doe tag help. landowners need thinning??



Well, didnt draw, then the leftovers were gone within 3 minutes thanks to a slow computer. Now we are left with zero tags. I am not very familiar with wyoming and have only hunted 2 units for antelope. We love the meat. We are looking for any land owners in the remaining units for doe/fawn tags that would be interested in reducing doe numbers.
With the tags that are left over, they are in heavy private areas and tough access. I have references, leave it cleaner than i find it, obey all laws and rules, and go only where told.
We dont have the money to pay big trespass fees. We are accurate with our rifles, take only good clean open shots and own horses and raised livestock. We are respectful to your property.
I know this may be a long shot, but if anyone here knows or is a land owner in the remaining open doe/fawn antelope units, please let me know.
We are respectable hunters wanting to fill the freezer with our favorite game meat.
If you would like references, PM me and i can give you the ranchers names and numbers we have hunted with in past years.

Many thanks
We hunted 21 a few years ago as a last minute hunt and had a blast. Small amount of BLM to hunt but enough and shot 2 bucks and 3 does. Short season and the deer hunters were thick but that didn't bother us. We always look at this unit as a back up plan. Don't expect anything huge on the public land either.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
If money's an issue, I'd say go buy some chicken on sale. The cost of fuel alone makes shooting a couple of smelly old does a waste of cash. Just say'n...
My head is really starting to hurt after going through every single unit avalible right now with Walk-ins, public access, camping areas, ect. and WOW.

I think I have it narrowed down to a couple units. Looking at 109-6, 10-6, and 21-6. I have never been to any of these units.
Definatly have no expectations to even harvest an antelope, but if you dont try you cant expect anything.

I helped one guy out on the 90-7 hunt.. the only unit I have hunted in Wyoming. lol

Either units will be a long drive for us coming from Idaho. My poor Topo map is scribbled everywhere.

If anyone needs help on an Idaho hunt, let me know or Wyo 90-7 Antelope.

I wont be able to make it to any of these units to scout, just too far of a drive.

Tailchasers.. thanks for the info. Any general area to focus on would defintely help. I'm going in blind. None of the Walk-ins allow Antelope hunting unfortunatly. Looking at Doe/fawn tags.

Thanks guys
Sorry man, I hate chicken and dont care for beef.. Love Doe antelope with gravy and sandwiches.
I live in 109 and a few miles north of 10. Unit 109 has only a few tracts of public land and although they have pronghorn they get hunted pretty hard. Unit 10 has one pretty good walk in area and a few pieces of state land. Trophy quality in 109 and 10 is poor. Unit 21 might be a better bet
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-12 AT 06:01PM (MST)[p]Call the Gillette G&F Office and I would bet that you'll be able to get on a number of the ranches in unit 23 that they have a list for to shoot does for free. The best thing though is ask to go after the first ten days or so and many ranchers in that unit will let you on for free. I'm not positive, but you may be able to get up to 4 tags per person in that unit due to the large number of animals and it's a lot closer for you than those other unit you mentioned. The west side of the unit even has enough BLM and a WIHA to do the hunt there for free. See the other thread where I gave information on exactly how to get there.
>Tailchasers.. thanks for the info. Any
>general area to focus on
>would defintely help. I'm going
>in blind. None of the
>Walk-ins allow Antelope hunting unfortunatly.
>Looking at Doe/fawn tags.
>Thanks guys

We hunted the S/SE side of the unit. BLM to park teh camper or set up a tent and if your patient you might not even have to leave camp to kill a doe. This years season dates are kinda goofy with it opening on a Monday which throws a crink into it. I would recommend getting there opening day as the antelope are heading to PVT land but for the most part the other hunters were deer hunting and left us alone but this still was enough to spoke the antelope. If ya wnat more specifics send me a PM.


"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Thanks topgun, called and left a message for the Gillette Biologist. Ruled out 10 and 109 for lopes. Too much drought and private land according to the biologist.

Looks more like 23 for OTC doe's. I wont be able to make it there till probably the 17th or 20th time frame. It lapses with deer season in Idaho.

Just waiting for a call from Game and Fish. Looks like maybe places to camp around the Powder river.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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