Do Texans have a bad rep out west?


Active Member
I've seen a few comments lumping Texans in with Californians, and I have to say I think that's taking things a little too far. What are your thoughts of hunters from Texas?
I hunt Texas once or twice a year and all the guys from Texas Ive hunted with are a good group of guys..... thats one of the reasons I go back.... I enjoy to hunt with them!
Majority are retards

No it pretty much all over. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Hey i'm from California. It doesn't sound very nice if being lumped with us is a bad thing. The only thing I don't like in Texas are the Cowboys.
I am from Idaho and now live in Utah. I have encountered Texas and California hunters in both states. I have found them to be the BEST guys I have come in contact with. I have never had anything but a good experience with the out of state hunter. They usually are well prepared, willing to shoot the breeze, kind....and they spend the money in my home states.
So dad wrap, no.
How does this stuff get started? Geez!

Texans are NO different than any other group of Americans!

I have a lot of friends in Texas. Thank God, most of them stay there!


Seems a guy cruises through a stop sign and gets pulled over by a local policeman. Guy hands the cop his driver's license, insurance verification, plus his concealed carry permit.

"Okay, Mr. Smith," the cop says, "I see your CCW permit. Are you carrying today?"

"Yes, I am."

"Well then, better tell me what you got."

Smith says, "Well, I got a .357 revolver in my inside coat pocket. There's a 9mm semi-auto in the glove box. And, I've got a .22 magnum derringer in my right boot."

"Okay," the cop says. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, back in the trunk, there's an AR15 and a 12 gauge shotgun. That's about it."

"Mr. Smith, are you on your way to or from a gun range?"


"Well then, what are you afraid of?"

"Not a damn thing."
Here that! Treed
I would rather have 20,000 cali and texans hunt in Colorado than 1 utard!!!!

Here's my take on the topic. Out-of-state hunters can be fit into two categories whether you are a Utard, Californian, or a Texan.

First category are those out-of-staters that take hunting seriously. They hunt out-of-state because they love nature and pursuing their hunting dreams...and most likely, their own state does not provide ample opportunity because they like to hunt that much. They take time to understand the state's regulations, property boundaries, and take pride in knowing they are doing things right.

Second category of out-of-staters have a horrible attitude. These hunters have spent lot of money on their out-of-state hunt and they are going to get every cent worth of the #$##@$ wildlife agency that bent them over with tag fees,etc..!

Many times these are the "shoot 'em up" type. They acquire as many tags as they can (antlerless included) to help justify their trip expenses and so they can get as much trigger time as possible. This is not their backyard so they don't care to be good stewards. In fact some go out of their way to be destructive. They don't have respect for property boundaries. They intentionally litter.

You ask if Texans have a bad reputation? My parents run a tourist business out of southern Utah and my dad is always happy when Texans make reservations because of their genuine friendliness, honesty, and willingness to spend money. With that said, I have met a Texan hunter in Wyoming that fit the second category...poachin' idiot.

My point is each state has stand-up quality hunters as well as dipstick hunters. Texans and Californians get beat-up most because of the sheer quantity of them that migrate out of state to hunt each fall.
I haven't seen a whole lot of Texans here in MT, but I think the biggest reasons Californians are looked down upon here, is because of sheer numbers... In certain areas that i've hunted, they have simply taken over. They drive every road in their trucks and four wheelers and rarely get out to walk. Not saying all are like this, but a high majority of the ones i've come across, although polite and nice, were road hunters.

"Like a midget at the urinal, always be on your toes!"
I grew up in Cali and now live in Texas. Now what??? Should I stop applying for tags In the west?? What have I done!!!!???? LOL I think it is the individual. I have met many great people on hunts, in fact I stay in touch with a few pretty regular.

I have only met one guy that was a #####. I was a about 13-14 and my dad had an X-5b deer tag in cali. We were scouting during antelope season. We were headed down to a spring in the pick-up to pitch camp and this a-hole came screaming out of his blind yelling and waving his arms like WTF!! How the hell were we supposed to know he had a blind set up on a water hole? We contemplated heavy about me getting on the 4-wheeler and my dad on the ridge with the spotter and when the goats headed to water I would make a rip down the road on the wheeler. LOL Put up a sign or something down the road if you are going to try and hunt on a well traveled road?? Some people have no manners. Like my dad said he was either really tough or stupid being an a-hole out in the middle of nowhere by himself. How did the guy not know we were killers, thieves or fighters???
I saw this at a rest stop restroom once.

"here I sit with cheeks a flexin'
givin' birth to another Texan"

I think of that every time Roy makes a post.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-10 AT 03:25PM (MST)[p]Hey you are whatyouchase and prematureshooter81 we don't have to hunt colorado to shoot your bucks we just hunt the border and listen to you #####, so don't worry. Oh by the way went out again got another hen and two drakes. Thank you both for being douchebags this site would be boring with out you.

UTAH RULES all you UTAH haters can kiss my ass.

Back on subject I have ran into lots of Californians and have nothing bad to say about them. Every state has it's good and bad apples. As far as texans never ran into one her in Utah but have friends from there and there stand up hunters and good guys and gals all around.
>I saw this at a rest
>stop restroom once.
>"here I sit with cheeks a
>givin' birth to another Texan"
>I think of that every time
>Roy makes a post.


LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-10 AT 06:15PM (MST)[p]Californians get beat up multiple times daily on most outdoor message boards.

Kalifornia, Californicator, Caliboy,you name it.

Granted we are a 'blue state" but there are lots of them out there.

Most of it is due to the population of treehugging liberal freaks that inhabit California.
I see it as the "Urbanization"of America.
People that have lost touch with their outdoor heritage.
All major US cities and suburbs are inhabited by these types, not just California.
For some strange reason, people lump us California hunters into the very same category as our mutual enemies.

I see it constantly.
Statements like "I wish California would fall off into the Pacific", "Transplant all the wolves & Grizzlies into Cali."
Everyone seems to complain about Californians moving into their home state and then wanting to change it into California.
Hell, I bet some wish they had what I have here.
A nice home in the country, with hunting & fishing available just a few minutes away.
Funny the guys I run with are the very same type of people as the hard core hunters found anywhere else.
They live to hunt & fish, love and respect their quarry and it's habitat and are respectful and law abiding when travelling out of state to hunt.
It sickens me to see good honest hunters get their vehicles vandalized and be labeled with a scarlet letter simply because of their license plate that is on their rig.

It seems like even the most hardcore California hunters (and I know plenty) get lumped into this phukked up category of incompetent slob hunter.
It seems that this label is pased down from generation to generation in some places.

I've been here & on other message boards quite a long time and have always tried to show the positives of my life in California.
Wide open spaces, ranching, beautiful rivers with incredible fish, a two buck limit that is completely obtainable if you put forth the effort even on public land, great waterfowling, great predator and bear hunting and plenty of rugged scenic mountain country that is open to all.

An example would be my recent post thatwas a tribute to my son.

I often see fellow California hunters bemoaning their misfortunes of living here as well and that just fuels the anti California fires even more.

I'm just a working stiff that punches a clock in a grocery store.
I'm no rich guy that buys his way into every outdoor opportunity, I've done a few big guided hunts, but I'm 99% a DIY guy.
I've enjoyed a great outdoor life with my family that I'm sure rivals a lot of people that live in "prime outdoor destinations" such as the Rocky Mountain States.
Sure I'm blessed to have some connections to private land hunting, but I feel that there is plenty of opportunity here if a guy gets serious about it, and that our hunters and fishermen are really no different than those found in other states be they good, bad or ugly.

Anytime you try to generalize an entire population the size of either Texas or California you are going to be more wrong than right.

Sorry for the rant, I guess I just get a tad battle weary.
Welcome to Utah, now go home. lol I have hunted in New Mexico and Wyoming and have had poss encounters each time. Talked to some Oregon hunters, very nice guys. I have a-lot of family in California (uncles) who I grew up hunting with here in Utah.

As far as Texas I have no opinion that would be negative. Never encountered one of them hunters. Their state is so damn big why would they hunt other states? LOL.

I have visited Dallas, Houston, and Amarillo for other things and found the folks very friendly.
Yup.......those Californians don't ever get out of the truck......and they aren't real hunters. :)

BOHNTR )))---------->
Next weak eye am going two ran a marathon with my sister and hear best frend. there grate long distance ranners and can't weight to compete against them. eye just hope the corse don't take us into utah. don't think eye can keep this illiteracy up long enough two blend inn.

any of you idiots pay attention in English class?
I think Texans get a bad wrap because all you got to do is watch the Outdoor Channel and more sooner then later a show will come on of some Texans baiting deer, shooting animals behind a high fence, shooting African game in Texas etc. etc. That being said I also think Utards are the most hated sportsmen of them all. I have family that owns a couple thousand acres in Franklin county Idaho, the only sportsmen I hear them complain about are Utahans.
>AT 06:21?PM (MST)

>AT 06:20?PM (MST)

>Ill take 5 Californians (as long
>as they were born North
>of San fag)over a Texan
>any day,by far the most
>ignorant bunch of dipshitz Ive
>ever met.Worked with one for
>over a year before he
>finally got canned,his response to
>every single question asked him
>was "Doo Whutt?" we thought
>he was deaf turned out
>he was just from Texas....

LMAO!!! Was his name Roy?? J/K
lmao, nothing to do with punctuation simpleton, it's called grammar. your posts would make more sense and be easier to read if you knew how to spell
Here that! Treed
Wow apron81 I can't believe how hostile you get!! I thought we were friends !! You keep shootin hens and does and you won't have ##### to shoot. Then will you say Utah rules I think not( try to keep up) ! You are the reason we can't stand our dimwitted stepbrothers from the west!!!
Oh buy the way if Utah is so great stay the f[]<k their
LMAO Nails!
I like Texans. I used to joke about them growing up because of my ignorance. Now, damn near every Texan I've met has been courteous, honest, friendly, and welcome to share my camp anytime.
The problem is that most of the "West States" need Texas hunters to contribute to their economy. The attitude that all Texas hunters bait deer, buy multiple tags, etc. is blown out of porportion by uninformed out of staters that watch too much tv. I could go into detail about what I have witnessed in some west states but the thin skinned whinners on this site would go into orbit. Dont start running down another state when all you have to do is look in the mirror, or next door, across the street and find the same traits that your complaining about.
Yes, as a group they do. It reminds me of an old saying. No one gives you a reputation, you earn it.

That said, doesn't mean all of them are bad.
I think all the unfair chase chit should go. I get so sick of seeing bucks of the Tecomota or whatever and for the people that are on it thinking they are doing some real hunting. What I'm sure a lot of people dont know and that these type of shows dont show is how the deer are trained for when food, etc is being dropped by an alarm. It goes off and out they come just in time for some "hunting" and footage.
I think the big thing with Texans is how you constantly have to here how great Texas is, and everything is bigger & better in Texas and on and on....

Then they bring that leasing crap here and have pretty much destroyed access to private land. This year we had to hear about how much money they paid for vouchers, and how much money they have blah, blah, blah....

But, traveling Texes hunters aside, when I was stationed at Ft Hood, I found the Texans extremely nice and enjoyed it down there, but just for the record, just about every Texan I met was obsessed with Colorado and came here as much as they could for all types of vacations. Apparently not everythig is better down there LOL!
As stated above, its a number thing, when you go hunting all you run into is texas and cali hunters. They take the brunt of the complaints from the locals..this year during archery, a texas butt#### blocked the road with his truck on a real steep hill. all he would have to do was backup 10yrds and I could have gotton around.. man was I pived! took me an extra hour to get turned around and go in a different way. but I have also seen some great hunter from out-of-state,who work hard for there game..
I have hunted muleys in four different states the last couple years..I have talked with California guys in every hunt I was on..they were very nice guys who seemed to know what they were doing when it came to hunting common thing I noticed was everyone of them I talked to made sure you knew they were from northern California....thought that was kind of funny...
+1 don't forget to add how glad they are that "Daddy" sent them to Colorado and bought the LO tags...

I have met very few Texans and Californians with additude but the ones that do bring the additude leave a lasting impression and a sour taste. I brush it off as we have a bunch of real dip-wads in Colorado too. Makes me more determined to be as curtious as I can to make up for others and I have instilled this same mentality within my boys. begs the question, if Texans and Californians are so bad, just exactly what makes the rest of you Nimrods so almighty special?

Simply living in a state where the game is plentiful, does not elevate your personal "goodness".

When you get right down to it, for the most part, take away your hunting opportunities and you don't have a Hell of a lot left to come there for. Subtract tourist dollars from your economy and then what?

I doubt the "Monster Muley Statistics", regarding where the "good guys" live.

I have hunted, worked and lived in several of the western states and I can assure you, EVERY state has it's share of idiots.

Read some of the posts on this site and THEN brag about how special you are...a lot of the jokes about people from Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, have strong basis for facts.

Most of you believe that "higher education", means that your high school was located above 5,000 feet!

"you'll shoot your eye out kid!"
That's funny :) he must be.... only people from southern cal are educated....and everyone else is nimrods
Ive lived in Cali for a couple years, Texas for 13 years, and Utah now for almost 20 years. Ive come to find that if you are going to judge a person w/o knowing them, then you'd have more success at looking at their window stickers than their license plate. Most of the folks with all of the stupid hunting stickers plastered across their trucks are usually the ones that give their state a bad name. I see more of those stupid stickers in Utah than anywhere else. Texas hunting and western hunting are not really even in the same realm. I have not hunted in California before, but if HunterHarry is a typical Cali hunter, Id welcome all of them here.
Here that! Treed
Grizzmoose that is so true about hunting stickers!! Every truck I see from Utah in Colorado hunting looks like they bought of cabelas sticker department.
I've not had a bad experience with the few out of state hunters I've seen or spoken with, but then I don't cross paths with or talk to many out in the field.

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