Do your part!

horsecreek , Thanks man , I owe you a beer . Now I just need to print off a few copies of that , and leave it around the house . I mean if there is medical proof , I'm bound to get it more often now . LOL
Horse I had my doubts about you,being a bears fan and all, but this one puts you a step above the rest. Now just find medical evidence of health benefits to weekly 3-sums and you will be the most respected man on the planet. Keep up the good work!
I had my ole lady "take her medicine" last night.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"any steps taken to reduce the risk would be a wise decision."

Wise decision indeed, does anyone have Megan Fox's phone number ?
Teeb who invited you? Take your house-O-fun hating somewhere else...We all need something to keep our hopes alive!

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LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 04:06PM (MST)[p]Dr. Helena Shifteer says, "Since the emergence of the research, I try to fellate at least once every other night to reduce my chances.

Good ol' Mr. Shifteer will die one lucky'll probably be a heart-attack that kills the poor guy.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 07:24PM (MST)[p]>Teeb who invited you? Take your
>house-O-fun hating somewhere else...We all
>need something to keep our
>hopes alive!
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Bye Horsecreek. And I won't be back - ever!
That should make your day.
Awe C'mon Teeb, You gotta have thicker skin than that! I guess I shoulda put an "lol" or "j/k" so you wouldn't have to take your ball and go home so fast.

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