Does this warrant a butt-whooping?


LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-10 AT 11:34AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-10 AT 11:33?AM (MST)

OK - how many of you would not call the police either but take matters into your own hands over this?

Man - it would be seriously hard for me not to beat this fool down. The only thing that would stop me would be the thought that it would hurt my kid worse to see me being hauled away in handcuffs. But I GUARANTEE YOU I wouldn't be afraid or hesitate to call the cops on this dude's sorry butt!


OOPS! Sorry - got in a hurry and forgot this:

Updated: November 17, 2010, 12:15 PM ET
Report: Young Jets fan roughed up

An 8-year-old New York Jets fan was tackled by an adult Browns fan after Sunday's game, according to a television station in Cleveland.

The boy went to the game at Cleveland Browns Stadium in a Jets jersey with his father, who was born in New York. Much to the chagrin of the local crowd, the Jets rallied for a 26-20 overtime victory. The boy's mother, identified only as Danielle by ABC affiliate WEWS because she didn't want to reveal her last name, said the fans in the stadium were great, but things got out of control after the game.

"Calling him a bad word, to my husband and to my son, throwing food at them," she said, according to WEWS.

When the family reached the parking lot, the situation got uglier.

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"As [my husband] was walking, holding my son's hand, a guy from behind tackled him. A drunken Browns fan tackled him and pulled him out of his dad's hand. He was on the ground crying," Danielle said, according to the station.

The boy was left with a scraped and bruised ankle. The mother said her husband didn't call police, opting instead to quickly get in the car and leave. But the mother wrote a letter to The Plain Dealer in Cleveland detailing what happened.

When reached by the television station, Browns vice president of media relations Neal Gulkis called the situation unfortunate and disappointing and said the team is looking into the matter.

Gulkis said the scoreboard displays a number fans can text message to alert security to disorderly fans. The city of Cleveland, which operates the parking lot where the alleged incident took place, previously had added extra security.

The boy's mother had been nervous about her son attending the game, but believed "kids are off limits. Clevelanders are such great people. I knew that they would never hurt an 8-year-old kid, never."

The boy might be seeing his next Jets game in New Jersey.

"My husband asked him, 'Did you have a good time?' He said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Would you want to go back sometime?' And he said, 'No, I don't like Browns Stadium.' Who could blame him?" the boy's mother said.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Some people say to not worry about, God will take care if it. I don't believe in bothering God with those trivial issues. Take care of it yourself!
>Dude would have gone home with
>a free Halloween mask and
>a broken arm.

+10,000,000! Don't mess with my kids! What was he trying to do or prove?

That drunk pile of sh_t would've been wearing his a_s for a hat out of that parking lot!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-10 AT 03:43PM (MST)[p]I would have beat the $hit out of him than get in my car and leave. Some people
A beating would be in order. Back in the good old Bronco's days there was a reason they alway ran off the field with their helmets still on. There was always a rain of beer, batteries, and other missiles coming out of the dog pound under which the visiting team locker room was.
Two ways to look at it.....first, teach your kid to leave a bad situation without it getting any worse. ie- take the high road.

Or...teach your son to stand up for him and his family and instil in his child that sometimes it's worth getting in trouble to make a right.

"Get that corn out of my face"
That dude might have just ended up in a body bag if he touched one of my kids like that!! What a PSSY.
You guys have been missing the bottom's Cleveland, for Christ sake! They gotta' tackle SOMEBODY!
I'd beat the living piss out of the jerk if he did that to my kid! That is WAY out of line and I seriously doubt if anyone would call the cops if you beat a guys ass who just tackled your kid.
To me there's no debate since it involves a child. Anyone touches my kid is in for all I've got. Period.

You can debate what the high road teaches,etc.,etc.,etc. all day long and I am a Christian man.

But the only thing an 8 year old needs to know is that his Daddy will protect him and fight for him at all costs.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-10 AT 07:33AM (MST)[p]NOBODY.. and I mean NOBODY touches my wife, kids, or grand kids.

Simply stated I would have taken the middle road right up his sorry a$$ and gone in to a rage and I don't give a damn who they were or how many.
I recently pulled some ass out of a car for driving too fast down our street where my kid and I walk our dog. Couldn't help myself and the guy was a little shocked. No patience for that when kids are involved.
The cops would have to pull me off that jackass!! I would protect my kid with every fiber of my being!!! I have always told my kids they have a right to protect themselves and loved ones.
Don't take my post the wrong way....I'd chose the ladder of the two and make that c0cksucker my b!tch in a big way. Who tackles a little kid?

"Get that corn out of my face"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-10 AT 07:45AM (MST)[p]I think the slime should have has his azz kicked... But in leiu of the situation the father probably did the right thing. If things escalated and a bunch of the guys buddies jumped in it may have been much worse and they may have beat all of them up. One would think common sense would prevail but you never know when angry fans will erupt. Too bad somebody would do that to a young man and I'll bet if the cops would have seen him, he'd have got a serious attitude adjustment courtesy of the Cleveland PD.

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