Do You Know Your Neighbors?


Do you know your neighbors?
I mean, REALLY know your neighbors?
Well, the attached site will help you know the ones you need to know even better. Just put in your address & your neighborhood map will pop up. Every place you see a red balloon or thumb tact is the home of a convicted felon.

Just hover your mouse over an icon & not only will the name come up, but also the crime they were convicted of.

Share with your friends . . . safety first.

remember them neighbor ladies i was telling you about? Turns out they were convicted on pornography and prostitution charges!! i knew there was a reason i liked my neighborhood!!! Thanks for the link
I believe the site is not accurate. It shows areas in my city that are not developed, but have convicted felons

It also shows convictions that Wyoming does not have, i.e. Attempted assault in the 2nd degree, Criminal use of a firearm in the second degree, Aggravated Harrassment in the 2nd Degree. The list goes on and on. I doubt Wyoming has that many convicted felons moving here from out of state.

I got this in an email a while back. When I checked the site then, and if I didn't know better, I would have thought Wyoming has a bunch of 60 year gang members.

Thought you should know.

G14 - Maybe these felons are living under some trees in the undeveloped areas.... :)
Same results I got.....felons living behind my house in open fields that I own.....hmmmm....

if wifey knew i was gaulking at the neighborhood hotties she'd slap me so many times it would sound like applause! .
Well Brett, then she's not going to be invited to the BBQ!!! Lol

BTW- this link just "gotcha", now the REAL felons know your address!!}> Lol

I'm also thinking it's not too accurate. It shows three felons living on my ranch. Not that it couldn't happen but the names aren't even close. :) One of them apparently lists his address as inside one of my haystacks.
i think NV probably has multi personalities he probably don't even know about. Herschel Walker thinks you got problems.
No illegals (or legals) here. Now up the road at the neighbors dairy it shows a very hispanic named fellow and that is entirely possible at that place.


I don't have multiple personalities. And neither do I.
those "vacant" areas could be the result of felons giving a false address, they do it all the time. but that site could not even find the two small communities that I live near. Guess we do not have any felons!!!!!


If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
its got to be some kind of a scam, virus, or spyware or something.

I live in a pretty small town and there is no one by in our town with the names listed. Nor does anyone live in those pastures, or in that creek bottom.
I went back to the same area and a new list a fellons came up and the old vanished. I also know where a fellon lives and he wasn't listed. What a croc.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-08 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]Same thing Peak - I checked my neighbors add, different felons, then mine again - different again!

I checked my parents old address - the house where I grew up and there are two living in the middle of the airport runway! Then I checked my parents new add. Sorry! There aren't that many asians and latinos living there in the middle of hay fields! Then I checked Whiterocks and Ft. Duchesne. Sorry! Apparently there are no felons with native american (Ute) surnames living on the res! But there are plenty of Vietnamese, latinos and cacausians! Hilarious!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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