wifes Birthday. I have been trying for a week to get her to pick where we are going for dinner. Yesterday I had this conversation with her.

Me. Where are we going to eat ?

Wife. I don't care.

Me. Well pick a place.

Wife. I don't care. What do you feel like ?

Me. It's your B-day you get to choose.

Wife. Anywhere is fine. Where do you want to go ?

Me. On my B-day it took 2 seconds to choose. Your choice today.

Wife. We could go to The Keg for a steak.

Me. Sounds good. I'll have the kids meet us there.

Wife. The keg is kinda pricey for all of us don't you think ?

Me. It's fine.

Wife. How about pizza ? I love pizza factory.

Me. Sounds good. I'll tell the kids.

Wife. Pizza factory is kinda far for AJ to drive don't you think.

Me. It's your B-day. Whatever you want is fine.

Wife. How about Mexican. It's close and cheap.

Me. Sounds good. I'll tell the kids.

Wife. I really do like Pizza Factory.

I still have no idea where we are going tonight. Anybody else want to share how their wife annoys them ?
That sounds just like my wife. I swear, she couldn't decide whether or not to pour water on herself if she were on fire.
When I had annoyed me everytime she opened her mouth, seriously!!

They can definitely be some stupid critters at times but how would we dudes go through life without T&A right?? ;-) Happy bday to yer ole lady TAG!!

Well TAG!

You're going whenever & wherever She decides!:D

How Young is She?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
well, what i do when she says that i go where i want. when i get there and she complains i get out the trucka nd hand her the keys and tell her to pic me up when she is done. or ill go to a place i know she hates and when we get there she complains and i told her she had the chance to pic the place. to late now
Thanks guy. I knew you would understand. :)

B Bop the wife is 43 today.

I often tell my wife that she has the easy job . I tell her that guys only have a couple moods. We are either hungry or horny and sometimes we get hungry and horny.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-11 AT 07:28AM (MST)[p]The thing mine does that annoys the heck out of me is she won't go hunting w/me. She'll shot 3D archery shoots, shoot guns, go fishing, hiking, camping or whatever, and she even like to eat wild game but she won't think about going hunting.
I swear I've had that same conversation, or something like it, every time we go out to eat. What the hell? Did we marry twin sisters from different mothers?

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as i guy who is married and has been married three times...after many years of trying to figgure out wife speak here is what she is trying to tell you..........she really doesn't care where you guys eat. BEACAUSE she expects something other than that...could be a piece of jewelry, romantic evening?? hwo the hell knows iv'e been married three times ! but i do know the dinner isn't what she is after......
Just make a decision already! Why does the choice of restaurant always have to be a debate? If you're taking her out on a date you decide where to go. YOU do all the work and prep..women like that. Pick a restaurant and time, call the kids and then tell your wife what time to be ready by.

Just plan it like you did when you were dating.
In my experience (married 2 times)when you marry a women she buts on 20-40 lbs, stops wearing sexy clothes around the house, losses all domestic capabiliy, can't make a decision about anything without saying "what do you think", and completely losses all common sense, ok its like her brain falls out.

Now don't get me wrong I love my wife (sometimes :) )but, dam they are good and driving you crazy.

How do you turn the most perfect women in the world into the worlds biggest nitemare? MARRY THEM!!!!!!!!
oh ya better tell her you want to leave at 2 oclock if you want to be out of the house by 3 oclock. hehe
>Just make a decision already! Why
>does the choice of restaurant
>always have to be a
>debate? If you're taking her
>out on a date you
>decide where to go.
>YOU do all the work
>and prep..women like that.
>Pick a restaurant and time,
>call the kids and then
>tell your wife what time
>to be ready by.
>Just plan it like you did
>when you were dating.

Exactly! Spoken by a smart woman (rolls eyes). And then when you get there and the food is cold or the service is crappy or the bill is too much you can hear her b!tch all the way home. That's what she is really after. For you to make the decision so she is not responsible for anything that goes wrong. :)
My wife....her brother, her Dad and her Mom annoy me! I swear, they are like dysfunction in HD!! Not so much my wife....but she's the glue that tries to hold everything together for her family. I hate the baggage! I told her yesterday that we're going out to dinner on Wed nite....just the two of us. We already know where we're going....I have a gift certificate! HaHa

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
>That's what she is really after. For you to make the
>decision so she is not responsible for anything that
>goes wrong.

A better question is ...

When doesn't she annoy me?

She is looking over my shoulder as I type this.

Play time is over. gotta go.
YOU pick a place since she can't make that decision and go and and if the kids can't make it fine enjoy the evening.

I guess Ill be the first to say "No" my wife doesnt annoy me. I love hanging out with her. If I ask her where she wants to go to dinner and she tells me to decide, then I'll pick and we're off. It seems Im among the few men who loves being married w/ absolutely 0 complaints. That being said, lots of other people have some seriously annoying wives =).
grizzmoose, you really shouldn't leave your computer unattended and logged into MM. You never know when your wife might post on your behalf. :) :) :)
>>That's what she is really after. For you to make the
>>decision so she is not responsible for anything that
>>goes wrong.

You sackless wuss! Keep your wife away from mine! HaHa

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
>My wife tells me where we
>are going and when. Until
>now I thought everyones wife
>did the same.

Do you at least make up for it and take it out on your employees?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I have learned....on my 4th simply leave ANYTHING that involves more people than just myself, to my wife.

I just don't care where we go or who she is going to invite along. She checks my schedule with me and then makes all the decisions. I don't have time for all that planning chit!

From September 1st to Dec 15th, I do NOTHING that interferes with MY die, get married, have a birthday party, or, I don't care what.....don't expect me to attend. If I ain't busy, I may show up.

Lots of my friends wives hate my guts!

My "prenup" ain't about money, it's about my time.
Not anymore!!!

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
When my wife tells me to pick a place for dinner, what she is really saying is...."Guess where we're going for dinner".

I keep guessing until I get it right.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

What annoys me is trying to read this post and having my wife yelling over my shoulder the same damn thing that Triple K said.
so Triple K, what is it that men do to annoy women?........ hold on, the game is on, we can talk later
Biggy for me is; Do you think this shirt goes ok with these pants? My hair up or down? The diamond earrings or the hoops? Heals or flats? And so on and on and on and on.... I have gone so far as to be able to read her and realize which one she is not liking and pick that one just to piss with her. Then the truth comesa out along with a couple of choice 4 letter words. God put women here for mens amusement and frustration. Pissing with them is my revenge for frustrating me.

LMAO, Great post! Women are so funny some times. It is a blast to mess with them.
One time at the mall My wife and I were walking down the main hall. She likes to hold my hand and swing it back and forth because she knows how bad it bothers me. One time I had had enough, I dropped her hand and grabbed her upper arm firmly. In a Mean Voice I said WHAT DID I TELL YOU? Her eyes got so big because I had never even looked at her cross eyed up to that point. The reaction from everyone walking by in the mall was hillarious. I tried to hold a stern face as long as I could... but when I finally started laughing, she hit me pretty hard.

I assure all of you I have never beat my wife

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
>You sackless wuss! Keep your wife
>away from mine! HaHa
>I got put in time out
>for a bad signature! Sorry

Mine too. Although mine knows who owns the sack. MOst of the time:) My ole lady loves to hunt in fact its hard to get off on a hunt without her. So for you guys who say you wish your wife hunted well its nice to have one but at the same time it sucks cuz its very hard to get a hunt with just the guys. Got to spark a fight just to get to go by leaving the toilet seat up or something;) ha ha
My wife never annoys me.

Choose well young MMers. You want a woman that wants you to hunt as much as you can. One that will gladly help you scout and have better eyes than you and must be an excellent wild game cook. a wife that will save and save for your trips to Africa as long as you occasionally take her to Europe. She also must love the hunting dogs and allow them in the house as much as the children. Its also a good idea if she is good at helping butcher the critters you bring home. I gave this list to my son he's still single at 30 says he can't find the right woman that doesn't annoy him. I think he's looking in the wrong places.

Is it really that hard? 35 years ago before I was married there were women that fit this criteria everywhere has it changed that much?
>Is it really that hard?
>35 years ago before I
>was married there were women
>that fit this criteria everywhere
>has it changed that much?

Heck yes it has :-(
>My wife never annoys me.
>Choose well young MMers. You
>want a woman that wants
>you to hunt as much
>as you can. One
>that will gladly help you
>scout and have better eyes
>than you and must be
>an excellent wild game cook.
>a wife that will save
>and save for your trips
>to Africa as long as
>you occasionally take her to
>Europe. She also must
>love the hunting dogs and
>allow them in the house
>as much as the children.
> Its also a good
>idea if she is good
>at helping butcher the critters
>you bring home. I
>gave this list to my
>son he's still single at
>30 says he can't find
>the right woman that doesn't
>annoy him. I think
>he's looking in the wrong
>Is it really that hard?
>35 years ago before I
>was married there were women
>that fit this criteria everywhere
>has it changed that much?

CH, sounds like you are a very lucky man.

I married my wife 18 years ago and she had never even camped out.

She now hunts with me regularly. She killed a nice buck this year and ate a bull tag because she was holding out for a good one. She helps package the meat, but, she does not butcher it.

I think it may be pretty hard for your son to find the finished product, but, if he finds the right woman that is open to the outdoor lifestyle he will be pretty happy also.

That being said, my wife still annoys me. LOL
Well I can tell who gets it and who doesn't.

If guys are gettin it a lot they are happy. If they aren't getting it at all they are pretty friggin irritated until they do!

So lets rephrase this whole thread. to this...
How many times a day do you score!

That will tell you if they are annoyed by their wives or not lol!
>Is it really that hard?
>35 years ago before I
>was married there were women
>that fit this criteria everywhere
>has it changed that much?

It wasn't that hard for me to find my wife, which fits your criteria. She hunts, bow and rifle, has killed bigger bucks than me (only because im behind the camera when she has a weapon in hand), camps, fishes, and cleans out her own animals. We butcher and wrap them together. She also is an excellent mom to my 1 and half year old and cooks dinner for me almost every night... with all that being said about my "hard to find wife"
We still annoy the ##### out of each other now and again... .... I guess its a bad thing for me to sit on MM with all my free im gonna have to work on being a better husband :)

"Like a midget at the urinal, always be on your toes!"
UH if she cant choose then you pick take her to the shittyest place in town. When she complains tell her thats what she gets for being so complicated. But ya two things. She will pick and you wont get any for a while, I know from experiance!
Tues, Jan. 11 was also my wife's BD. Our conversation Mon. at that dinner table went something like this....

HER: Where are you taking me for dinner tomorrow?

ME: Why are we going out?

HER: Because it's my BD

ME: Oh, I forgot. Where do you want to go?

HER: Olive Garden

ME: That's fine.

After 49+ years together, not much annoys either of us any longer.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Dang you guys make me feel like I'm a little weird or something. My wife didn't annoy me when she was 20 when we go married and she hasn't changed much at 51. My wife never does any of those annoying things you guys describe. I don't know if that's weird or not, my kids 30 and 28 can't seem to find someone that doesn't annoy them. Maybe things have changed that much and people are just more annoying to each other.

The idiots I work with now they annoy me, politicians annoy me, kids that think they are entitled just because their parents have money annoy me. I guess a lot of things annoy me so maybe I'm not that weird.

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