Do You Remember?


Long Time Member
..the first time you ever went into an old time sporting goods store?

For me, i went with Grandpa into Minogio's sporting center in Livermore, Ca to get some ammo. I was near 6 or 7 years old and i remember how instantly i fell in love with all the neat stuff and the atmosphere of the place. There were about 3 old timers sitting in chairs around a old wood stove, warming their souls, talking anything and everything to the old wise man behind the counter.

I enjoy every kind of place that sells outdoor stuff but none more so than the memories and patina of that old nest with it's colorfully stuffed shelves, freely given advice, and good honest well wishes, way back when.

About five years old, Mac's Sporting Goods, Bishop, California. Then Brock's, and Herron's. All of these stores were owned by old school, hard knocks kinda guys. My dad was good friends with all of them, especialy Mac. All the guns, deer horns and mounts, fishing poles,worms and salmon eggs. I have four boys, all grown now, but I took them into Mac's just like my dad did with me. Not much has changed, I guess thats why I still live here in God's country.
Thanks, Doug.
Thanks Brownie!

I guess this type of cultural introduction may not have been as forever embedded of you as it was for me. I kinda expected more thoughts and experiences posted than what's been put up so far.

Maybe i didn't express my feelings as a question. Do you remember when...and what was going thru your mind as you strolled in the door of that hunting and fishing candy store? Let's reminiss!

I remember Hap's Sporting Goods. It was just a small little building on the outskirts of town. I started out riding my bicycle to Hap's to buy caliber .177 pellets. I usually carried my pellet gun with me and "hunted" on the way home. It was probably 4 miles from home.

Then one day I rode to Hap's and bought my first box of .22 long rifle ammo. I felt like a man that day. I had my rifle with me and on the way home shot a crow that was sitting at the top of a tree! .22's were way cool because you didn't have to pump the air to shoot! magical.:)

Hap died when I was probably 15 or 16 and it closed for good.

Thanks for jogging my memory Joey!

Neat story Eel! Good name for a sporting goods store, Hap's :)

Crows with a 22 is no easy feat. I've gotten a few in my day but not that many. They could completely clean out the almond trees about 150yds up behind the barn at my grandpa's place but seemed to the have the vision similar to eagles. There was some cover to get closer but usually, i'd get busted and off they'd go! They're tough to sneak on!! I did much better with my 25-06 :) and Grandpa was sure to smile at each success!

I remember the first time, it was like yesterday. Couldn't believe how big those mounted fish were, and those horns with all those points. I sure hoped I'd be lucky enough to kill a buck like that someday. I forgot to tell you about McMurry's Sporting goods here in Bishop, it was like a museum. Deer heads, Bald Eagles,Moose Heads, horned owls,honkers,ducks, you name it, it was hanging on those walls. Pretty impressive for a five year old.
Thanks, Doug.
I mostly remember the bait shop down the road. Small, dank and smokey. Row upon row of Snell hooks, Mepps spinners and Crappie rigs. Dusty Whitetail mounts and large Northern Pike on the wall. The treat on the way to the river would be a bag of sunflower seeds and a bottle of Squirt soda. That would have been the early 70s. The best part was going in back and having the owner let me scoop the bait out of the live well...when a dozen minnows was actually about 50 if he let you use the big scoop.
This is probably for another post, but what the heck. I remember going into Mac's Sporting goods with my dad. I was probably ten years old. Mac had a uncle named John that had come from England, he was with my dad and Mac, he was pretty upset about the state of hunting in California, the D.F.G. and just the way things were going in the hunting world. I'll never forget him saying that the hunting in the U.S.A. was going to be just like England. The lords and the ladys will be the only ones to hunt meaning that only the privleged could hunt. I thought he was crazy, but look at it now. Landowner tags , auction tags, Mexico, bonus points, the list go's on and on.That was 1965 and Uncle John was right. Money talks and bull---- walks.
Thanks, Doug.

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