do any of work with one of these guys?


eli (Guest)

We have aguy that just started working with us that is single mid-30's seems to KNOW IT ALL, have the best things whether its hunting stuff or shoes he wears. He denounces marriage I think it is because no woman would lay him if thier life depended on it, and seems to point out that you stuff has problems and knows how to fix it. just curious We all like him but we would like to punch him in the nose sometimes.
You mean theres only one where you work?

So u ask this guy what time it is and he tells u how to make a clock? Well try this ask him if he knows what a satisfied woman sounds like. And if he says no what. Then just say I didn't think so. And if he says yeah he know's then just say. So what do they sound like.


no one knows
There is a space between "aguy". If you combine the word "a guy" to aguy, It changes the meaning of what you're trying to say.

Main Entry: aguy
Pronunciation: &-'gI
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French en gogues in mirth
: full of intense interest or excitement : EAGER <kids all aguy over new toys>

NOW, I'm not one to correct you, or dumb peaople like you, But I am 31 years old and Do know everything so I took Offence to your post !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
WUZ Sumone Caling me a Coledge boy ?~?~? :) :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
A dude like that just got fired from my place of employment. He always seemed to have the craziest "back in the day" sex stories.
those crack me up..

so there i was was, naked on her bed-she came in the bedromm with a saddle and set of jumper cables....
Work with the guy? At the rate he's going soon I will be working FOR him. This guy's a little older than your example but I think he taught all the rest. He has done everything there is to do. He skis, he sky dives, he hunts, he races cars, he races motorcycles, he guarded nuclear weapons in the air force, he is a software tester for all the name brand companies (they come to him, give him secret codes to their software so he can test it without buying any of it), he has a friend who's in the FBI that can get him anything ("I mean anything, if you know what I mean"), he designed and built all 20 of the computers he has in his garage, he can weld anything, build anything, he knows everyone who is anyone, his son is running the Navy, his daughter is a beauty queen, he has supervised hundreds of people at all his past jobs (all of which were far better companies than ours and he could go back to in a heartbeat). Off course women just flock to him (in his dreams), he even has a knock out, drop dead gorgeous dental hygenist who rubs herself on him as he gets his teeth cleaned (and it takes five or six shots of novacaine to even start to numb him up). He can drink a fifth of tequila without even catching a buzz. Oh and he used to hang out with Hugh Heffner at the Playboy mansion. I am pretty confident that none of your guys could hold a candle to this guy. He can out-lie anyone. Some of you may know him so I won't go into too much detail. Suffice it to say, "Dan IS the Man!".
everywhere i ever worked there was a guy like that. unfortunately i think it was me.......... but i really do know it all, really. did i ever tell ya about the time ..........

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