do you believe this story ??/



LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-10 AT 08:41PM (MST)[p]

Exploding Bullets - Not Hairspray - Caused Bomb Scare at Miami Airport: TSA
Exploding bag contained 700 bullet primers
Updated 7:25 PM EST, Tue, Dec 28, 2010

A man has been arrested after FBI and TSA officials said his luggage contained volatile gun parts, which caused his bag to explode Tuesday just before it was about to be loaded on a plane.

The unidentified 37-year-old man had 500 to 700 bullet primers in his luggage. Primers are considered the "spark plugs" of a bullet and ignites the gun powder, projecting it toward the intended target.

Officials originally said the exploding bag was caused by a hairspray aerosol can.

The situation turned out to be much more serious and could have been even more dangerous if the bag containing the combustible elements would have exploded while the plane was in the air.

The Miami-Dade bomb squad was called to the airport around 11:30 a.m. after a baggage handler said he was taking luggage to an American Airlines plane that had just arrived from Boston and a bag exploded, sending pieces of metal flying.

The FBI confirmed the passenger and the exploding checked bag got on the flight in Boston and the luggage was being transferred to another flight headed for Jamaica.

The 148 original passengers from Flight 2585 had already departed the plane before the incident.

Officials believe when the baggage handler sat the bag down on the ground, it caused one of the bullet primers to rupture and explode, which ignited a chain reaction among the other tiny pieces of metal.

The worker was not seriously injured, but the words "explosion" and "airplane" can't be used in the same sentence without the terror alert going up a few notches. Officials took one of the baggage handler's shoes, which had a piece of metal lodged in it, and called in the bomb dogs.

After clearing the tarmac, investigators determined there was no bomb on board, but instead one of the passengers would have to answer for the hazardous cargo.

"Local law enforcement disrupted the bag and determined that it contained firearm parts," a TSA statement read. "The passenger is currently being interviewed by law enforcement.?

While it is legal to have a gun and ammunition in your checked bags, it is illegal to pack primers or percussion caps.

The passenger faces federal charges of traveling in interstate commerce without a license to carry ammunition.

The TSA is still investigating.

"Officials believe when the baggage handler sat the bag down on the ground, it caused one of the bullet primers to rupture and explode, which ignited a chain reaction among the other tiny pieces of metal."

"All I did was set the bag down, honest"

Yeah right.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

It takes a Hell of a lot more for a primer to go off the "sitting a Bag Down"

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
I'm callin BS!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
Retards! WTF are "bullet primers" ......geez!

These are the people who are SUPPOSED to be intelligent enough to keep me "safe" in this country?

"'ll shoot your eye out kid!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-10 AT 11:40PM (MST)[p]I believe under the right circumstances, static electricity can set off a primer, but very rare. I would look at that more then sitting the bag down hard enough to fire a primer off. If the primers were together, and out of the factory container, a chain reaction is very likely. One of the reasons the factory use plastic boxes with a seperate compartment for each primer is to help prevent chain detonation.

As for the baggage handler having a primer inbedded in the sole of his shoe, he could have gotten that from stepping on a primer that was blown out of the bag since most baggage handlers wear soft rubber sole shoes.

Now they will declare primers a class "A" explosive and there goes flying with ammunition in checked luggage and hunters will suffer when flying to a hunting trip.


P.S. I forgot, airline baggage handlers are famous for throwing baggage. If the idiot did that and it hit on the edge of a hard object, might get a bang one out of ten thousand times.
> Now they will declare
>primers a class "A" explosive
>and there goes flying with
>ammunition in checked luggage and
>hunters will suffer when flying
>to a hunting trip.

Bingo.....we have a winner. I have no doubt this is another BS story paving the way for more crackdown.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Well, it's started. The news this morning reported the story and forgot to mention anything about primers. Just that a tsa agent was injured when a bag of bullets blew up and shrapnel peppered the poor guy. There went flying with ammo, like you guys said.
That won't have much effect on us here in Kali. It won't be long before we can't buy ammunition to put on the plane in the first place.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

That true Eel. With gas head to 5 bucks it going to get worse instead of better.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
RELH +1 on this one.

To put things is perspective airport security outside of the U.S. is just as stupid. I took 2 large caliber magnums through Jo-Burg without a problem. A guy I met there was a retired surgeon from Alabama who billed himself as the world's Greatest Spear Hunter. He had high tech jointed aluminum shafts and had spent years hunting with these spears. Airport security held him up for 3 days in the airport because spears were sharp and dangerous apparently in airport securities mind a .300 Magnum was not as dangerous.

That is why in my opinion every member on this site should be a member of NRA.
Exactly! lol.

I actually think the NRA does a lot to help us with all ammunition and gun laws that the govt. tries to enact. However your response was funny

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