Do I dare Post this here?



after the wheat delemma last week, what if this is true?...

Don't let the milk industry murder you and your family!
The inside scoop on the most crooked gang of thieves in the country? they're getting rich selling you milk-flavored poison... But don't despair, I'm about to show you how to save your life!

Sirens scream and the deafening roar of helicopters fill the area surrounding the farm. Searchlights flicker everywhere. FBI agents dash from their cars with guns drawn and kick through the front door of the house...

Are they after a serial killer...or busting up an international drug ring? No!

They're fighting to keep one of the greatest natural medicines known to mankind out of your hands...
"This is the only

definitive book on milk ever written."
"It should change the attitude of the American people concerning the value of unprocessed foods. Every American concerned about his health should read this book."

?Jack Mathis President, Mathis Dairy

What you're about to read could be the most important thing you've seen in your life. I do not consider it an exaggeration to say that this nation's destiny?and the destiny of everyone in it?will be affected by what we do about milk.

Save your life?and the life of your family:
Discover RAW TRUTH behind America's milk scandal!

It's an udder outrage! I've warned against the dangers of pasteurized milk for nearly 30 years and I'm appalled it's STILL not illegal. I even testified against pasteurization before the South Carolina legislature.

Pasteurized, homogenized milk is brewed up in big factories, boiled beyond recognition and so chemically "enhanced" that by the time it gets to you it's just milk-flavored poison I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole?let alone serve it to my child.

But you'd just go on drinking this crud without knowing that it could cost you your life!

Why? Because the agriculture industry shells out BIG BUCKS to cloud the truth with their own "studies" on how fabulous pasteurization is...and trust me, these guys are worse than tobacco lobbyists!

Meanwhile, whole raw milk?perhaps nature's most perfect food?is criminalized like some sort of street drug. Anyone selling it could face investigation, serious jail time or be forced to pay huge fines.\When in fact...

Raw milk, animal fat, and animal protein in your diet
can save your life our greatest agricultural loss today is due to our senseless destruction of fresh, raw milk through pasteurization and ultra-pasteurization, which turns a great food into a white, "milk- flavored drink," about as nutritious as a glass of Cola.

A switch to unprocessed, unpasteurized milk should be a national priority...

Because raw milk is the hidden key
to unlimited health!

...and today I'm bringing you the scoop you need to fight off the milk criminals of the world, protect your family and with any luck, get the most out of your milk? nature's MOST PERFECT FOOD!
It was a year ago I warned you all about "Big Milk"
Never mind Big Oil the real threat is "Big Milk"

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
I know it's laughable, I read a story last month where girls as young as 7 were having their breast developing, they claimed it was from the growth hormone in beef.....
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-08 AT 09:05PM (MST)[p]I was told by a doctor that you could drink straight bovine hormone and it would pass through your digestive tract and be completley harmless.
Human body would not be affected at all and would not even recognize it as a hormone.
Being in the meat business I get people freaking out about hormones & antibiotics all the time.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-08 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]


Damn, This photo comes in handy sometimes....

I always liked that photo, really seemed to make the dinky dog hunters mad for some reason.


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