Do U realize what this means?


Long Time Member
My son got 3 rats for his science fair project. Went to check them today and here's what we found.......




Think it's time for a rat hunt? Think I can DIY it? It may be time to call in Mossback or Tines Up or SOMEONE. SlamDunk, you up to a rat hunt? You've had a successful year. You'll be hunting in some of the most dangerous terrain you've ever come cluttered garage. Anyone up for it? I'll pay a spotter's fee too.

Jenn, those aren't legal yet, they are still pisscutters!!

lets let them go for at least another year, then we'll talk guide fee's. ;-)

if you've never seen the move "Willard" you might want to check it out so you know what you are in for. this job is to big for Tails Up or Team Mouseback
Since it is science fair related, you may want to try this. Put the remaining two rats in the same cage. There will be a 50-50 chance that in a short time your rat shortage will no longer be a problem.
TTK this calls for a specialist.Theres this guy called Richard Gere.Oh never mind I forgot his a gerbil
Jenn, If you make a go of it yourself, keep in mind that the min acceptable energy required to down one of those beasts is 1,200 ft/lbs. Just to be on the safe side I'd use a premium controlled expansion bullet as well. If it is a New York rat, double the ft/lbs. If it is a D.C. rat, forget about it, they are federally protected or at least there is currently no open season for the politician subspecies.
Maybe one of the cats had himself a snack?? That would be the best case scenario. Better get some D-Con just in case!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Ever heard the saying...."F@#$ing like rabbits"?
rat give that a whole new meaning every 4 weeks dear!
don't tell Jenn, but the rat that escaped was the female about to have a litter of little ones. she needed a bigger nest for the litter.

Seal up the garage real good. Then stick a garden hose in the window, turn it on full blast and simply wait for the rat(s) to swim out and whack them with your weapon of choice.
Burn the garage down!? JK

Good luck and Post pics after the hunt. In the field kill shots would be best!:)
Did you forget to feed it? tried to kiss it and see if a Prince would suddenly appear and it did not so you was a rat that knew how to kiss so slammed it on the ground and killed it and then you tossed it?
practice coon killing?
can you discribe this rat, size color!
have you any other pest issues other than the ones on MM?
Nickman dont you know that's unethical and would mean instant disqualification from any entry in the record books!

Wildlife population control specialist
HEY wait a minute, Its a trick!! In the first Pic the rat is white, second Pic the rat is brown. What TTK is saying is she bred the two and made an invisible crossbred rat. TTK I realize what this means.....CHA-CHING $$$$$$$$ WAY TO GO!!!
I know that girl has to have been bred and born in Utah!!!

Jenn, name the darn rat Obama, and when you find him and his many hanger ons, be sure to spend your tax dollars and feed and shelter them.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-08 AT 09:24PM (MST)[p]1911-

That squirrel COULD carry his nuts in his cheeks if he wanted too!


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