Do you guys eat the spleen of deer/elk?


jdubya (Guest)

General question: does anyone save the spleen or any of the lymphatics for sausage or the like? just wondering since this is a site of high chronic wasting disease concentration in the animal (s much of not more than the brain!). Thanks for the info....
Never have been much of a lover to iinternal organs. my wifes' grandmother always has to have the liver and heart though, so we always pack that out for her.
YUK! not me, I tried the heart once, felt like I was eating a raquetball. A few people in my family get all worked up over liver and onions on the day of the kill, but it's all just "guts" to me.
I agree with everyone above. I've had a couple deer that the meat tasted bad enough that I couldn't imagine eating the guts.
Oh hell yes! There is nothing better that a nice big plate of steaming hot spleen, sphincter, ball sack, gall bladder, and muccus membrane. I like to wash it all down with a big glass of bile! Mmmmmmmmmmm..mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Yummmy. Heheeeheeee
I drop all that off at one of the local sushi bars.. those guys will eat anything ;-)
The piss bag and colon makes a tasty back woods treat. Also try a little deer haggis. Here's a recipe:
Take the stomach and fill it with a mixture of ground or cubed liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, sphincter, colon, intestines, tongue, eyes, nose, penis (or vulva if you are preparing this from a doe)blend all meat with oatmeal and add veggies if you like. Bake at 350? for 2 hours. Remove from oven and let cool for 20 minutes before serving. Garnish with the deer's ears and tail. Serve with raw potato's, beets and turnips. It also goes well with a nice malt liquor......... Enjoy!
Spleen, brain, etc......NO, NO, NO.

Liver and betcha. Note on prepping the liver just before cooking; remove the very thin (but tough) clear membrane that is completely covering the liver, makes the liver much more tender. Some folks soak it in buttermilk overnight to calm down the taste (we don't). Cook rare, slice thin. Excellent.
nothing like digging into a good gut pile,
Hell with hunting, just follow other hunters and get the goodies after they leave.
nothing nicer then a fresh cow volva, still warm and juicy.
hilarious! :)
some of you guys should seriously consider comedy!
no, you don't / shouldn't eat the spleen.
i do like heart and have had some mighty tasty liver, even tho i don't keep the liver myself, i have taken it for other people.
and you also shouldn't eat the eyes, brains, tonsils, earwax, bunger, "chute" of any kind or anything that you find between it's hooves or any of the fur.
i don't care what you wash it down with, none of those are good.
Hey Eric: Your gut stroganoff casserole sounds just scrumptous. Was wondering if you got this recipe from Babe & Kris Winkelman's Cookbook.
Eating deer guts has to rank right up there with eating the a$$ out of a skunk. Parts is parts..........

LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-03 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p]Hey Coot
I got the recipe from Jim Zumbo's new cookbook, "Tips, Tricks and Recipes Garanteed to Make Your Gut Pile Taste Great". The goofy bastard even signed it for me with, of all things, an elk spleen! Now that's gooooooooooood eatin'! It's magically gutalicious!!!!!! :9
Everything inside the rib cage (except the tenderloins) was made for the Coyotes! Ever since that first bite of liver as a kid I swore "NEVER AGAIN!"
I'am white but I consider myself mexican have lived with them for 51 yr's you don't know what your missing untill you have ate it but first you have to know have to cook it like the like the mexicans do with pork fat which is the main ingredient. and from thers you are on your on. other ingredients included. Sus as chill; garlic;onion and what not.

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