Do you stay in motels?

Thats disgusting! What the heck are those morons thinking? I don't stay in hotels too often but less from now on in the future. Thanks for posting.

My job requires that I stay in motels from time to time. I always bring my own towells, soap, shampoo, and blanket. I pull all the linens off the bed and wipe the remote control down with clorox wipes. There is some nasty things that go on in motels.
I was amazed when I saw this. A friend sent this to me and all I could do was laugh. My wife didn't want to think about the other things they cleaned, wrong. The gloved hand was the kicker for me. Ron
I am staying in one tommorrow night with my family. I can't handle that , it is absolutely gross! I'll be sure to show my wife and girls this vid clip...Thanks for passing this along , just nasty...Larry
I have stayed in some cheap Motels and Vegas style over the years and NEVER have I had glasses that were not already wrapped in plastic cover that you have to tear apart to use.

It might happen somewhere but the majority are clean and none of this crap you just watched, that's my 2 cents on the subject.

Hell, I have stayed in flea bag motels and the most common thing wrong is bad showers and running toilets.


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